Download general and professional pedagogy. General professional pedagogy. Scope of discipline and types of academic work

Download general and professional pedagogy.  General professional pedagogy.  Scope of discipline and types of academic work
Download general and professional pedagogy. General professional pedagogy. Scope of discipline and types of academic work

General and professional pedagogy. Bukharova G.D., Mazaeva L.N., Polyakova M.V.

Ekaterinburg: 2003. - 297 p.

The textbook reveals the content of the main questions on general and professional pedagogy, the history of pedagogy and philosophy of education, which are submitted for the state exam in psychological and pedagogical training.
Intended for students of specialty 030500 – Professional training for preparing and passing the state exam in psychological and pedagogical training.

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Introduction 3
1.1. Pedagogy as a science. Subject and tasks of pedagogy 5
1.2. Formation and development of philosophy of education. Its interdisciplinary context 8
1.3. Leading trends in the development of modern education. Main contradictions 19
1.4. Concepts, theories and models of education 26
2.1. Concepts of educational content 36
2.2. Educational standards and core curriculum. State educational standard 40
2.3. Educational programs and textbooks 42
2.4. The pedagogical process as a system and holistic education 45
2.5. The concept of the educational system. Educational institutions 48
2.6. Learning process. Teaching and learning 50
2.7. Components of the learning process. Problems of human social learning. Reflection 51
2.8. Innovative educational processes. Typology and diversity of educational institutions 55
2.9. Innovation. Author's schools 58
3.1. The concept of education. Social essence of education 62
3.2. Types of education 66
3.3. Pedagogical theories of education 70
3.4. Goals and objectives of education in modern conditions. Genesis of educational goals 75
4.1. Regularities of the education process 84
4.2. Principles of education 86
4.3. Parenting methods and styles 90
4.4. Educational process. Conditions for its effectiveness 96
4.5. Educational system. Requirements for the educational system from the perspective of modernization of education 98
5.1. Patterns and principles of learning 100
5.2. Teaching Methods 102
5.3. Learning Tools 104
5.4. Forms and organization of training 107
6.1. The concepts of “management” and “pedagogical management” 111
6.2. Control theory. Basic concepts of control theory 114
6.3. Management of educational systems 119
6.4. State-public education management system 121
6.5. Basic functions of pedagogical management 123
6.6. Principles of management of pedagogical systems 128
6.7. Methods, style and forms of management of pedagogical systems 130
Educational management and marketing. Management and marketing in the field of vocational education 134
6.9. Institutions of general and vocational education and problems of managing their development 136
6.10. Concept of quality. Quality of education 137
6.11. State policy in the field of quality of education 139
7.1. History of vocational education in Russia. Stages of formation and development of vocational education 143
7.2. Formation of vocational education abroad 148
8.1. The concepts of “vocational education” and “vocational training” 154
8.2. Professional development of a specialist’s personality. Stages of professional development 157
8.3. Main directions of development of the vocational education system in Russia 161
9.1. Primary vocational education as a socio-pedagogical system 167
9.2. Requirements for the qualification level of teachers and vocational training masters 172
9.3. System of secondary vocational education 174
9.4. Contents of vocational education 182
9.5. Higher professional education 185
10.1. Design of general and vocational education systems 189
10.2. The essence of forecasting 191
11.1. Characteristics of pedagogical research methods 192
11.2. Pedagogical diagnostics. Functions of pedagogical diagnostics, its meaning and types 201
11.3. Monitoring in education. Types of monitoring 204
Conclusion 209
List of recommended literature 213
Appendix 1. Biographical index 212
Appendix 2. Glossary of basic concepts and terms 234
Appendix 3. National doctrine of education in the Russian Federation 264
Appendix 4. Concept of modernization of Russian education for the period until 2010 270
Appendix 5. Main thoughts about pedagogy 294

Pedagogy studies the essence, trends and prospects for the development of pedagogy. process as a factor and means of human development throughout his life.

Object n is the process of formation, and subject p – a real holistic pedagogical process, purposefully organized in a special setting. social institutions (family, educational institutions, cultural and educational institutions, etc.) Academician Slastenin V.A.

P. develops theory and technology - practice arr. process. This science about the holistic process of human education includes:

1. Training

2. Education

3. Personal development

Functions of pedagogy:

1. Theoretical

1) Descriptive - studied. advanced and innovative experience

2) Diagnostic - identifying the state of phenomena

3) Prognostic - conducting an experiment. research

2. Technological

1) Project level – development of methodological materials, plans, programs, teaching aids for vocational education

2) Transformational level - introduction of scientific achievements into teaching practice

3) Reflective level - analysis of scientific research results

Professional pedagogy- studies pedagogical processes focused on a person’s specific professional education.

Object of pp. It is not only the relatively narrow sphere of professional training of a person for work, but also the entire software system. The software system includes a set of professional educational programs and standards, professional image. institutions of various types, types and forms of ownership, vocational education management bodies. Subject item has a two-pronged character: “the pedagogical process of formation of the required professional qualities of an individual and the pedagogical system that sets the target, content and actually professional (technological) components of such formation.

Objectives of professional pedagogy

1. Development of theoretical and methodological foundations of vocational education and research methods in professional pedagogy.

2. Justification of the essence, aspects and functions of vocational education.

3. Studying the history of the development of professional education and pedagogical thought.

4. Analysis of the current state and forecasting the development of vocational education in our country and abroad.

5. Identification of patterns of professional training, education and personal development.

6. Development of educational standards and content of vocational education.

7. Development of new methods, means, forms, systems and technologies of vocational education.

8. Determination of principles, methods and methods of managing vocational pedagogical systems, monitoring the vocational educational process and profession. student development.

9. Study and generalization of practice and experience in activities. Scientific analysis of innovations.

P. develops in close connection with others scientific disciplines: (abstract Ignatenko M.V.)

1) Man as a personality – philosophy, psychology

2) Man as an individual - biology, anatomy and physiology, anthropology, medicine

3) Ch. as a carrier of social economics. connections and relationships – sociology, political science

Pedagogy, having gone through a long path of development, has now turned into a branched system of scientific knowledge. To date, the following have developed branches of pedagogy:

Methods of pedagogical research is a system for studying various phenomena: training, education and development. A variety of research methods are divided into four groups

Group of methods

a brief description of

Methods for studying teaching experience, or methods of empirical knowledge

Observation- purposeful perception of any pedagogical phenomenon. There are included and not included, open and hidden, continuous and selective observation.

Conversation- method of oral questioning according to a pre-planned plan.

Interviewing- a type of conversation on pre-planned issues.

Questionnaire- a method of mass written collection of material using a questionnaire.

Study of activity products students: products, projects, graphic and other works. Studying the documentation: personal files, medical records, protocols, etc.

Experiment- a specially organized test of a pedagogical hypothesis or method. There are ascertaining and formative (transforming) experiments

Methods of theoretical research

Theoretical analysis – identification and consideration of individual aspects, signs, features, properties of pedagogical phenomena.

Inductive and deductive methods - logical methods of generalizing data obtained empirically.

Literature Study: works of scientists, dissertations, textbooks, etc.

Modeling– building models of pedagogical phenomena and processes

Mathematical methods

Registration- counting the number of certain facts.

Ranging- arrangement of collected data in a certain sequence.

Scaling- introduction of digital indicators in the assessment of individual aspects of pedagogical phenomena.

Qualimetry- translation of qualitative indicators into quantitative ones

Statistical methods

Determination of the average values ​​of the obtained indicators: determination of the median - an indicator of the middle of the series; calculating the degree of dispersion of values ​​- dispersion, i.e. standard deviation; calculation of the correlation coefficient, etc.

Stages of development of scientific pedagogy. Prospects for the development of pedagogical science.

Pedagogical thought, first outlined in the work of John Amos Comenius “The Great Didactics” in 1657, marked the beginning of the development of pedagogical theory and the purposeful organization of school education. This work can also be considered as the first prerequisite for the long, contradictory development of educational psychology over more than 250 years, because only at the end of the 19th century. it began to take shape as an independent science. The entire path of formation and development of pedagogical science can be represented by three large periods (stages).

First stage– from the middle of the 17th century. and until the end of the 19th century. – descriptive stage (within the framework of didactics) - can be called generally didactic with a clearly “felt need to psychologize pedagogy,” according to

Pestalozzi. This period is primarily represented by the names of John Amos Comenius himself (1592 - 1670), Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712 - 1778), Johann Pestalozzi (1746 - 1827), Johann Herbart (1776 - 1841), Adolf Disterweg (1790 - 1866), K. D. Ushinsky (1824 – 1870), P. F. Kapterev (1849 – 1922) - one of the founders of educational psychology. The contribution of these teacher-thinkers to the development of educational psychology is determined, first of all, by the range of problems that they considered: the connection between development, training and education; the creative activity of the student, the child’s abilities and their development, the role of the teacher’s personality, the organization of training and many others.

Second phase– experimental - lasted from the end of the 19th century. until the middle of the 20th century. During this period, educational psychology began to take shape as an independent branch, accumulating the achievements of pedagogical thought of previous centuries, focusing on and using the results of psychological and psychophysical experimental research. Educational psychology develops and takes shape simultaneously with the intensive development of experimental psychology, the creation and development of specific pedagogical systems, for example, the M. Montessori system.

The beginning of this stage in the development of educational psychology in the works of P. F. Kapterev, E. Thorndike, L. S. Vygotsky is marked by the appearance of the first experimental works in this area. L. S. Vygotsky emphasized, agreeing with G. Munsterberg, that educational psychology is a product of the last few years; that this is a new science, which, together with medicine, law, etc., is part of applied psychology.

The basis for third stage discharge– theoretical understanding, psychological justification of numerous concepts; the development of educational psychology is served by the creation of a number of strictly psychological theories of learning, i.e., the development of the theoretical foundations of educational psychology. Thus, in 1954, B. Skinner put forward the idea of ​​programmed learning, and in the 60s, L. N. Landa formulated the theory of its algorithmization. Then V. Okon and M. I. Makhmutov built a complete system of problem-based learning.

Formation of prerequisites for the transition of educational psychology to a new stage of its development with using computer technology correlates with the solution to the global problem of humanity’s transition to the 21st century. - the age of Man, century of the humanitarian era, where the development of man - a free user and creator of new information technologies provides him with freedom of action in the new post-industrial information space.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution

Higher professional education

Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University

Art Institute

Branch in Omsk


By discipline

"General and professional pedagogy"

Option No. 3

Completed by: student gr. Om-317S ID

Mitina M.V.

Checked by: Dmitrieva L.I.


  1. Characteristics and analysis of pedagogical goals

1.1 Analyze the definitions of the concept “pedagogical goal” available in various textbooks. Choose the most successful one, in your opinion, and justify your point of view. Prove the importance of pedagogical goals in the pedagogical process

1.2 Suggest a way to systematize the types of pedagogical goals or one of the taxonomies of goals

1.3 Explain the concept of “diagnostically set goal”, give examples of a diagnostically set goal for any lesson or extracurricular activity

2 What is the pedagogical meaning of the words of A.V. Suvorov: “A hardworking soul should be busy with its craft, and frequent exercises for it are as life-giving as ordinary exercises for the body”? Justify your answer. Give an example of a pedagogical situation from the field of vocational training and education that confirms this formula

3 Formulate the most pressing, in your opinion, problem of professional pedagogy in modern conditions. Justify its relevance, determine the object and subject of research of this problem, propose a hypothesis for its solution

Literature sources


Any constructive and design activity of a person, not only in pedagogy, but also in any other field, as a rule, begins with setting the goals of this activity. As activities progress, goals are transformed, supplemented, and replaced. In fact, reasonable human activity in any specific direction can be represented as activity aimed at setting and achieving a system of interrelated goals. Goals are not always conscious and presented explicitly. But awareness and clear formulation of goals at each stage of activity contribute to its success.

In the theory and practice of teaching, goal setting, being one of the cornerstone problems of didactics and being inextricably linked with all its other problems, causes serious difficulties for both future and practicing teachers.

The purpose of the study is a comprehensive analysis of pedagogical goals.

The work has the following main tasks:

Analyze the definitions of the concept of “pedagogical goal”;

Prove the importance of pedagogical goals in the pedagogical process;

Suggest a way to systematize the types of pedagogical goals;

Consider the current problem of professional pedagogy in modern conditions.

  1. Characteristics and analysis of pedagogical goals

1.1 Analyze the definitions of the concept “pedagogical goal” available in various textbooks. Choose the most successful one, in your opinion, and justify your point of view. Prove the importance of pedagogical goals in the pedagogical process

Target- ideal prediction of the results of action.

Target- anticipatory reflection of events in the human mind.

For a teacher, the goal is the purpose of teaching.

For the student, the goal is the goal of learning.

Pedagogical goal- this is the anticipation by the teacher and student (pupil) of the results of their interaction in the form of generalized mental formations, in accordance with which all other components of the pedagogical process are then correlated.

Pedagogical goal -

the expected result of the interaction between the teacher and students, formed in the mind of the teacher, in accordance with which all components of the pedagogical process are selected and correlated with each other.

Pedagogical goal - is a system-forming factor that determines the main functions of the process of training and professional development of specialists of any profile. In pedagogical systems, according to V.D. Shadrikova (1998), the goal can appear in two aspects: in one of them it represents an image of future results, in the other it is the desire for a certain level of pedagogical achievements.

In my opinion, the most successful definition is -

“The pedagogical goal is the ideal prediction of the results of action.”

Pedagogical goal reflects the philosophical, economic, moral, legal, aesthetic, biological ideas of society about the perfect person and his purpose in the life of society.

This means that the goals of a teacher’s work are determined by society, i.e. the teacher is not free to choose the final results of his work.

But the teacher must put forward specific tasks based on the goal himself, in accordance with the pedagogical conditions. The activity of a teacher is always a creative activity to manage another activity - the activity of students. At the same time, the teacher must build the logic of his activities based on the needs and interests of the student and transform them into the goals of educational work set by society.

“It should be remembered that it is important for the teacher to personally accept the social order of society, so that the goals of society “sprout” in the pedagogical position of the teacher” (Zyazyun, I.A. Fundamentals of pedagogical skill / I.A. Zyazyun. - M., 1989. - P. 7-9).

The importance of pedagogical goals:

The most important task of pedagogy is to determine the goals of upbringing and education. Pedagogical activity, like any other, is preceded by an awareness of the goal, which sets the impetus. A goal is the intended result of an activity; what they strive for, what needs to be realized. Achieving a goal generates deep satisfaction, which forms the basis of human happiness, including professional happiness.

The problem of pedagogical goal formation and goal setting must be solved at all levels of the functioning and development of educational systems. It is considered as a system-forming component of the state’s pedagogical policy. All categories of specialists whose activities are indirectly or directly related to the education of younger generations must be prepared for its practical solution.

“Education focused on the development of the individual achieves its goals to the extent that it creates a situation of demand for the individual, his powers of self-development.” Consequently, the pedagogical goal from the standpoint of personality-oriented education is not those views and beliefs that a student should have from the point of view of a teacher, but those manifestations of a person that are perceived by society as an expression of personality: acceptance and justification of activities, mediation of external influences and internal impulses of behavior , seeing the hidden contradictions of reality, criticality in relation to values ​​and norms proposed from the outside, constructing and maintaining a certain image of “I”, defining a system of one’s life meanings down to the most important thing - the essence of life, building a personal picture of the world - an individual worldview, ensuring a creative, transformative character any personally significant activity, the desire for recognition of one’s image of “I” by others, ensuring the level of spirituality of life in accordance with personal aspirations, so that a person’s life is not reduced to utilitarian goals.

1.2 Suggest a way to systematize the types of pedagogical goals or one of the taxonomies of goals

Taxonomy denotes such a classification and systematization of an object, which is built on the basis of their natural relationship and uses categories arranged sequentially, in increasing complexity, to describe objects. The cognitive area includes goals from memorizing and reproducing educational material to problem solving, during which it is necessary to rethink existing knowledge, build new combinations of them with previously studied ideas, methods, methods of action, including the creation of new ones. This includes most of the learning goals put forward in programs, in textbooks, and in the daily practice of the teacher. The use of a clear, ordered, hierarchical classification of goals is important, first of all, for the teacher for the following reasons:

The teacher's concentration on the main thing; Using taxonomy, the teacher not only identifies and constructs goals, but also organizes them, defining priority tasks, order and prospects for further work;

Clarity and transparency in the joint work of teachers and students; Specific learning goals give the teacher the opportunity to explain to students the guidelines in their overall educational work, discuss them, and make them clear for the understanding of any interested parties.

Creation of standards for assessing learning outcomes; appeal to clear statements of goals, which are expressed through performance results, are amenable to more reliable and objective assessment.

Taxonomy of pedagogical goals

Examples of generalized manifestations of categories (types) of educational goals

Knows the terms used

Knows specific facts

Knows methods and procedures

Knows basic concepts

Knows the rules and principles.

Understands facts, rules, principles.


Its indicator may be the transformation (translation) of material from one form of expression to another (for example, from verbal to mathematical); interpretation of the material

(explanation, summary) or assumption about the further course of phenomena, events (prediction of consequences, results).

Interprets verbal material

Interprets diagrams, graphs, charts,

Converts verbal material into mathematical expressions,

Presumably describes future consequences arising from existing data.


Uses concepts and principles in new situations,

Applies laws, theories in specific practical situations,

Demonstrates the correct application of a method or procedure.


This category denotes the ability to break material down into components so that the structure emerges clearly. This includes: isolating parts of the whole, identifying the relationships between them, and understanding the principles of organization of the whole.

Highlights hidden assumptions

Sees errors and omissions in logic


Distinguishes between facts and


Evaluates the significance of data.

This category denotes the ability to combine elements to create a whole that is novel. Such a new product can be: a message (speech, report), an action plan or a set of generalized connections (schemes). The corresponding learning outcomes involve activities of a creative nature with an emphasis on the creation of new patterns and structures.

Writes a short creative essay,

Proposes a plan for conducting an experiment,

Uses knowledge from different areas to create a plan to solve a problem.


This category denotes the ability to evaluate the significance of a particular material (statement, artistic work, research data) for a specific purpose. Value judgments must be based on clear criteria (either student-defined or teacher-defined).

Evaluates the logic of constructing material in the form of a written text,

Evaluates the consistency of conclusions with available data,

Evaluates the significance of a particular product of activity.

As A.A. said Shapovalov - By classifying the educational, upbringing and developmental components of the holistic pedagogical process on a variety of grounds, one can build a very branchy tree of pedagogical goals. This tree should become for the teacher the basis for scientific planning of the entire educational process.” However, it should be borne in mind that “...The proposed option for constructing a system of pedagogical goals is one of many possible ones.”

The pedagogical goals that a teacher sets when planning the educational process can be classified in a variety of ways, depending on what system-forming factor will form the basis of the classification.” However, “...with any division of goals, it should be borne in mind that the learning process is one, and accordingly the system of pedagogical goals is one. The division being carried out is arbitrary and serves only for convenience.”

Second taxonomy option:

  1. Recognition
  2. Memorization
  3. Understanding
  4. Application
  5. Synthesis (development of a plan and a possible system of actions, obtaining a system of abstract relationships)
  1. Explain the concept of “diagnostically set goal”, give examples of a diagnostically set goal for any lesson or extracurricular activity

A diagnostically formulated educational goal presupposes the ability to “unambiguously draw a conclusion about the degree of its implementation.” The criteria for diagnostically set goals are considered to be an accurate and clear description of the personal quality being formed, the availability of methods for objective and unambiguous identification of the diagnosed quality, as well as the existence of a scale for assessing the level of development of this quality.

In order for us all to feel how much we all need pedagogical science and how important its constant deepening and development is, it is necessary to do very little: a) in all academic subjects and before training in general, set diagnostic goals and, on their basis, develop training standards in educational establishments; b) carry out strict control of compliance of training with the standard based on criterion-oriented objective tests. This will create a need to search for “the most effective pedagogical systems, which is impossible to do without science. And then the question of whether we need pedagogical science can only arise in the head of a teacher who is absolutely ignorant of pedagogy, which, unfortunately, is still found in our educational institutions.

The right to these questions gives them the completely uncontrolled performance of their pedagogical functions: if a low or, worse, bad result is obtained, the student is to blame for not showing the necessary zeal or, in their opinion, offended by nature in their ability to learn. And the fact that any teaching technologies using a traditional didactic system do not give an effect above level 1 with weak automation and awareness remains unknown and incomprehensible to them.

Setting diagnostic learning goals. To achieve a given (desired) level of learning, it is necessary to set goals diagnostically, that is, to determine them through the results expressed in the actions of students, which (actions) the teacher can measure and evaluate. In traditional learning, goals are set vaguely, “non-instrumentally”: “study the theorem”, “solving quadratic equations”, “read the text expressively”, “familiarize with the principle of operation”. These goals do not describe the learning outcome, and their achievement is difficult to verify. The diagnostically set goal describes the student’s actions in terms of: knows, understands, applies, etc.

Training technology is focused on guaranteed achievement of goals and the idea of ​​complete assimilation through training procedures. After determining the diagnostically set goals for the subject, the material is divided into fragments - educational elements to be mastered. Then test work is developed by section (the sum of training elements), then training, verification, ongoing monitoring, adjustment and repeated training in other operations are organized. And so on until the given educational elements are fully mastered. Current assessments are made according to the “mastered - failed” type. The final results are explained to each student.

An accurate description of quality, the presence of a tool for measuring the intensity of manifestation of quality, and a quality assessment scale are the signs that characterize the goal as diagnostically set. If at least one of them is missing, then the target can no longer be considered diagnostic. To set a goal diagnostically means defining it through the expected results of training and education, which can be objectively measured and assessed. These results are manifested in the operations, actions, and actions of the student (group).

  1. What is the pedagogical meaning of the words of A.V. Suvorov: “A hardworking soul should be busy with its craft, and frequent exercises for it are as life-giving as ordinary exercises for the body”? Justify your answer. Give an example of a pedagogical situation from the field of vocational training and education that confirms this formula

Regular exercises for the body help a person to be in good shape and maintain health, and the soul should also be busy with its own business, so that a person does not fade away, but rather develops and discovers new possibilities in himself.

Example of a pedagogical situation:

When conducting a mathematics lesson before an exam, the teacher explained a new topic while standing at the blackboard, while asking for silence in the class. At this time, two students sitting at the last desk were looking at something and laughing loudly. The teacher made a remark, asked them to show what they were laughing at, and warned them, saying that if they did not listen to the new topic, they would not pass the exam. The students answered impudently and continued to laugh and whisper, after which, without gaining knowledge, they could not pass the exam. This served as a lesson for them in the future.

  1. Formulate the most pressing, in your opinion, problem of professional pedagogy in modern conditions. Justify its relevance, determine the object and subject of research of this problem, propose a hypothesis for its solution

The most important task today is to root a new ideological basis for our education. We say “new” - what is the essence of the necessary changes, what should be abandoned, what should be created? We need to abandon ideological dictates in education. It is necessary to return to the civilizational tradition, in the bosom of which a certain type of personality is developed, the only one capable of continuing the life of our peoples, the ethnic groups of Russia, united in the bosom of the great world Orthodox civilization.

A worldview is built either on tradition or on ideology.

Tradition develops over hundreds and thousands of years. This is the flow, the way of life, the spirit of life, with the help of which one generation adopted from the previous ones everything necessary for the preservation of a given people. Tradition is an always renewed life, passed on from generation to generation, and outside of tradition, the people have neither the strength, nor the experience, nor the opportunity to carry out their special mission in this world. Outside of tradition, a people cannot exist while maintaining its special identity; it crumbles, forming a population, a mass organized from the outside.

Today, the ideology of liberalism seeks to subjugate domestic education, which means that education is forced to provide means for the formation of a type of personality that is alien to the Orthodox civilization, incapable of living in it, continuing and supporting it. This person, just like a Soviet person, knows nothing about the Heavenly Fatherland, she is focused on the outside world, but here the feat of self-denial is no longer required. This type of personality is focused on consumption. This ideology does not encourage a person to set limits to his desires; on the contrary, it encourages their growth and teaches him to look at the outside world as a source of satisfying needs.

Such a person in relation to the outside world is not an educator and trustee, but a conqueror and enslaver. However, he is overcome by his own nature, its lusts and passions: “give in to desire”, “do not deny yourself”, “do not miss the chance to take advantage” - following these calls, a person scatters personal energy and is no longer capable of super-effort. This is a post-Soviet person. Why was the transition from the Soviet personality type to the post-Soviet one so easy, why did the Soviet person so easily abandon his ideals? And is it possible to return to them, once again placing the Russians in harsh external conditions? Soviet man wasted himself in super-efforts directed outward, exhausted the potential of personal energy created in the Orthodox civilization - this happened all the more quickly because communist ideology directed people’s activities towards the destruction of the Orthodox civilization and the destruction of those who remained faithful to its ideals. We can say that it was a suicidal ideology; it poisoned the water in the well from which it drew water.

The modern generation simply cannot solve super-tasks; they have neither the strength, nor the spirit, nor the capabilities. But Orthodox civilization did not fade into oblivion, it preserved itself in the continuity of the Church, preserved the tradition of educating an Orthodox person who is able to acquire grace through the purification of the heart, through the connection of mind with heart, through mental prayer, through the struggle with thoughts. External feat, of which the Orthodox tradition is rich in evidence, becomes only a means for acquiring grace and an expression of the high potential of the individual.

Now in Russia the time is coming when we must give the younger generation the opportunity to learn to receive this spirit, this grace, not through physical super-efforts, since it is pointless to put the current generation in these conditions, but to teach young people to acquire the grace of the Holy Spirit, to teach everyone to become an individual - a spiritual hypostasis human nature. This is possible through the restoration of the Orthodox way of life, through a return to the historical tradition that existed in Russia.

It should be said that new amendments to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” define the goals of our education at the beginning of the third millennium.

Clause 6 of Article 9 is stated as follows: “The basic general educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary (complete) general education ensure the implementation of the federal state educational standard, taking into account the type and type of educational institution, educational needs and requests of students, pupils and include curriculum, work programs of training courses, subjects, disciplines (modules) and other materials that ensure the spiritual and moral development, education and quality of training of students.”

Article 14, paragraph 2 states that “the content of education must ensure:

an adequate global level of general and professional culture of society;

formation in the student of a picture of the world that is adequate to the modern level of knowledge and the level of the educational program (level of study);

integration of the individual into national and world culture;

the formation of a person and citizen integrated into his contemporary society and aimed at improving this society;

formation of spiritual and moral personality;

reproduction and development of the human resources potential of society.”

These small but fundamentally important amendments focus on the return of spiritual and moral education and upbringing to school.

If we look at the direction in which Orthodox civilization and its culture moved - from First Rome to Byzantium, Kyiv, Moscow, then this is the direction of the northeast. When a person lives in a civilization, the direction of the civilization itself begins to shape the direction of the individual. Therefore, Russian people always moved to the east, prayed to the east, and all Orthodox churches are also directed to the east, in contrast to Catholic Western churches, which for the most part are directed to the west. Europeans even pray to the west. They are going the other way. Thus, if a Russian person becomes a resident of the Orthodox civilization, its bearer, the vast expanses of Russia, Orthodoxy, and the culture of our Fatherland open up for him. But when a person is formed and brought up with an orientation towards the West, it is more convenient for him to live in a secularized Europe. Now we are raising a person to whom Europe is closer in spirit, because he himself is retreating from Christ, and such a retreat is characteristic of Europe, European culture. A Russian person is drawn in spirit to the East.

Thus, we discover another aspect of the demographic problem: we must think not only about the problems of immigration and birth rates, but also about the problems of Russian emigration abroad. We educate people who cannot live in Russia. They are more accustomed and more pleasant to live in the Western world. We, in fact, now feed the Western world not only with natural resources, but also with people of a fairly high level of education, who are formed at our expense. But even those who remain in Russia become a kind of “internal emigrants.” Like external emigrants, they have grown from our cultural and intellectual resources, but can never work to reproduce them because they have no idea of ​​their source.

By allowing ideological dictatorship in education, we limit the possibilities for our own development. Our legislators have long understood this. The Basic Law - the Constitution prohibits the dictates of ideology - any ideology! - in public life and in the field of education.

The Constitution and laws aim at a return to tradition, at recreating historical civilizational continuity in all spheres of life, especially in such socially significant areas as education.

It is necessary to distinguish the culture of civilization from the culture of ethnic groups and not oppose them. Ethnic culture is part of civilizational culture, which, in turn, is part of world culture. A person is always born into some ethnic group. Sometimes he realizes this, sometimes he doesn’t - it depends on many specific circumstances. But man is always the bearer of the flesh and blood of his people.

An ethnic community always lives in a richer community, which we call civilization. A civilization, or cultural-historical type, is a multinational, multi-religious community. All these ethnic groups, and we have more than 150 of them, are immersed in a common civilizational culture. In turn, civilizations, interacting, form world culture.

Russian education is characterized by the study of the languages ​​of the peoples included in the empire, the study and preservation of their legal and cultural customs, social structure, and religion. And this is also an element of the spiritual and moral culture of Russia, and it must be preserved, ensuring in education the reproduction of the traditional ideological basis of our life. Orthodox culture must be included in the federal educational standard, that is, studied in all schools and regions of Russia, by all children studying in Russian schools, without distinction of religion. To study not the Orthodox confession, but the ideas of Orthodoxy about man, his calling in the world, about the moral law and ways of observing it, about how the people who built our civilization, sharing these ideals, built their soul, their home and our country, which they bequeathed to preserve and decorate for us, the current generations.

This approach is radically different from that adopted in the Western world. In the West, it is proposed to study religious disciplines as an elective subject, depending on the religious affiliation of the family. In Russia, such an approach will not be constructive. It will strengthen separatism and promote ethnic division. Why is that? Our civilization belongs to the type of value-rational, while the Western one is goal-rational. This means that Western civilization builds social life exclusively on pragmatic grounds.

Values ​​that have their source in the profession of faith are not taken into account when deciding general affairs. This is what is meant when they say that religion is a private matter. In our country, the idea of ​​religion as a private matter of the individual is usually associated with the idea that a person is not forced to profess any particular religion. But this is only one side of the issue. The second is that religion in the West really limits the scope of its action to the life problems of an individual, his private life.

The task of restoring the traditional ideological foundations of education today can and should be solved; everything is there to solve it.

A huge amount of experience has been accumulated in the study of Orthodox culture, very diverse, and today it becomes obvious to all participants in this common cause that all the directions that have been developed and exist now are parts of a single large educational field - the spiritual and moral culture of Russia, which is organically included in the content of education and transforms his. Today there is no clarity in the details, but the general plan is obvious, and there may be diversity in the details. It is necessary to update teaching methods and build them on the modern basis of student-centered pedagogy. It is necessary to correctly arrange the elements of content - what to study in elementary school, what in middle school, and what in high school. In my opinion, a greater bias in the primary grades can be made towards local history, domestic materials; in secondary schools, Orthodox culture should dominate.


In my opinion, teaching activity is one of the most important forms of human self-expression, comparable only to medical, law enforcement and other types of activities responsible for the very existence of a person. However, pedagogical activity has one important difference from others: when all the most important types of activity are called upon to be responsible for the physical existence of a person, pedagogical activity prepares him for life in society, conducting the most important part of his socialization, during which a person becomes an individual.

In my work, I fulfilled the set goals and objectives, I analyzed the definitions of the concept of “pedagogical goal”, proved the importance of pedagogical goals in the pedagogical process, proposed a way to systematize the types of pedagogical goals, and considered the current problem of professional pedagogy in modern conditions.

Used Books

1. Gromkova M.T. Psychology and pedagogy of professional activity. M.: UNITI-Dana, 2009.

2. Dick N.F. How to become a better teacher. Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2006.

3. Ivanov D.A. Teacher competencies. M.: Chistye Prudy, 2008.

4. Lapina O.A. Introduction to teaching. M.: Academia, 2008.

5. Stefanovskaya T.A. Classroom teacher. M.: Academia, 2006

students in the specialty

“Vocational training”: In 2

books / Ed. V.D. Simonenko, M.V.

Zealous. - Bryansk: Bryansky Publishing House

State University, 2003. - Book 1

Chapter 1. Introduction to the professional pedagogical specialty

§ 1. General characteristics of the professional pedagogical specialty

The essence and characteristics of the profession

Professional pedagogical specialty Requirements for the training of specialists Prospects for the development of a professional pedagogical specialty Dictionary of basic concepts § 2. Professional pedagogical activity Mnemonic diagram The essence and structure of professional pedagogical activity Contents of professional pedagogical activity Functions of professional pedagogical activity Types of professional pedagogical activity Dictionary of basic concepts § 3. Personality of a vocational training teacher Personal orientation Professional competence Professionally important qualities Professionally important qualities Psychophysiological properties of a personality Neuroticism (neuroticism) Dictionary of basic concepts § 4. Professional pedagogical culture of a vocational training teacher The essence of professional pedagogical culture Axiological component of professional pedagogical culture Technological component professional pedagogical culture Personal and creative component of professional pedagogical culture Criteria for the formation of professional pedagogical culture Dictionary of basic concepts § 5. Training of vocational teachers Basic trends in the development and principles of vocational pedagogical education System of secondary vocational pedagogical education System of higher vocational pedagogical education Dictionary basic concepts § 6. Professionalization of the activities and personality of a vocational training teacher Criteria characteristics of the professionalism of a teacher Professionalism of the personality of a vocational training teacher Professionalization of the activities of a vocational training teacher Purpose, structure and functions of increasing professionalism Structure of continuous vocational pedagogical education Dictionary of basic concepts Questions and tasks for self-control Literature for independent works Chapter 2. General foundations of pedagogy § 1. Pedagogy as a science of human education The emergence of pedagogy as a science Object, subject, functions and tasks of pedagogy Functions of pedagogy Connection of pedagogy with other sciences Pedagogy in the system of other sciences Dictionary of basic concepts § 2.

Main categories of pedagogy im12 Pedagogical system, pedagogical process, pedagogical interaction Education, upbringing, self-education, training Pedagogical technology, pedagogical task, pedagogical situation Development, formation and development of personality Factors of personality development Factors of personality development Pedagogical laws, patterns, principles and rules Dictionary of basic concepts Dictionary of basic concepts § 3. Methodology of pedagogy and methodology of pedagogical research The essence of methodology of pedagogy and methodological culture of the teacher Levels of methodological knowledge Levels of methodological knowledge Philosophical and general scientific levels of methodology of pedagogy Specific methodological principles of pedagogical research Organization and logic of pedagogical research Organization and logic of pedagogical research Logic (stages) of research Logic (stages) research Methods of pedagogical research Approbation and presentation of research results Dictionary of basic concepts Dictionary of basic concepts § 4. Holistic pedagogical process Essence and structure of the pedagogical process Stages of solving a pedagogical problemStages of solving a pedagogical problem Pedagogical process as an integral, dynamic system Model of the pedagogical process as an integral dynamic system Logic and conditions of construction holistic pedagogical process Logic and conditions for constructing a holistic pedagogical process Holistic pedagogical activity Holistic pedagogical activity and components of educational content Holistic activity of students Dictionary of basic concepts Dictionary of basic concepts § 5. Pedagogical innovations § 5. Pedagogical innovations Essence, classification and directions of pedagogical innovations Technology, barriers and conditions for implementation innovative processes Innovative educational institutionsInnovative educational institutions Comparative characteristics of a traditional and innovative educational institution Personality and factors of creative self-development of an innovative teacher Dictionary of basic concepts Dictionary of basic concepts § 6. Professional pedagogy as a branch of scientific knowledge Object, subject and functions of professional pedagogy Object, subject and functions of professional pedagogy Objectives and structure of professional pedagogy Tasks and structure of professional pedagogy Main categories of professional pedagogy Main categories of professional pedagogy Structure of the academic course of professional pedagogy Dictionary of basic concepts Dictionary of basic concepts Questions and tasks for self-control Literature for independent work Chapter 3. Education as a sociocultural phenomenon § 1. The essence, aspects and functions of education§ 1. The essence, aspects and functions of education The essence of the concept of educationThe essence of the concept of education Aspects of educationAspects of education Functions of educationFunctions of education Dictionary of basic concepts § 2. Leading paradigms of education Cognitive paradigmCognitive paradigm Personally oriented paradigm Relationship between teacher and student in traditional and personality-oriented pedagogy Functionalist paradigm Culturological paradigmCulturological paradigm The relationship between culture and education Dictionary of basic concepts Dictionary of basic concepts § 3. Historical theories of learning Associative theory of learning.

Problem-based learning theory.

The theory of the gradual formation of mental actions.

Theory of educational activity Theory of developing learning.

The theory of project-based learning.

Dictionary of basic concepts § 4. Models of education General characteristics of models of education Comparative analysis of modern models of education Dictionary of basic concepts § 5. Types and levels of education General education Preschool education.

Primary general education Basic education Secondary (complete) general education Vocational education Additional education Dictionary of basic concepts § 6. Regulatory framework of education Legislative framework of education Regulatory framework of education Dictionary of basic concepts § 7. Competencies and trends in the development of education in the modern world Modern competencies of education Basic trends in the development of education Goals and objectives of the modernization of Russian education Dictionary of basic concepts Questions and tasks for self-control Literature for independent work Chapter 4. Genesis and prospects for the development of the theory and practice of vocational education § 1. Formation and development of vocational education abroad Formation of vocational education abroad Development of theory and the practice of industrial education abroad in the late 19th - first half of the 20th centuries.

Dictionary of basic concepts § 2. Formation and development of domestic vocational education Formation of domestic vocational education Development of the theory and practice of domestic vocational education in the late XIX - first half of the XX century.

The system of public education in pre-revolutionary Russia The relationship between general, polytechnic and vocational education Dictionary of basic concepts § 3. The current state of vocational education abroad Models of vocational education Vocational education systems Dictionary of basic concepts § 4. System of professional training in the Russian Federation System of professional training in the Russian Federation Dictionary of basic concepts § 5. Historically established systems and concepts of vocational education The concept of training one profession. Multi-professional training Stepped training The concept of basic and special vocational training Multi-level vocational training Training of specialists for shortened periods of study Diversification of education Dictionary of basic concepts § 6. Modern requirements for a professional im79 Modern requirements for personnel training Professionally determined personality structure Professional and key qualifications and competencies Professional development Dictionary of basic concepts § 7. Main directions of development of vocational education Vocational education in general Basic (primary and secondary) vocational education Higher vocational education Dictionary of basic concepts Questions and tasks for self-control Literature for independent work Chapter 1. Introduction to the professional pedagogical specialty To be a good teacher, you need to love what you teach and love those to whom you teach.

IN. Klyuchevsky § 1. General characteristics of the professional pedagogical specialty Mnemonic diagram The essence and characteristics of the profession In order for human society to develop, it must pass on social experience to new generations. Therefore, the emergence of the teaching profession has objective grounds.

For a deeper insight into the essence of the teaching profession, one should turn to the etymology of the word “teacher”. In ancient Greece, a teacher was a slave who literally took his master's child by the hand and accompanied him to school.

Gradually, the word “pedagogy” began to be used in a more general sense to denote the art of “leading a child through life,” i.e. educate and train him, guide his spiritual and physical development.

According to the dictionary of foreign words, “teacher” (Greek paidagogos - pais (paidos) - child + ago I lead, educate) is used as a general name for professions related to the education and upbringing of primarily children and youth - educator, teacher, lecturer.

The formation of pedagogy into an independent science is associated with the name of the great Czech teacher John Amos Comenius (1592-1670) in connection with the writing of the outstanding work “The Great Didactics”, which formulated most of the principles, methods and forms of organizing the pedagogical process adopted in modern general education and vocational schools .

The teaching profession is a profession that is special in its essence, significance and controversy.

According to the classification proposed by E.A. Klimov, the teaching profession belongs to a group of professions whose subject of labor is another person. The main difference from other professions of the “person-to-person” type is that it belongs to both the class of transformative and the class of management professions.

Based on the essence of the teaching profession, such features as humanism, the creative nature of activity, and the collective nature of work are distinguished.

Humanism is an expression of a special attitude towards a person as the highest value of life. A teacher’s humanism is manifested in the willingness to help other people, show respect, show care and complicity. He builds his relationships with students, taking into account their interests and abilities, peculiarities of thinking due to age and individual characteristics.

Creativity - the creation of cultural or material values ​​that are new in design. Creativity is an important characteristic of pedagogical activity. Pedagogical creativity is understood as a process of solving creative problems in changing circumstances.

Unlike creativity in other areas (science, art, technology), the teacher’s creativity does not have as its goal the creation of a socially valuable new, original, since its product always remains the development of the individual.

The collective nature of the teacher’s activity is also considered one of its features, because

the result of teaching activity depends on other teachers, family and other sources of influence. In addition, the result of the work depends on the psychological climate in the team and the level of cooperation of teachers, their mental and physical well-being.

Professional and pedagogical specialty In the field of education, as in other areas of material and spiritual production, there is a tendency towards intra-professional differentiation. In this regard, vocational pedagogical education was separated into an independent branch of specialist training.

According to the current classifier of specialties of higher professional education, pedagogical and vocational-pedagogical specialties are included in the group of specialties united by the general name “education”.

Groups of specialties are formed according to professional principles. The essence of the professional principle of forming groups of specialties is that each specialty can be attributed to one or another profession: geologist, metallurgist, medical worker, teacher. The formation of groups on a professional basis is essential for determining the general content of general professional education for a group of specialties.

The concept of “specialty” in the field of education can be considered as a category that characterizes the focus and content of education when studying in a higher and secondary specialized educational institution;

In the field of education, a specialty indicates, first of all, the type of activity of a specialist and the scope of his work (for example: “Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles,” “Nursing,” etc.). To receive an education in a specialty means to master a body of knowledge, skills and abilities that make it possible to perform certain professional functions.

Obtaining the specialty “Teacher of Vocational Education” can be carried out in the system of higher (university) and secondary vocational education (colleges, technical schools).

Higher vocational pedagogical education prepares and graduates specialists with the qualification “Vocational Education Teacher”. According to the standard of the year, the qualifications of “engineer-teacher”, “economist-teacher”, “agronomist-teacher”, “fashion designer-teacher”, “designer-teacher” and others are awarded.

Currently, the system of vocational pedagogical education of the Russian Federation includes 83 universities and 83 educational institutions of secondary vocational education. Industrial training masters are trained by non-specialized colleges, 2 technical schools and 3 pedagogical schools. In recent years, many technical schools have transformed into colleges due to the introduction of advanced professional educational programs. Educational programs in these educational institutions are classified under the general specialty “Vocational Training”.

The specificity of the activities of a professional pedagogical worker is that he, as a pedagogical worker, will have to organize and carry out industrial training on the principles of combining it with productive work without compromising the educational process. This places high demands on industry-specific training. Performing the functions of a master of industrial training, according to the standard, the teacher must have a level of qualification in a working profession that exceeds that planned for graduates of primary vocational education.

Features of vocational pedagogical education and training of specialists in comparison with pedagogical training are shown in the table.

The main difference between vocational and pedagogical education is that PVE is aimed at the formation of an individual capable of effective self-realization in the field of primary (PPE) and secondary vocational education (SVE), capable of performing all vocational and educational functions for training workers and specialists, and also capable of training personnel at enterprises and organizations. Pedagogical education is focused on training specialists for preschool and general education institutions.

Requirements for the training of specialists The list of professional tasks for which a student must be prepared is disclosed in the qualification requirements for a graduate and reflected in the Standard. It determines the place of a specialist in the field of production, the requirements for his civic, ideological and professional qualities, knowledge and skills necessary to perform labor functions.

In conditions of pronounced intra-professional differentiation, the activities of teachers of different specialties are aimed at solving general organizational and purely pedagogical problems in the holistic pedagogical process, which is what distinguishes the modern teacher-educator-instructor.

A vocational education teacher with a higher professional education can hold positions as teachers of general education and special disciplines, as well as masters of industrial training. He must be prepared to perform the following types of professional and pedagogical activities: vocational training and education, production and technological activities, educational and methodological work, organizational and managerial activities, scientific research, cultural and educational activities.

Prospects for the development of the economy and social sphere require new professional and personal qualities from mid-level specialists, among which we should highlight systems thinking, environmental, legal, information, communication culture, entrepreneurship culture, the ability to be self-aware and present to others, the ability to consciously analyze one’s activities, independent actions in conditions of uncertainty, creative activity and responsibility for the work performed.

A vocational training teacher organizes and conducts theoretical training in general education and special educational subjects, as well as industrial training (practical training in groups of related professions). He organizes and conducts educational work: professionally guides young people, educates and develops professionally important and significant personality traits of a modern worker, organizes and takes an active part in experimental and scientific research work on the problems of vocational education. Carries out organizational and methodological activities in educational institutions (creates pedagogical projects for the content of education, private teaching methods and innovative activities).

It develops educational and methodological documentation (main professional educational programs: curricula and subject programs, manuals, recommendations). Takes an active part in equipping and developing the material base of the educational institution. Along with this, he takes an active part in organizational and management work in institutions and organizations of vocational education.

After graduating from a secondary vocational pedagogical educational institution, the graduate receives a double qualification: “technician” (“technologist”, “economist”, etc.) and “master of industrial training”. Some educational institutions provide “mono” qualifications:

"technician-master of industrial training."

The industrial training master performs the following main types of activities: training and production activities, educational work, methodological work, organizational and management activities, operational and maintenance activities.

The profession of a vocational education teacher belongs to a complex group of few professions that function simultaneously in two heterogeneous systems: “person-person”, “person-technology”. A vocational education teacher is a qualification that has many specialties.

The list of specialties is the field of activity of specialists. The change in the list of specialties is associated with general trends in the development of production, technology, culture, and the service sector in society.

According to the 2000 standard, all specializations for which specialists with higher professional and pedagogical education are trained are represented by the following sectors:

automobiles and automotive manufacturing;

agricultural engineering;


mining and beneficiation of minerals;


Informatics, computer engineering and computer technology;

materials science and processing;

metallurgical production;

environmental protection and natural resource management;

processing of forest resources and wood processing industries;

food production and catering;

production of consumer goods;

construction, installation and repair technologies;

chemical production;

electronics, radio engineering, communications;

economics and Management;

electrical power engineering, electrical engineering and electrical technology.

Secondary vocational pedagogical education is represented by the following educational profiles:

mining industry;

Oil and gas industry;



mechanical engineering and technological equipment;

electronic engineering, radio engineering and communications;

automation and control;

Informatics and Computer Science;


reproduction and processing of forest resources;

chemical production;



light industry;

food industry;

printing production;

production of artistic products and folk crafts.

Prospects for the development of a professional pedagogical specialty One of the strategic goals of Russia’s declared policy in the field of education is the introduction of the principles of developmental education and a personal-activity approach to learning. The implementation of these principles and methods in educational institutions of primary vocational education depends on the level of professional development of workers.

The new educational paradigm provides for reforms in the field of education in the areas of democratization, humanitarization, humanization, greening, and computerization.

Currently, the need has been identified to expand the list of industry varieties of specialty 030500 - Vocational training, highlighting such specializations as veterinary medicine, water transport, railway transport, printing, law and law enforcement, fiber production, textile and knitting production, service, tourism.

There is a need to optimize the network of higher educational institutions taking into account the needs of the system of primary vocational education due to the fact that universities that train vocational teachers are extremely unevenly located on the territory of Russia.

In the future, it is necessary to provide for the creation of large specialized vocational pedagogical universities, which over time could serve as educational and methodological centers for vocational pedagogical education.

More attention should be paid to research and innovation activities and other creative activities of teachers and students (students).

There is a need to transition the system of secondary vocational pedagogical education to the implementation of a model of advanced education, which is based on the idea of ​​personal development, to train specialists not only for specific professional activities, but also to develop readiness to master new knowledge, acquire multifunctional skills, which ensures professional mobility.

Dictionary of basic concepts A professional group of specialties is a set of specialties united according to the most stable type of socially useful activity, distinguished by the nature of its final product, specific objects and means of labor.

A profession is a stable type of work activity that requires certain professional training.

A pedagogical specialty is a type of activity within a given professional group characterized by a set of knowledge, abilities and skills acquired as a result of education and ensuring the formulation and solution of a certain class of professional and pedagogical tasks in accordance with the assigned qualifications.

Pedagogical specialization is a certain type of activity within the framework of a pedagogical specialty.

Pedagogical qualification is the level and type of professional and pedagogical preparedness that characterizes the capabilities of a specialist in solving a certain class of pedagogical problems.

Professional mobility is a person’s ability and readiness to change work activities due to changes in life and work circumstances.

§ 2. Professional pedagogical activity Mnemonic diagram The essence and structure of professional pedagogical activity The concept of “activity” is considered by various sciences: philosophy, psychology, history, cultural studies, pedagogy. Activity implies activity. In psychology, activity is understood as active interaction with the surrounding reality, during which a person acts as a subject purposefully influencing an object and satisfying his needs.

Pedagogical activity is a special type of social activity aimed at transferring accumulated human knowledge, experience, culture from older generations to younger ones and creating conditions for their personal development and preparation for fulfilling certain social roles in society. Pedagogical activity as a professional one takes place in specially organized educational institutions. The goal of any professional activity is the production of a socially valuable product. Pedagogical activities are aimed at training, education and development of students. Professional and pedagogical activity is an integrative activity, including psychological, pedagogical and production-technological components. There are numerous classifications of activity, which are based on its various characteristics. In this regard, spiritual and practical, reproductive and creative, individual and collective, professional activities are distinguished.

In psychology, activity is understood as a multi-level system, the components of which are goal, motives, actions and results (A.N. Leontyev). Motives and purpose occupy a central place in the analysis of activity.

A goal is a conscious desired result.

The purpose of pedagogical activity is developed and formed as a reflection of socio-cultural development in society, taking into account the spiritual and natural capabilities of the individual and the needs of society for qualified specialists. It contains the interests and needs of various social and ethnic groups and society as a whole, on the one hand, and the needs, interests and aspirations of the individual, on the other.

The main goal of professional pedagogical activity is teaching the profession and professional development of students. The main objects of pedagogical activity are the educational environment, the activities of students, the educational team and the individual characteristics of students. The implementation of the goal of pedagogical activity is associated with the solution of such social and pedagogical tasks as the formation of an educational environment, the organization of the activities of students, the creation of an educational team, and the development of individuality.

In the course of professional and pedagogical activities, 2 types of relationships function:

subject-object, conditioned by the relationship of the teacher to the means, the subject of pedagogical influence, and subject-subject, arising between teachers and students in the process of pedagogical interaction.

A feature of pedagogical activity is that the “motive-goal” vector in joint activities is the same for both teachers and students. But for each participant (subject of joint activity) it is individual, i.e. The motives of the participants in joint activities (teachers and students) are different. Motives, in this case, act as those personal foundations that give pedagogical activity an individual character. Thus, the goals of joint teaching activities coincide, but the motives are different and individual.

Realization of the goal of pedagogical interaction concerns the use of means and methods of interaction with students, based on existing knowledge, the teacher theoretically correlates the means and the intended result of his action. The teacher’s pedagogical actions take the form of a cognitive task. A specific feature of pedagogical problems is that their solution almost never lies on the surface. When selecting methods (techniques, methods) for solving pedagogical problems, the teacher must focus on the individual properties and traits of the individual student, take into account the characteristics of interpersonal relationships in the team, the equipment and time of the pedagogical process, and should include both direct and indirect methods of pedagogical influence. The choice and application of means and methods of pedagogical action largely depends on the personality of the teacher and his professionalism.

Mental processes (memory, thinking, etc.) in activity acquire selectivity and professional orientation. The result of professional pedagogical activity is the functional products of activity:

didactic projects (lessons, activities, pedagogical technologies, equipment, technical devices, etc.) and psychological products of activity (individual experience, psychological new formations, development of abilities, etc.). The main result of the activity is the professional development of the individual.

communicative, constructive, organizational and gnostic (research).

Constructive activity can be carried out if the teacher has analytical, predictive and projective skills.

Analytical skills consist of such particular skills as the ability to divide pedagogical phenomena into their component elements (conditions, reasons, motives, incentives, means, forms);

comprehend each pedagogical phenomenon in connection with other elements of the pedagogical process;

correctly diagnose pedagogical phenomena;

highlight the main pedagogical task and determine ways to optimally solve it.

The teacher’s predictive skills are based on knowledge of the essence and logic of the pedagogical process, the patterns of age-related and individual development of students. Pedagogical forecasting also involves identifying those qualities of students and characteristics of the team that can be formed over a given period of time.

Projective skills presuppose the ability to translate the goals and content of education into specific pedagogical tasks, take into account the interests and needs of students, the capabilities of the material base, and select types of activities that correspond to the assigned tasks;

plan a system of joint creative activities;

plan individual work with students;

plan a system for stimulating schoolchildren’s activity;

plan ways to create a personally developing environment.

The organizational activity of a teacher presupposes the ability to include students in various types of activities and organize the activities of the team. Organizational activity takes on particular importance in educational work. Organizational activities can be carried out if the teacher has mobilization, information, development and orientation skills.

Mobilization skills include the ability to attract the attention of students and develop their sustainable interest in learning, work and other activities;

develop their need for knowledge;

equip students with educational skills;

to form in students an active, independent and creative attitude to the phenomena of the surrounding reality, etc.

Information skills are associated not only with the direct presentation of educational information, but also with methods for obtaining and processing it. They include skills in working with printed sources, the ability to obtain information from other sources and process it in relation to the goals and objectives of the educational process, i.e.

didactically transform information. In the pedagogical process, information skills are manifested in the ability to present educational material in an accessible manner, taking into account the specifics of the subject, the level of preparedness of students, their experience and age;

logically correctly build the process of transmitting educational information using different methods;

formulate questions in an accessible, concise and expressive manner;

effectively use TSO, EVT and visual aids;

change the way the material is presented, etc.

Developmental skills involve determining the “zone of proximal development” (L.S.

Vygotsky) for individual students and the class as a whole;

creating problematic situations for the development of cognitive processes;

stimulation of cognitive activity, independence and creative thinking;

creating conditions for the development of individual characteristics and implementing an individual approach to students.

Orientation skills are aimed at the formation of moral and value attitudes of students, their scientific worldview, instilling a sustainable interest in educational and scientific activities, in production, in innovation and a profession that corresponds to the personal inclinations and capabilities of students;

organization of joint creative activities.

The communicative activity of a teacher can be structurally represented as interconnected groups of perceptual skills, actual communication skills and pedagogical technique skills.

Perceptual skills come down to the most general skill - understanding others (students, teachers, parents). In the totality of perceptual skills V.A. The sweet tooth includes such particular skills as penetrating deeply into the personal essence of other people;

establish the individual identity of a person;

based on a quick assessment of a person’s external characteristics and behavior patterns, determine what type of personality and temperament the person belongs to, etc.

Pedagogical communication skills are associated with the ability to distribute attention and maintain its stability, establish psychological contact with students, facilitating the effective transmission and perception of educational information;

the ability to act organically and consistently in a public setting;

choose the most appropriate way of behavior and treatment in relation to the class and individual students;

analyze the actions of students, see behind them the motives that guided them in a given situation;

establish emotional feedback.

Pedagogical technology skills comprise a combination of the following skills and abilities:

choose the right style and tone of dealing with students;

control their attention;

sense of pace;

development of the teacher’s speech culture;

controlling your body, relieving muscle tension during the educational process;

regulation of your mental state;

win over your interlocutor;

figuratively convey information, etc.

Functions of professional-pedagogical activity The function of professional-pedagogical activity is understood as a homogeneous group of consistently recurring types of activities, the implementation of which is typical for a given category of professional-pedagogical workers.

Based on a study of the pedagogical activities of vocational school teachers E.F.

Zeer distinguishes two groups of functions: target and operational. He refers to the target functions as those aimed at achieving the main professional goal - training in a profession and developing the personality of a specialist. Traditionally, these include teaching, educating and developing functions; the motivating function also refers to the target function.

The system of operational functions includes design, organizational, communication, diagnostic and production-technological. The first four are typical for a teacher in any educational institution, the last is only for a vocational teacher.

The teaching function is one of the leading in the activities of a teacher. Its meaning is to form a system of professional knowledge, skills and abilities in students.

Moreover, there is a difference in the teaching function of the master and the teacher:

The activities of a general professional cycle teacher are aimed mainly at the formation of professional and technological knowledge and skills;

The teaching function of the industrial training master is to develop professional skills in students.

The educational function of teaching staff is the social and professional education of students (socio-political, moral, labor, aesthetic and physical improvement). But the main thing in the educational work of the master and teacher is the formation of the professional orientation of the students’ personality: the need for professional work, the sustainability of positive motives for work, inclination and interest in professional activities.

The developmental function consists in the mental development of the personality of students: their sensorimotor, intellectual and emotional-volitional spheres. The teacher faces the difficult task of not only mental development, but also its correction, because There are many pedagogically neglected teenagers among vocational school students. Along with this, the problem of developing professionally important properties and qualities arises.

The production and technological function in the work of a master of industrial training comes down to performing such work as simple repairs, adjustment and adjustment of production and technical equipment, development of technical and technological documentation, management of technical creativity of students, and performance of production work. The production and technological function of the teacher is to set up training and demonstration equipment, perform calculation and analytical work, rationalize, demonstrate working techniques and operations in the process of theoretical training.

The organizational function is implemented during the professional educational process and educational work. It is carried out during lessons, organizing students’ cognitive activities, managing a group during extracurricular hours, organizing students’ work and rest schedules, socially useful work, and guiding students’ scientific and technical creativity.

The diagnostic function is very important in the activities of a professional school teacher.

This is due to several reasons: firstly, diagnosis must be carried out in a very short time;

secondly, in vocational schools there are a larger number of adolescents with mental and behavioral disorders;

thirdly, many students have not developed cognitive needs and methods of learning activities, because They came to the school to get a profession, not to study.

Types of professional pedagogical activity Traditionally, the main types of pedagogical activity are teaching and educational work; in a vocational school it would be advisable to also highlight methodological work.

Teaching is a type of activity that is aimed at managing cognitive activity. Teaching is carried out primarily by a teacher of theoretical training, both during the training process and outside of class time. Teaching is carried out within the framework of any organizational form, usually has strict time limits, a strictly defined goal and options for achieving it. Teaching logic can be hard-coded. A master of industrial training solves the problem of equipping students with the knowledge, skills and abilities to rationally perform various operations and work while complying with all the requirements of modern production technology and labor organization.

Educational work is a pedagogical activity aimed at organizing the educational environment and managing various activities of students in order to solve the problems of professional development. The logic of the educational process cannot be predetermined in advance. In educational work, it is possible to provide only for the consistent solution of specific goal-oriented tasks. Education and teaching are inseparable from each other.

A good industrial training master not only transfers his knowledge to students, but also guides their civic and professional development. This is the essence of the professional development of young people. Only a master who knows and loves his job can instill in students a sense of professional honor and create the need for perfect mastery of their specialty.

Methodological work is aimed at preparing, supporting and analyzing the educational process. Teachers providing vocational training must independently select scientific and technical information, methodically process it, transform it into educational material, plan it, and choose effective teaching tools. Many teachers and masters are designers of the educational process in their subject. Methodological work gives rise to a constant desire among teachers to improve their professional activities.

Production and technological activities. The master of industrial training is engaged in the development of technical and technological documentation and the implementation of production work. The implementation of this activity occupies a fairly prominent place for a professional school teacher when planning and preparing lessons, equipping classrooms and workshops, getting acquainted with scientific and technical information, participating in scientific and technical societies, and managing technical creativity.

Dictionary of basic concepts Skill is a method of performing an action mastered by a subject, provided by the totality of acquired knowledge and skills. Skills are formed through exercises and create the opportunity to perform actions not only in familiar, but also in changed conditions.

Mental processes are processes occurring in a person’s head and reflected in dynamically changing mental phenomena: sensations, perception, imagination, memory, thinking, speech, etc.

Development is the process and result of quantitative and qualitative changes in inherited and acquired personality traits.

Selectivity is the ability to highlight objects that are significant to the individual.

Function - responsibility, range of activities, purpose, role.

§ 3. Personality of a vocational training teacher Mnemonic diagram Personality orientation Scientists (E.F. Zeer, V.A. Slastenin) identify a social-moral, professional-pedagogical and cognitive orientation in the personality of a teacher.

The components of social and moral orientation are social needs, a sense of public duty, moral and value orientations, civic responsibility, ideological conviction, professional position, social activity, and reliability.

Social needs (according to A. Maslow’s typology of needs) include the needs for communication, affection, love, friendship, etc. Communication in teaching activities is a fundamental component. In this regard, communication skills characterize the activities of a teacher. One of the motives for choosing a teaching profession is the variety of social connections (with parents, students, teachers, etc.).

The basis of a teacher’s social activity is ideological conviction, which is considered the deepest fundamental characteristic of a teacher’s personality.

High professional responsibility is a distinctive feature of the teaching profession. A citizen teacher is faithful to his people, he does not isolate himself in a narrow circle of personal concerns, his life is continuously connected with the microdistrict where he lives and works.

Value orientations act as an internal regulator of a teacher’s activities, determining his attitude towards the world around him and himself. The predominant human values ​​are existential values ​​(love, freedom, conscience, faith, responsibility), which are organically connected with moral values ​​(goodness, nobility, responsiveness, selflessness). An important place in the value system is occupied by patriotic (patriotism, national dignity, citizenship, etc.) and aesthetic values. In addition, such indicators as the meaning of work, wages, qualifications, career, etc. can act as value orientations.

At different stages of professional development, the components of orientation have different contents, determined by the level of professional development of the individual.

The components of the professional and pedagogical orientation of the personality of teachers and masters of industrial training are: social and professional orientations, professional and pedagogical interests, motives for professional activity and self-improvement of the professional position of a teacher, pedagogical duty and responsibility, pedagogical justice, pedagogical calling. They reflect the attitude towards professional teaching activities, interests and inclinations, and the desire to improve their training.

The basis of professional orientation is interest in the teaching profession, which is expressed in a positive emotional attitude towards children, parents, teaching activities in general and towards its specific types, in the desire to master pedagogical knowledge and skills. A pedagogical vocation, in contrast to a pedagogical interest, which can be contemplative, means an inclination that grows from an awareness of the ability to teach. The pedagogical vocation is formed in the process of accumulation of theoretical knowledge and practical experience by the future teacher. The basis of the teaching vocation is love for people. This fundamental quality is a prerequisite for self-improvement, targeted self-development of many professionally significant qualities that characterize professional and pedagogical orientation.

The teacher must build relationships with students, their parents and colleagues, relying on a sense of tact. Pedagogical tact is a measure of pedagogically appropriate interaction between a teacher and a student, the ability to establish a productive communication style.

Showing respect builds a student's sense of self-worth.

Pedagogical tact largely depends on the personal qualities of the teacher and his professional skills.

The social and pedagogical positions of the teacher are closely interconnected.

The professional position of a teacher is determined by his attitude to the teaching profession, to students, to the nature of work;

attitudes, expectations and readiness for professional development and professional self-improvement, professional growth.

The qualities that characterize professional pedagogical orientation also include pedagogical duty and responsibility. The pedagogical duty of a teacher is to disinterestedly fulfill his professional duties, to provide assistance to adults and children within the limits of his capabilities and competence. The highest manifestation of pedagogical duty is dedication.

Pedagogical justice is a unique measure of a teacher’s fairness, the level of his morality and education. In the first year, among the professionally important qualities of a teacher, students first of all name justice.

The basis of cognitive orientation is spiritual interests and needs.

One of the main factors of cognitive interest is love for the subject being taught. The teacher must be well versed in various branches of science, and most importantly, know well the science that he teaches. Know its capabilities for solving socio-economic, production and cultural problems. He must be aware of new research, discoveries and hypotheses, see the short-term and long-term prospects of the science being taught.

The most general characteristic of the cognitive orientation of a teacher’s personality is the culture of scientific and pedagogical research.

A necessary condition for professional development is the continuity of pedagogical self-education. The teacher must constantly have a need for knowledge. This is an integral component of teaching work.

Professional competence The highest component of personality is professional competence. Professional competence is usually understood as an integral characteristic of the business and personal qualities of specialists, reflecting the level of knowledge, skills, and experience sufficient to carry out a certain type of activity that is associated with decision-making.

The main components of professional competence are:

socio-legal competence - knowledge and skills in the field of interaction with public institutions and people, as well as mastery of professional communication and behavior techniques;

personal competence - the ability for constant professional growth and advanced training, as well as self-realization in professional work;

special competence - preparedness to independently perform specific types of activities, the ability to solve typical professional tasks and evaluate the results of one’s work, the ability to independently acquire new knowledge and skills in the specialty;

general professional skills - the ability to read and draw up drawings, diagrams, technical diagrams, perform calculation and graphic work, determine economic indicators of production;

autocompetence - an adequate understanding of one’s socio-professional characteristics and mastery of technologies for overcoming professional destruction;

extreme competence - the ability to act in suddenly more complex conditions, in case of accidents, disruptions of technological processes.

Professional competence is assessed by the level of development of professional and pedagogical skills. From the perspective of the main operational functions of a vocational school teacher, the following groups of professional pedagogical skills can be distinguished:

Gnostic skills - cognitive skills in the field of acquiring general professional, industrial and psychological-pedagogical knowledge, providing for obtaining new information, highlighting the main, essential in it, generalizing and systematizing one’s own pedagogical experience, the experience of innovators and innovators of production;

ideological skills - socially significant skills in conducting political and educational work among students, promoting pedagogical knowledge;

didactic skills - general pedagogical skills in determining specific learning goals, choosing adequate forms, methods and means of teaching, constructing pedagogical situations, explaining educational and production material, demonstrating technical objects and work methods;

organizational and methodological skills - the ability to implement the educational process, develop motivation for learning, organize educational and professional activities of students, establish pedagogically justified relationships, form a team, organize self-government;

communicative and directing skills - general pedagogical skills, including perceptual, expressive, suggestive, oratorical and skills in the field of pedagogical directing;

predictive skills - general pedagogical skills of predicting the success of the educational process, including diagnostics of the individual and the team of students, analysis of pedagogical situations, construction of alternative models of pedagogical activity, design of the development of the individual and the team, monitoring the process and result;

reflexive skills - the ability for self-knowledge, self-assessment of professional activity and professional behavior, self-actualization;

organizational and pedagogical skills - general pedagogical skills of planning the educational process, choosing the optimal means of pedagogical influence and interaction, organizing self-education and self-government, forming the professional orientation of the students’ personality;

general professional skills - the ability to read and draw up drawings, diagrams, technical diagrams, fill out calculation and graphic works, determine economic indicators of production;

constructive skills - integrative skills in developing technological processes and designing technical devices, including the development of educational and technical documentation, performing design work, drawing up technological maps, guiding tests;

technological skills - quantitative skills in analyzing production situations, planning, rational organization of the technological process, operation of technological devices;

production and operational skills - general labor skills in related professions;

special skills - narrowly professional skills within any one industry.

Professionally important qualities An important component in the structure of a teacher’s personality are professionally important qualities. V.D. Shadrikov understands by professionally important qualities the individual qualities of the subject of activity that affect the effectiveness of the activity and the success of its assimilation. He also considers abilities to be professionally important qualities. The productivity of teaching activities also depends on the formation of professionally important qualities of a teacher’s personality.

An important professional and pedagogical quality is logical thinking.

Logical thinking reflects the formation of logical thinking techniques as a set of actions aimed at performing operations of analysis, synthesis, classification of concepts, and finding logical relationships.

Dominant qualities in professional pedagogical activity (R.A.

Mizherikov, M.N. Ermolenko) are personal activity, determination, balance, desire to work with schoolchildren, the ability not to get lost in extreme situations, charm, honesty, justice, modernity, pedagogical humanism, erudition, pedagogical tact, tolerance, discipline, pedagogical optimism. In addition, such qualities as exactingness, responsibility, and communication skills should be included here.

A teacher’s professional profile also includes such a quality as pedagogical artistry, which is expressed in the ability to embody thoughts and experiences in the image, behavior, word, and richness of the teacher’s personal manifestations. A study of the activities of artistic teachers showed that they, as a rule, are characterized by acceptance of themselves as individuals, a tendency to recognize themselves as bearers of positive, socially created characteristics, self-confidence and the significance of their work, a high degree of coincidence of personal and professional interests, a desire to constantly improve, a high level of focus on activity.

The ability to not get lost in extreme situations is very important for a teacher, especially for a master of industrial training. This is due to the nature of professional activity, during which unexpected situations may arise.

Pedagogically important qualities also include determination - the ability to direct and use all the qualities of one’s personality to achieve set pedagogical goals and balance - the ability to control one’s actions in any pedagogical situations.

The teacher must have charm, i.e. combine a fusion of spirituality, attractiveness and taste. The appearance of the teacher should be aesthetically expressive.

The hairstyle, costume, and jewelry in the teacher’s clothing should contribute to the formation of the student’s personality. A sense of proportion must be observed in everything.

Humanism implies the desire and ability to provide qualified pedagogical assistance to students in their personal development. It implies an attitude towards man as the highest value on earth and the expression of this attitude in specific deeds and actions.

The spiritual sensitivity in the character of the teacher allows him to feel the state of the students, their mood, and come to the aid of those who need it most in a timely manner. The natural state of a teacher is professional concern for the present and future of his students. He is aware of his personal responsibility for the fate of the younger generation.

The teacher must have pedagogical optimism and believe in the creative capabilities of each student.

A sense of humor helps a teacher neutralize the strong tension present in the teaching process. A cheerful teacher teaches better than a gloomy one, because... in his arsenal there is a joke, a joke, a proverb, a successful aphorism, a friendly trick, a smile, which creates a friendly emotional background in the group.

The personality of a modern teacher is largely determined by his erudition and high level of culture. Anyone who wants to navigate freely in the modern world must know a lot. An erudite teacher must be a bearer of high personal culture, because

he is always a clear example for students.

Professionally significant qualities of a teacher’s personality, as characteristics of the intellectual and emotional-volitional aspects of life, significantly influence the result of professional pedagogical activity and determine the individual style of the teacher.

Psychophysiological properties of a personality This substructure of a teacher’s personality includes properties that characterize the characteristics of the psychophysiological essence of a teacher’s personality, which depend on the characteristics of the type of higher nervous activity, temperament, individual character traits, the ability to self-regulate, and on the uniqueness of the processes of excitation and inhibition. Such properties include hand-eye coordination, eye control, neuroticism, extraversion, reactivity, energy, the ability to think figuratively, attention, observation, intuition, mastery of facial expressions and pantomime.

Extraversion is the turning of a person’s consciousness and attention mainly to what is happening around him.

High emotionality is manifested in a pronounced demonstration of emotions, judgments, understanding and empathy for the experiences of students. A developed imaginative sense of the world allows the teacher to create an image of a situation, a task, easily come up with signs and symbols of phenomena, and easily connect seemingly incompatible things.

In addition, one of the pedagogically significant individual psychological properties is rigidity, which manifests itself as attachment to the same type of methods of action and perception or a relative inability to change an action or attitude when objective conditions require it.

Such a property as emotional stability is pedagogically significant. This property characterizes the degree to which a person resists stress, mental tension, pessimistic mood, and irritability. Constant mental stress negatively affects the productivity of teaching activities.

Attention is of great importance. The ability to control attention and switch it at will is necessary for a teacher. It is important to be able not only to concentrate attention on objects, but also to distribute attention between two or more planes, to keep all students in the field of attention, to respond to signs of fatigue, misunderstanding, and also to monitor one’s behavior.

Neuroticism (neuroticism) is a condition characterized by emotional instability, anxiety, low self-esteem, and venereal disorders. The concept of observation is closely related to the concept of attention. Pedagogical observation is, first of all, the ability to penetrate into the inner world of a person, the desire to understand and emotionally experience what is happening, and the manifestation of interest in the surrounding reality.

Eye control and hand-eye coordination are especially important for a vocational teacher who has to work with measuring instruments, machine tools, industrial equipment, apparatus, cars, etc., where precision and clarity of movements, clear coordination of movements, and speed of reaction are needed.

Integration also plays an important role in teaching activities. In pedagogical reality, the diversity and uniqueness of the situation, a very large number of factors influencing the result, incompleteness and approximate information available to the teacher, limited time for searching and making decisions sometimes make accurate calculations simply impossible, and intuitive anticipation of results turns out to be even more accurate in these conditions logical calculations. Intuition and a kind of pedagogical instinct successfully replace logical reasoning for an experienced teacher and allow them to immediately see the right decision. Intuition helps the teacher find the necessary techniques in the process of pedagogical activity and leads to the ability to predict the results of the activity.

Facial expressions, pantomimes, and the ability to use expressive means (speech, gestures) must be present in the activities of a teacher; the success of teaching activities largely depends on this. The ability to use expressive means largely depends on the psychophysiological characteristics of the individual.

The teacher needs to remember that intelligence is sharpened by intellect, character is developed by character, personality is formed by personality.

Dictionary of basic concepts Pedagogical vocation means an inclination that grows from the awareness of the ability to teach.

The orientation of a person is the motivational conditioning of actions, deeds, and all human behavior by specific life goals, the sources of which are needs and social requirements.

Professional pedagogical duty is a focus on unconditional respect for the human dignity of each participant in the pedagogical process, the affirmation of humanity, the implementation of the principle of unity of respect for the personality of the student and demands on him.

Professional honor prescribes normative requirements for behavior and presupposes in relation to a person the degree of respect that he deserves from all participants in the pedagogical process - adults and children.

Pedagogical tact is compliance with universal human norms of communication and interaction with children, taking into account their age and individual psychological characteristics.

§ 4. Professional pedagogical culture of a vocational training teacher Mnemonic diagram The essence of professional pedagogical culture The term “culture” is of Latin origin. Initially it meant cultivating the soil, cultivating it. Subsequently, the word “culture” began to be used in a more generalized sense. Currently, culture in a general sense is understood as all types of transformative activities of man and society, as well as the results of these activities.

In order to determine the essence of the concept of “professional and pedagogical culture”, it is advisable to consider such concepts as “professional culture” and “pedagogical culture”.

The identification of professional culture as one of the properties of a group of people belonging to the same profession is the result of the division of labor, which leads to the separation of types of special activities.

Professional activity as a socio-cultural phenomenon has a complex structure, including goals, objectives, subject, means, methods, results.

A high level of professional culture of a specialist is characterized by a developed ability to solve professional problems, i.e. developed professional thinking and consciousness.

Professional culture is a certain degree of a person’s mastery of techniques and methods for solving professional problems.

The concept of “pedagogical culture” was described for a long time in pedagogical literature in the categories of everyday consciousness and did not pretend to be a strict scientific explanation. Pedagogical culture meant a set of norms, rules of behavior, the manifestation of pedagogical tact, pedagogical technique and skill, pedagogical literacy and education. With the beginning of the active development of the culturological approach in philosophy, sociology, pedagogy and psychology, studies were conducted on individual areas and aspects of pedagogical culture;

issues of methodological, moral-aesthetic, technological, communicative, spiritual and physical culture of the teacher’s personality are studied.

The problem of pedagogical culture is reflected in the works of researchers such as SI. Arkhangelsky, A.V. Barabanshchikov, E.V. Bondarevskaya, V.A.

Slastenin, etc. in connection with the analysis of the characteristics of pedagogical activity, the study of pedagogical abilities, and the pedagogical skills of the teacher.

Pedagogical culture is considered as an important part of the general culture of the teacher, manifested in the system of professional qualities and the specifics of professional activity. This is an integrative quality of the personality of a professional teacher, a condition and prerequisites for effective pedagogical activity, a generalized indicator of a teacher’s professional competence and the goal of professional self-improvement.

Thus, the content of professional pedagogical culture is revealed as a system of individual professional qualities, leading components and functions.

The bearers of professional pedagogical culture are people called upon to carry out pedagogical work.

To understand the essence of professional pedagogical culture, it is necessary to keep in mind the following methodological prerequisites, revealing the connection between general and professional culture, its specific features (I.F. Isaev, V.A. Slastenin):

professional pedagogical culture is a universal characteristic of pedagogical reality;

professional pedagogical culture is a specific projection of general culture into the sphere of pedagogical activity;

professional pedagogical culture is a systemic education that includes a number of structural and functional components, has its own organization, selectively interacts with the environment and has an integrative property of the whole, not reducible to the properties of individual parts;

the unit of analysis of professional pedagogical culture is activity that is creative in nature;

The features of the formation and implementation of a teacher’s professional pedagogical culture are determined by individual creative, psychophysiological and age characteristics, accumulated social and pedagogical experience.

Taking into account these methodological foundations makes it possible to substantiate a model of professional pedagogical culture, the components of which are axiological, technological and personal-creative.

Axiological component of professional pedagogical culture Axiology is a philosophical doctrine about values, their origin and essence.

The axiological component of professional pedagogical culture includes a set of pedagogical values ​​that are spreading at the present stage of development of education. In the process of pedagogical activity, certain ideas, concepts, and a body of knowledge and skills are mastered. Knowledge, ideas, concepts that are currently of great significance for society and a particular pedagogical system act as pedagogical values.

A teacher’s values ​​are an internal, emotionally mastered regulator of activity that determines his attitude to the world around him, to himself and models the content and nature of the professional activity he performs.

Pedagogical values ​​are objective, because are formed historically, during the development of society, education, and secondary schools and are recorded in pedagogical science as a form of social consciousness in the form of specific images and ideas.

As the conditions of social and pedagogical activity change, the needs of society and the school develop, individuals change, and pedagogical values ​​are revalued. In the history of pedagogy, the evolution of teaching theory from scholastic to explanatory-illustrative, and from there to problem-developmental is clearly visible.

The degree to which a person assigns pedagogical values ​​depends on the state of pedagogical consciousness, because the fact of setting values, a particular pedagogical idea, a pedagogical phenomenon occurs in the process of assessing it by the individual.

Professional pedagogical consciousness performs a complex regulatory function:

it structures around the personal “core” all the variety of methods of educational, methodological, educational, scientific, social and pedagogical activity.

The hierarchy of teacher activities stimulates the development of individuality. Each teacher updates part of his professional activity and those pedagogical values ​​that are vitally and professionally necessary for him.

The last decade has been characterized by active attention to the problem of values ​​in education. The diversity of pedagogical values ​​necessitates their classification. There is no single classification, because Pedagogical values, being a condition and result of corresponding activity, have different levels of existence. In this regard, socio-pedagogical, professional-group and individual-personal values ​​are distinguished.

Social and pedagogical values ​​- reflect the nature and content of values ​​functioning in various social systems, manifesting themselves in the public consciousness in the form of morality, religion, and philosophy. These are ideas, ideas, norms and rules that regulate educational activities and communication within the whole society.

Professional group values ​​are a set of ideas, concepts, and norms that regulate the professional and pedagogical activities of established groups of specialists within certain educational institutions. These values ​​act as guidelines for pedagogical activity. They act as a cognitive activity system that has relative stability and repeatability.

Personal-pedagogical values ​​are a system of value orientations of an individual, a complex socio-psychological formation that reflects its target and motivational orientation. This component represents a worldview characteristic of a person. Each teacher, assimilating social-pedagogical and professional-group values, builds his own personal system of values, the elements of which take the form of axiological functions. These types of functions may include the concept of forming a specialist’s personality, the concept of activity, ideas about the technology of constructing the educational process in a vocational school, the specifics of interaction with students, about oneself as a professional, etc. An integrative axiological function that unites all others is the individual concept the meaning of professional pedagogical activity in the life of a teacher.

Technological component of professional pedagogical culture The technological component of professional pedagogical culture is closely connected with such a concept as pedagogical activity. Therefore, in some sources it is considered as an activity component of professional pedagogical culture.

Pedagogical culture, being a personal characteristic of a teacher, appears as a way of his professional activity, providing solutions to various kinds of professional problems. The process of solving problems constitutes the technology of pedagogical activity as a component of the professional pedagogical culture of the teacher.

The concept of “technology” was initially associated with the industrial sphere of human activity, but recently it has become actively used in pedagogy.

General professional pedagogy

directions 051000 – Vocational training

profiles – computer technologies,

Graduate qualifications (degrees): Bachelor of Professional Studies

1. Goals and objectives of the discipline:

The course “General and Professional Pedagogy” is one of the most important in the preparation of students of the specialty “Vocational Education”, as it lays the foundations for the pedagogical knowledge of future vocational education teachers.

The objectives of studying the discipline are:

– formation of a high level of pedagogical knowledge and skills, professional orientation of students and pedagogical thinking that meet modern requirements for the training of vocational teachers;

– study of the methodological foundations of “classical” pedagogy;

– mastering basic pedagogical categories and concepts;

– formation of ideas about the methodological foundations of the pedagogical process and its varieties - education and training;

– understanding the basic pedagogical principles, principles of education and training;

– mastering the existing understanding of goals, content, methods, forms and means in pedagogy;

– familiarity with the theoretical foundations of designing pedagogical systems, processes and situations;

– study of modern innovative approaches to organizing processes of targeted personal development;

– developing the ability to apply pedagogical knowledge in practice;

– development of professional guidelines and one’s own pedagogical position.

In the context of these goals, the content of this academic discipline combines the following three most important aspects:

· ideological aspect, associated mainly with the formation of ideas about the role of education, training, upbringing, organization of management of personal development, the specifics of pedagogical systems, and the general patterns of educational processes in social systems;

· algorithmic aspect concerning the development of students’ thinking;

· the applied aspect associated with the formation of an information culture, the preparation of future specialists for practical activities in the context of the widespread use of information technologies.

The process of studying the discipline is aimed at developing the following competencies:

A) general cultural (OK):

· awareness of the key values ​​of professional pedagogical activity (demonstrates deep knowledge of all the key values ​​of the profession), demonstrates an understanding of their meanings and meanings, expresses his attitude to each key value of the profession, demonstrates consistency, integrity of ideas about value relations towards a person (student) (OK- 2);

· understanding of philosophy as a methodology of human activity (OK-3);

· knowledge of the norms of pedagogical relations of professional and pedagogical activity in the design and implementation of the educational process aimed at training workers (specialists) (OK-9);

· ability to justify professional and pedagogical actions (OK-25);

b) professional (PC):

· the ability to perform professional and pedagogical functions to ensure effective organization and management of the pedagogical process of training workers (specialists) (PC-1);

· ability to analyze professional and pedagogical situations (PC-5);

· readiness to use concepts and models of educational systems in world and domestic pedagogical practice (PC-10);

· readiness to design and use a set of didactic tools in training workers (PK-22);

· readiness to design forms, methods and means of monitoring the results of training workers (specialists) in the educational process (PC-23);

· readiness to adapt, adjust and use technologies in professional and pedagogical activities (PC-29);

· ability to perform work of the appropriate qualification level (PK-32).

2. Labor intensity of the academic discipline is 5 credit units (180 hours), of which 82 hours of classroom training: lectures – 32 hours, practical classes – 36 hours, laboratory – 14 hours, 71 hours of independent work. The discipline is taught in the 2nd semester. In the 2nd semester - exam (27 hours).

3. The place of discipline in the structure of OOP: This academic discipline is included in the federal component of the section professional cycle of disciplines, the basic (general professional) part, Federal State Educational Standard-3 in the direction of preparation of higher professional education “Vocational training (by industry)”.

The knowledge and skills acquired by students are the basis for studying the main disciplines of the major, such as “Psychology of professional mobility”, “Methods of teaching economics”, and allow them to complete tasks of practical (professional) training, technological and production internships. They create a practical basis for studying such academic disciplines as “Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics”, “Information systems and technologies in education”, etc.

Providing discipline includes a series of theoretical and practical blocks. The theoretical block contains factual material and includes the following sections:

A. General and professional pedagogy as scientific fields of knowledge. Methodology of pedagogy. Methods of pedagogical research.

b. Personality as the goal and meaning of education. Teacher: profession and personality. Activity as the basis of the educational process. Activity approach to education and the educational process.

V. Pedagogical communication in the structure of a teacher’s activity. Specifics of communication in virtual space

d. System of general and vocational education in Russia. Current pedagogical problems

d. Holistic pedagogical process. Pedagogical principles

e. The learning process in the structure of the holistic pedagogical process of the pedagogical process. The process of education in the structure of the holistic pedagogical process

and. Pedagogical goals. The content of education as the basis of a person’s professional culture

h. Pedagogical methods. Forms of organization of the pedagogical process. Pedagogical means

And. Fundamentals of pedagogical design. Design of pedagogical systems and pedagogical processes. Design of a lesson, extracurricular educational activity, pedagogical situations

4. Requirements for the results of mastering the discipline:

As a result of studying the discipline, the student must:

Know:- theoretical and methodological foundations of general and professional pedagogy: object and subject of research, tasks, structure, connection with other sciences, features of the conceptual apparatus, methods of pedagogical research;

– the system of general and vocational education of the Russian Federation and trends in its development;

– theories of the holistic pedagogical process and the practice of their implementation in educational institutions of primary vocational education: concepts of the pedagogical process, general and special in pedagogical processes, pedagogical patterns, components of the pedagogical process, management of pedagogical processes;

– fundamentals of pedagogical processes of education and training: essence, features, patterns, contradictions, relationships, specifics for educational institutions of primary vocational education;

– general pedagogical principles, didactic principles, principles of vocational education;

– the main components of the holistic pedagogical process and its types – training and education: goals, content, methods, forms, means in the system of vocational education;

– fundamentals of pedagogical design of pedagogical systems, processes and situations in the educational process of educational institutions of primary vocational education;

– current problems of modern general and professional pedagogy.

Be able to: use psychological and pedagogical knowledge;

– analyze and interpret various theoretical concepts developed in general and professional pedagogy;

– identify and formulate pedagogical problems in the form of tasks;

– use methods of pedagogical research;

– analyze and forecast trends in the development of the education system in Russia and abroad;

– draw analogies, compare, classify, generalize pedagogical processes in general and vocational educational institutions;

– select appropriate and effective components of pedagogical processes to solve practical pedagogical problems;

– use a sequence of design actions when developing pedagogical systems, processes and situations;

– navigate the proposed individual pedagogical projects;

– create and justify your own concepts for solving pedagogical problems;

– independently work with scientific pedagogical literature, develop your teaching abilities.

Own: – ways of organizing pedagogical research;

– skills of analysis of the holistic pedagogical process;

– techniques for designing pedagogical systems, processes and situations in the educational process of educational institutions of primary vocational education.

5. Scope of discipline and types of academic work

Type of educational work Labor intensity in hours Semesters
Auditory lessons:
Lectures (LK)
Practical exercises (PL)
Laboratory work (LB)
Independent work:
Types of SRS: 1. Creating a portfolio 2. Independent work of students 3. Public speaking on issues under study 4. Solving pedagogical problems 5. Completing practical assignments 6. Creative initiatives 7. Team work
Interim certification 2nd semester, exam -27 hours
No. Section Contents
1. 1. General and professional pedagogy as scientific fields of knowledge Current pedagogical problems of education The emergence of a pedagogical type of activity. Separation of pedagogy as a separate science. The essence of pedagogy as a science about human upbringing, about the purposeful formation of personality qualities. Object and subject of research in general and professional pedagogy. Patterns of pedagogy. Concepts of personal education. Problems of public and family education. Problems of personality development in a study group. Computerization of education. Humanization of education. Alternative pedagogy and the crisis of traditions.
2. System of general and vocational education in Russia. Definition of the education system. History of the development of the education system in Russia. Trends in the development of the education system at the present stage. New types of educational institutions. Principles of building a public education system in Russia. Multi-level professional education. Characteristics of individual education systems abroad. Law of the Russian Federation on education and other legal documents.
2. Pedagogical process. 3. Pedagogical process. The essence of the pedagogical process.. Various approaches to the interpretation of the essence of the pedagogical process The unity and difference of the processes of education and training. Educational process. Educational process. Types of pedagogical process. Components of the pedagogical process. Rules for constructing the pedagogical process. Management of the pedagogical process.
Connections between students and teacher. Conditions for pedagogical interaction. Properties of the pedagogical process. Internal connections of the pedagogical process. Regularities of the pedagogical process. 4. The process of education.
The essence of the education process. The process of education as a way of personality formation. Directions of education. The purpose of the education process. Features of the education process. Driving forces of education. Contradictions external and internal. Regularities of the education process. Objective and subjective factors in personality formation. Basic ways of education. Necessary conditions for successful education. Psychological and pedagogical foundations of education.
5. The learning process The essence of the learning process. The relationship between the process of cognition and learning. Basic functions of training. Structure of the learning process. Characteristics of the components of the learning process. Purpose and structure of activities of the teacher in the educational process. Psychological bases of activity of students in the learning process. Various types of training, features of the activities of the teacher and students. Patterns of the learning process. Pedagogical system 6. Pedagogical goals. General scientific concept of goals. The essence of pedagogical goals, their features and functions. Structure of pedagogical goals. Types of goals: training, education, development and their characteristics.
The goals are organizational and methodological. The goals are normative and proactive. Requirements for the formulation of pedagogical goals. The essence of diagnostically set goals. Errors in formulating various types of goals. Goal setting technique. 7. Pedagogical principles. General scientific concept of principles. The essence of pedagogical principles and their implementation. General pedagogical principles and their characteristics. Requirements and rules for the implementation of pedagogical principles. Choice of principles. Approaches to formulating principles.
8. Contents of upbringing, education, training. General scientific concept of content. The essence of the concepts “content of education”, “content of education”, “content of training”, “content of educational material”. Functions of content in the pedagogical process. Levels of content formation. Composition and structure of educational content. Components of educational content: knowledge, skills and abilities. The essence of the content of vocational education. Characteristics of the content of general education and professional training. Theories of selection and structuring of educational content. Types of content analysis of educational material. Characteristics of the content of the main directions of education.
9. Pedagogical methods. General scientific concept of method. The essence of pedagogical methods. Pedagogical techniques and methods as components of methods. Classification of teaching methods: traditional by sources of knowledge, by degree of activity, students. Problem-based teaching methods Classification of educational methods. The relationship between teaching and upbringing methods. Selection of methods. Characteristics of individual groups of methods. Errors in the use of pedagogical methods.
10. Pedagogical means. General scientific concept of means. The essence of pedagogical means. Signs of pedagogical means. Material and technical base of the educational institution. Classifications of pedagogical means. Technical teaching aids and computers, their capabilities, advantages and disadvantages in use. Choice of pedagogical means.
11. Forms of organization of the pedagogical process.
4. General scientific concept of forms. The essence of pedagogical forms. A brief history of the development of pedagogical forms. Classification of pedagogical forms: training and education. Forms are simple, compound and complex. Forms of student organization. Characteristics of shaping. Choice of pedagogical forms. Design of pedagogical systems . 12.Fundamentals of pedagogical design The essence of pedagogical design. Stages of pedagogical design. Objects of pedagogical design: systems, processes, situations. Forms of pedagogical design.
History of the development of theory and practice of pedagogical design. Foreign experience in designing training courses. Design actions and their characteristics. The role of the teacher’s personality in pedagogical design. 13. Design of pedagogical systems. Designing a system of professional personality traits. Design of theoretical and industrial training systems. Designing a system of extracurricular activities for students.
14. Design of pedagogical processes. Development of simple forms of organizing the pedagogical process.
Design of complex (composite) forms of organization of the pedagogical process. Designing complex forms of organizing the pedagogical process. 15. Lesson design. Lesson design. Requirements for the lesson. Traditional lesson structure.
Approaches to developing the structure of a modern lesson by M.I. Makhmutov. Pedagogical structure. Didactic structure. Methodological structure. Psychological structures (cognition, problem solving, motivation for learning and work, etc.). Algorithm for preparing lessons. 16.Design of pedagogical situations. Characteristics of pedagogical situations. Types and types of situations in the pedagogical process. Pedagogical situations in the educational process: classification, characteristics of each type, development and implementation during the lesson. Educational situations: classification, characteristics of each type, development and implementation during educational activities.

Types of analysis of pedagogical situations.

No. 6.2. Sections of disciplines and types of classes Name of the discipline section Lecture Lab. zan. Pract.
1. zan. and semin.
2. SRS
3. Total
4. General and professional pedagogy as scientific fields of knowledge Current pedagogical problems of education
5. System of general and vocational education in Russia.
Pedagogical process.
The process of education.
Learning process.
Pedagogical goals.
Pedagogical principles.
Contents of upbringing, education, training.
Pedagogical methods.
Pedagogical means.
Forms of organization of the pedagogical process.
Fundamentals of pedagogical design.
Design of pedagogical systems.

Design of pedagogical processes.

Lesson design.

Design of pedagogical situations.

Laboratory workshop Not provided.

6.4. Interdisciplinary connections of the discipline

6.5. Requirements for independent work of students

(approximate topics of coursework and/or essays, example assignments for all types of self-help work).

Subjects of SRS assignments

18. Professional and pedagogical culture of a teacher of theoretical education: content and essence.

19. Pedagogical culture of a master of a vocational school: issues of theory and methods of development in a vocational school.

20. Education is a complex process in a vocational school: issues of theory and methodology.

21. System-synergetic theory of education.

22. A.M. Novikov on the development of vocational education in Russia.

23. S.Ya. Batyshev on the methodology of training workers in a vocational school in Russia.

24. Professional self-determination of vocational school students as a socio-economic problem.

25. Pedagogical management in a vocational school.

26. Management of personal and professional growth of teachers and industrial training masters.

27. Management of the development of a vocational school.

28. Higher working education and its features.

29. History of vocational pedagogical education in Russia.

30. History of professional pedagogy.

31. Professional education abroad.

32. Organization of the educational process in professional skills.

33. Specifics of the educational process in a vocational lyceum.

34. Goals and objectives of vocational education in college and higher school.

35. The essence and content of the vocational training process.

36. State standard of vocational education and vacancies of blue-collar professions in the labor market.

38. Methods of theoretical teaching in a vocational school.

39. Features of theoretical teaching methods in a vocational lyceum.

40. Modern methods of industrial (vocational) training in vocational schools.

41. Modern forms of theoretical training in vocational schools

42. Basic forms of organizing industrial (vocational) training.

43. Characteristics of modern teaching aids in vocational schools.

44. Innovative technologies in primary and secondary vocational education.

45. Innovative activities in a vocational school as a means of developing the professional interest of future workers.

47. Development of the pedagogical culture of industrial training masters.

48.Psychological characteristics of future workers.

49. Experience in determining the education and training of students in primary vocational schools.

50. Specifics of personality-oriented education.

51. Features of the organization of the educational process in a vocational school.

52. Professional self-determination of vocational school students is an indicator of readiness for independent professional activity.

53. Psychological analysis of the educational process in a vocational school.

54. Pedagogical analysis of theoretical and industrial (vocational) training lessons in a vocational lyceum.

55. Methodological analysis of the educational process in primary vocational school.

56. Management of a vocational school in modern conditions.

57. Experience of innovative activities in the teaching staff of a vocational school and the level of its enrichment.

58. Vocational school teacher as an object of pedagogical research.

59. A vocational school student as an object of pedagogical study.

60. The head of a vocational school as the main source of transformation in a school or lyceum.

61. Psychological characteristics of students of professional lyceums.

62. Vocational college as an educational institution. College students and psychological characteristics of early adolescence.

64. Requirements for the training of general workers.

65. A step-by-step system of block-modular vocational training for workers in production.

Part of the laboratory workshop is also offered for independent study, namely, the section of the laboratory workshop “Computer Software. Text processing."

Sample list of questions for self-preparation

1. General pedagogy as a scientific field of knowledge. Methodological foundations of pedagogy.

2. Branches of pedagogy. The relationship between pedagogy and other sciences.

3. Object and subject of research in general pedagogy. Basic pedagogical categories. Patterns of pedagogy.

4. The emergence of a pedagogical type of activity. Separation of pedagogy as a separate science. The essence of pedagogy as a science of human education.

5. Professional pedagogy as a scientific field of knowledge. Object and subject of research of professional pedagogy. The place of professional pedagogy in the system of pedagogical sciences.

6. Definition of the education system. History of the development of the education system in Russia.

7. Trends in the development of the education system at the present stage. New types of educational institutions. Law of the Russian Federation on education and other legal documents.

8. Priority national project “Education”. Characteristics and analysis of priority directions for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation.

9. Humanization of education. Computerization of education. Alternative pedagogy and the crisis of traditions.

10. System of general and vocational education in Russia. Principles of building a public education system.

11. Development of the vocational education system. Principles of vocational education and their characteristics. Multi-level professional education.

12. Implementation of priority directions for the development of the education system of the Russian Federation on the basis of strategic partnership of the state, society and business.

13. Methods of pedagogical research.

14. The essence of the pedagogical process. Various approaches to the interpretation of the essence of the pedagogical process. The unity and difference of the processes of education and training. Educational process. Educational process.

15. Rules for constructing the pedagogical process. Management of the pedagogical process. Connections between students and teacher.

16. Conditions for pedagogical interaction. Properties of the pedagogical process. Internal connections of the pedagogical process. Regularities of the pedagogical process.

17. General scientific concept of principles. The essence of pedagogical principles and their implementation. General pedagogical principles and their characteristics. Requirements and rules for the implementation of pedagogical principles.

18. General scientific concept of goals. Structure of pedagogical goals. Types of goals and their characteristics. Goal setting technique.

19. The essence of pedagogical goals, their features. The goals are normative and proactive. Requirements for the formulation of pedagogical goals.

20. The concept of purpose. Essence, functions of goals. The goals are organizational and methodological.

21. Education: concept and essence. Features of the education process. Driving forces of education. Contradictions external and internal. Regularities of the education process.

22. Different approaches to education. Theories of education. A brief history of the development of ideas about upbringing and education.

23. Current pedagogical problems of education. Concepts of personal education.

24. Basic ways of education. Necessary conditions for successful education. Psychological and pedagogical foundations of education.

25. The purpose of the education process. Objective and subjective factors in personality formation.

27. The concept of education method. Classification of individual groups of educational methods. Characteristics of various methods of education.

28. The essence of pedagogical forms. Classification of pedagogical forms of education. Choice of education methods.

29. Educational situations, classification, characteristics of each type, development and implementation during educational activities.

30. Characteristics of pedagogical situations. Types and types of situations in the pedagogical process. Types of analysis of pedagogical situations.

31. Pedagogical situations in the educational process: classification, characteristics of each type, development and implementation during educational activities.

32. Problems of public and family education. Problems of personality development in a study group.

33. The essence of the learning process. The purpose and structure of the teacher’s activity in the educational process. Psychological foundations of students' activities in the learning process.

34. Various types of training, features of the activities of the teacher and students. Patterns of the learning process.

35. Didactic principles and their characteristics.

36. Basic functions and structure of the learning process. Characteristics of the components of the learning process.

37. The essence of the concept of educational content. Composition and structure of educational content.

38. The essence of the content of vocational education. Characteristics of the content of general education and professional training.

39. The essence of pedagogical methods. Pedagogical techniques and methods as components of methods. General scientific concept of method. Classifications of teaching methods. Selection of methods.

40. Problem-based teaching methods. Characteristics of individual groups of methods.

41. Class-lesson form of teaching, its characteristics and history. Lesson characteristics. Types, types of lessons, their choice. Prospects for the development of classroom-based teaching.

42. Lesson design. Requirements for the lesson. Traditional lesson structure. Modern lesson (M.I. Makhmutov).

43. The essence of pedagogical design. Stages, objects, forms of pedagogical design. The role of the teacher’s personality in pedagogical design.

44. General scientific concept of forms. The essence of pedagogical forms. Classification of pedagogical forms of teaching. Choice of forms of training.

45. Development of modern forms of student self-government as a special form of initiative, innovation, and independence.

46. ​​General scientific concept of means. Classification of pedagogical means. Choice of pedagogical means.

47. Material and technical base of the educational institution. Technical teaching aids and computers, their capabilities, advantages and disadvantages in use.

48. Designing a system of extracurricular activities for students.

49. Informatization of the education system, creation of conditions for increasing the information and technological base of educational institutions

50. Features of pedagogical theoretical systems. Characteristics of known individual pedagogical systems. Pedagogical creativity.

51. The concept of pedagogical systems. Design of theoretical and industrial training systems.

52. Individual style of the teacher. Features of pedagogical systems of innovative teachers. The main contradictions of pedagogical innovation.

53. The concept of a modern system of monitoring and education statistics in accordance with international standards.

Also, during lecture classes, students are given a list of abstract topics that they must prepare and accompany with an electronic presentation. The reports are submitted to the lecturer, and an additional rating point is awarded for them. The topics of the reports are given below.

Abstract topics

1. Model of a modern worker, specialist.

2. The relationship between professional pedagogy and the psychology of professional activity.

3. Organization of experimental work in a vocational school.

4. 60 years of vocational education in Russia (pedagogical analysis).

5. Primary and secondary vocational education in Russia (development prospects).

6. Trends in the development of vocational education abroad.

7. The process of vocational training as an object of research.

8. Design of the educational process in a vocational school.

9. Analysis of theoretical training in a vocational school.

10. Reflection on industrial (vocational) training in workshops

professional school.

11. Problems of organizing and conducting practical training for students

vocational schools.

12. Prospects for industrial practice of students of professional lyceums.

13. State standard of primary and secondary vocational education:

problems of implementation in vocational schools.

14. The relationship between goals, content and pedagogical technologies in the educational process of a vocational school.

15. Modern forms of vocational training.

16. Information and communication technologies in training workers and specialists