Professional skills of a preschool teacher. Psychological and pedagogical skills of the teacher and their formation. What a teacher should be able to do

Professional skills of a preschool teacher.  Psychological and pedagogical skills of the teacher and their formation.  What a teacher should be able to do
Professional skills of a preschool teacher. Psychological and pedagogical skills of the teacher and their formation. What a teacher should be able to do

What should a kindergarten teacher be like in modern realities? This profession is special in its significance and essence.

Features of the profession

The specificity of the work lies in the fact that the main object is the child, who is a unique creation of nature. The teacher must be involved in the spiritual, mental, and physical development of the child. It is for this reason that working as a kindergarten teacher is one of the most responsible and important in the modern world.

Specifics of pedagogical activity

All the work of the teacher is aimed at the formation of basic activities that contribute to the development of a harmoniously developed personality of the preschooler. To successfully implement all the tasks assigned to a teacher, he must have true professional skill. Not all holders of a diploma from a pedagogical educational institution will be able to become good employees of preschool educational institutions. Working as a teacher in a kindergarten involves performing musical, gaming, labor, research, and project activities with students.

Teacher's work program

There are certain requirements for the level of training, as well as for the direct activities of a teaching worker in a preschool institution. In addition to secondary vocational or higher specialized education, there must be a special work program for the teacher. It indicates the main goals of working with students: educational, developmental, educational. Here the tasks set by the teacher for a certain period and ways to achieve them are written down. According to the new standards of preschool education, the teacher prescribes all the basic universal skills that his pupils must master after completing the course of study. Depending on what profile is chosen by the preschool institution, teachers’ programs can be narrowly focused. Among the most common areas in preschool educational institutions, the leading ones are patriotic, environmental, and physical education.

Functions for the implementation of the educational activities of the teacher

To implement the tasks set for the educator by the modern Russian education system, he needs certain functions. The communicative-stimulating function presupposes the teacher’s ability to establish contact with children and maintain friendly relationships with the children. The professional qualities of a kindergarten teacher involve showing warmth, care, warmth, love and respect to children. This function involves full communication not only with wards, but also with parents, other employees, and colleagues.

The diagnostic function is interconnected with the study of the characteristics of each child and the establishment of their level of education and development. The professional qualities of a kindergarten teacher include knowledge of the characteristics of child developmental psychology. If a teacher does not have information about the level of moral, mental, and physical development of a child, he has no place in kindergarten. A true professional will study all the personal characteristics of each child in his group, get to know the parents, analyze living conditions, the atmosphere in the family in order to be aware of everything that is happening with his kids.

It assumes such professional qualities of a kindergarten teacher as planning educational and developmental work. In addition, the professional interests of a preschool educational institution employee should include the desire to take a creative approach to their activities.

The constructive and design function characterizes the professional qualities of a kindergarten teacher regarding the organization of educational activities and educational games, projects with children.

The organizational function is considered the most difficult; it is this function that allows you to demonstrate your personal characteristics to the teacher. Only a person passionate about his profession can lead children and “ignite” a spark of knowledge in them. The teacher selects and structures information during communication with the children, organizes various activities for them, and analyzes the children’s desire to acquire new knowledge and skills.

The research function presupposes the ability of the teacher himself to engage in self-education, develop his professional interests in order to be a real example for the child.

What a teacher should be able to do

There are certain personal qualities that a kindergarten teacher should have. Education in this profile can be obtained at a pedagogical college or university. First of all, it is necessary to note the dominant qualities. If a teacher does not want to work with them, there is not even a question of his pedagogical competence.


This quality is especially important for representatives of this profession. It is the teacher who must provide timely support and assistance to the child, help him overcome problems associated with communicating with other children. Under the guidance of a sensitive mentor, the baby transforms from an “ugly duckling” into a beautiful “swan”. While attending kindergarten, the child’s personal growth should occur and the desire to acquire new knowledge and skills should grow.


The teacher must be tolerant of his children. Situations where the teacher raises his voice at children during class are not allowed.

Pedagogical tact and fairness

This quality presupposes that the mentor adheres to universal human norms of interaction and communication with preschoolers. In addition, a professional teacher takes into account the individual qualities of each child and his psychological characteristics. According to the new Federal State Educational Standards, each kindergarten student builds his own educational trajectory, along which he advances under the guidance of his mentor. Fairness is a mandatory quality of a modern school teacher. He is obliged to behave impartially towards each child. What other personal qualities should a good teacher have? He must be an optimist, not get lost in extreme situations, have charm and personal charm, have a sense of humor, and have worldly wisdom. From the point of view of social activity, such a teacher should always be ready to help colleagues in solving public and social problems related primarily to the educational sphere.

Job responsibilities of a kindergarten teacher

The Ministry of Education has developed requirements that a modern preschool teacher must meet.

  • He is obliged to plan, organize, carry out the activities of children and their upbringing in the preschool.
  • The teacher is engaged in daily work, which is aimed at providing conditions for the social and psychological rehabilitation of preschool children.
  • In his work, he is obliged to use modern techniques, methods, and teaching aids.
  • Based on the recommendations of a child psychologist, the results of personal research, she works with children individually, in groups, and is engaged in correctional and developmental activities.
  • Together with a medical professional, he develops and implements a set of measures aimed at preventing and strengthening the physical health of preschool children.

Together with medical workers, he ensures the preservation and strengthening of the health of children, carries out activities that promote their psychophysical development, and is responsible for their life and health.

The teacher is obliged to know and comply with the laws of the Russian Federation, regulations and decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation relating to preschool education, and be familiar with the provisions of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.


A word like “educator” comes from “to nourish,” that is, to feed. The modern dictionary interprets this profession as a person who is engaged in raising someone and takes full responsibility for the development and conditions of existence of the personality of another person. There were objective reasons for the emergence of this teaching profession. For the full development of society, it was important that the experience accumulated by older generations be passed on to children. This profession first appeared in Ancient Greece. At that distant time, a slave was responsible for the development of the child. It was he who first looked after the baby, and after the child grew up, he accompanied him to school. The duties of the slave included monitoring the development of the child, his behavior and actions. Gradually, the slave was replaced by home educators (governesses), and then kindergarten teachers. Modern DU teachers are creative and bright personalities. They are distinguished by emotional stability, endurance, patience, balance, and observation. Representatives of this profession have excellent communication skills and the teacher is an excellent organizer, speaks clearly and knows how to attract the attention of his interlocutor. All representatives of this important and responsible profession have a developed sense of personal responsibility. They are active, proactive, and kind to their students and colleagues. There are also certain medical restrictions that do not allow a person to work as a preschool teacher. A candidate for the position of teacher undergoes a medical examination. People with mental disorders, serious diseases of the musculoskeletal system, respiratory and cardiovascular systems, or those suffering from severe stuttering are not allowed to see children. Persons who have skin-venereal and infectious diseases and are virus carriers cannot work in a kindergarten.


The relevance of research. Transformations in the country affected
the entire system of social relations and demanded from preschool institutions
necessary practical technologies for professional development
educators creating conditions for development in the direction of achieving heights
pedagogical skill. The Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” granted the right
each teacher chooses his own path to achieve educational goals,
set before a preschool institution by modern times, but not everyone
the teacher turned out to be capable of such independence, creative
approach to the implementation of educational programs.
it is known that the level of development of professional skills is not
proportional to professional experience. Many years of work experience brings
have both positive and negative traits: an experienced teacher,
having achieved high mastery, sometimes he cannot escape what he has learned
stereotypes, stops in its growth, continuing to act in
within the framework of his experience, which now prevents him from growing.
Teachers with extensive experience may experience a feeling of resistance to innovation, sometimes
teachers do not want to change either the style or methodology of their work, like this
modern conditions require. A teacher who does not want to change, especially
susceptible to so-called pedagogical crises, which manifest themselves in
acute dissatisfaction with one’s work, arising, at first glance,
for no apparent reason.
That's why
Today, more than ever, the problem of increasing pedagogical
skills of teachers, both experienced and young, since
insufficient professional training of them as specialists in universities
recognized by many scientists.
a number of authors I.A. Zyazyun, N.V. Kuzmina, N.I. Tarasevich consider
pedagogical skill as a “complex of personality properties”,
ensuring a high level of self-organization of pedagogical
activities, and the ways to improve a teacher’s skills are seen in developing his
components: humanistic orientation of activity,
professional knowledge, teaching abilities and pedagogical
technology. A.E. Kondratenkov, Yu.N. Kulyutkin, G.S. Sukhobskaya leading role
allocated to the process of improving theoretical knowledge. R.G. Gerasimova,
V.I.Zagvyazinsky, N.V.Kuzmina, Yu.N.Kulutkin, V.F.Palamarchuk,
G.S. Sukhobskaya represent pedagogical activity as a continuous
the process of solving pedagogical problems, and the development of mastery is seen in
successful mastery of various ways to solve them. Yu.K.Babansky and
I.P. Rachenko is associated with solving the problem of improving pedagogical
mastery with optimization of the educational process and clear
scientific organization of labor. A.A. Bodalev, F.N. Gonobolin,
V.I.Zagvyazinsky, V.A.Kan-Kalik, Yu.N.Kulutkin, V.A.Krutetskii, N.V.
Kuzmina, N.V.Kukharev, A.K.Markova, N.D.Nikandrov, P.I.Pidkasisty,
M.N.Skatkin, G.S.Sukhobskaya, V.A.Sukhomlinsky, Ya.S.Turbovskaya,
A.I. Shcherbakov and other scientists emphasize the need for development
pedagogical thinking, as well as the presence of a complex of professional
pedagogical abilities. V.I.Zagvyazinsky, A.E.Kondratenkov,
Yu.N.Kulutkin, N.D.Nikandrov, A.A.Orlov, I.P.Rachenko, L.I.Ruvinsky,
A.V. Khristeva see the way to improve pedagogical skills in the development
creative individuality and general culture of the teacher.
teachers undoubtedly play a big role in this direction, deepening
not only theoretical ideas about pedagogical skills
teacher, but also creating a basis for the development of appropriate methods,
programs, training and retraining courses for teachers. However, indigenous
changes that have occurred in the domestic education system related to
a sharp increase in the developmental autonomy of each preschool child
educational institution.
With the introduction of the municipal, regional component of training, more
dissatisfaction with the quality of teaching and educational
process in a preschool institution; recognition of the need for continuous
modernization of education is connected, first of all, with this
attempts made to ensure the growth of teaching skills
teacher testifies that until now the entire system
state provision of teacher training and retraining in
was mainly built on the predominance of external forms of influence,
aimed at mastering the necessary amount of knowledge, skills,
professional skills. Which did not always lead to the planned
results, this indicates the existence of a gap between the teacher’s knowledge
and the effectiveness of their practical application. We attribute this to the fact that
that the methods, forms and means of ensuring the
professional growth, based on external influence on the teacher,
are not always personally significant for him. In modern
conditions where there are different types of preschool institutions with different
targeted and meaningful orientation, becomes especially acute
an organic combination of not only theory and best practice, but also
real experience of a specific preschool institution and a specific
the need to rely on the cognitive activity of everyone increases
a teacher who sets tasks for himself and finds the optimal ones for them
decisions directly in the practical activities carried out by him in
different groups, in different conditions, at different times.
It is known
that a teacher cannot work without analyzing his activities.
Therefore, we share the position of V.I. Zagvyazinsky, V.P. Simonov,
V.A. Sukhomlinsky, Ya.S. Turbovsky, T.I. Shamova, who see a reserve
effectiveness of the teacher's pedagogical skills in constant
the desire to analyze one’s activities, in developing it
research position. Self-analysis and self-assessment of teaching work
directly related to the need to diagnose a teacher’s work as
the basics of its improvement, which is noted by A.A. Bodalev,
V.G.Vershlovsky, S.B.Elkanov, N.V.Kuzmina, N.V.Kukharev, V.M.Lizinsky,
A.K.Markova, Ya.S.Turbovskaya, L. Denyakin.
various aspects of the problem under consideration convinces us that
Ensuring the continuous development of pedagogical skills is possible only
having overcome the passivity of the teacher in this process, what can be
carried out based on his own experience, on his desire for
self-analysis and self-assessment of one’s professional activities, in the course of
systematic methodological work.
In connection with this, we would like to emphasize that at present there are few
studied conditions for ensuring continuous purposeful development
mastery of the teacher, implementation of targeted methodological assistance,
using the reserves of the preschool educational institution itself in
providing the opportunity for professional self-realization to everyone
Thus, it is necessary to recognize that, on the one hand, the problem of increasing
pedagogical skill of a teacher in modern conditions is not only not
lost, but gained even greater relevance, and on the other hand,
It should be noted that the search for optimal
ways to solve it leads to a contradiction between
awareness of the need to develop the pedagogical skills of the teacher and
the lack of a mechanism for achieving this goal in preschool educational institutions, taking into account the specifics

The study of these issues formed the basis of our final qualifying work : “Ways to improve the professional skills of teachers during methodological work in a preschool educational institution.”
Goal of the work : identify
ways of methodological work with teachers in preschool education
institution as the basis for improving his pedagogical skills (at
example of pedagogical technique as an element of pedagogical mastery).

Job objectives:
- study the problem of improving the pedagogical skills of a teacher in pedagogical literature;
- to justify ways to improve methodological work in the development of teachers’ pedagogical techniques as an element of pedagogical skill;
- identify pedagogical conditions for the effective use of methodological work in a preschool institution;
- develop a system of methodological work that ensures the development of a teacher’s professional skills.
Object of work: professional activity of a teacher.
Subject of work: improving the pedagogical skills of the teacher.
Research hypothesis: The methodological work carried out in a preschool institution will ensure an increase in the pedagogical skills of the teacher if:

methodological work carried out in a preschool institution will be
based on professional needs and creative achievements
each teacher identified in the process of pedagogical

A set of pedagogical conditions will be met to ensure the effectiveness of the teacher’s professional activities.
Methodological basis
research consists of: modern psychological and pedagogical theories
personality, activity, thinking B.G. Ananyev, P.Ya. Galperin, L.S.
Vygotsky, A.N. Leontyev, B.F. Lomov, K.K. Platonov, S.L. Rubinstein,
B.G. Ananyev, A.Z. Zak, Yu.N. Kulyutkin, I.N. Semyonov, S.Yu. Stepanov, G.S.
Sukhobskaya, G.P. Shchedrovitsky e; philosophical theories of goal setting in
education V.P. Bespalko, V.P. Provotorov, Ya.S. Turbovskaya; concept
continuous education S.G. Vershlovsky, Yu.N. Kulyutkin; theories
improving pedagogical skills in preschool educational institutions N.A. Moreva, K.Yu Belaya.
Practical significance of the study.
The main provisions and conclusions contained in the work can be
used both directly in practice in methodological management
activities of the teaching staff, and in the system of advanced training
teaching staff, which will help influence the effectiveness of work to develop the pedagogical skills of teachers.

CHAPTER 1. Theoretical foundations for improving the pedagogical skills of a teacher

1.1. Specifics of development of teacher's pedagogical skills

the state of education poses enough challenges for educators and practitioners
serious problems that only a professional can solve,
possessing a high level of pedagogical skill. Study
theory of teacher education proves the ambiguity of scientific
approaches in defining the concept of “teaching skill” and its

There are different views on the problem of pedagogical excellence in
national pedagogical thought. This is how K.D. Ushinsky spoke about
the art of teaching “I see in pedagogy not a science, but an art, but
I am convinced that in the theory of this art there is a lot that
it is absolutely necessary for people who undertake the practice of education and
the purpose of pedagogical skills wrote N.A. Dobrolyubov “I am capable
pass on his knowledge, because he is not deprived of the gift of words, because
I have a heart that often seeks to speak out, but what more is needed?
from a teacher who wants to be useful...";
Master teacher according to L.N. Tolstoy “If a teacher combines love for his work and for his students, he is a perfect teacher.”
Issues of pedagogical excellence are given attention in the pedagogical concepts of leading Soviet didactics:
Kapterev about two components of pedagogical mastery “Addressing
research into the impact on the success of teaching special teachers'
properties, we can in this case distinguish between two types of teacher qualities: his
scientific training and personal teaching talent";
Shatsky on the role of pedagogical skill in the activities of a teacher
“Teaching skill consists of a number of components. It
includes scientific knowledge of pedagogy and psychology, i.e.
professional knowledge, professional inclinations, pedagogical
ethics and pedagogical technology";
mastery as a creative laboratory of a teacher in a humanistic
concepts of V.A. Sukhomlinsky “Art and craftsmanship are precisely
lies in the ability to combine warmth with wisdom”;
Sh.A. Amonashvili “Striving to understand the secret of a child’s soul, pedagogical
skills and science of Pedagogy I will see in every child a teacher and
side of the teacher’s pedagogical culture is pedagogical
skill. Craftsmanship is a complex and painstaking matter, so it’s worth
indicate its nature, essence and content. Everyone knows that skill is
high art.
Pedagogical excellence
high and constantly improving art of education and training,
accessible to every teacher who works according to his calling and loves children.

“pedagogical skill” is multifaceted. Every researcher in this
area considers a specific aspect of the teacher’s activity, which,
in his opinion, best reveals the essential characteristics
pedagogical skill.
pedagogical activity cannot be determined by individual
abilities, the personality of a teacher with an arsenal of various qualities
is a condition for successful work, therefore pedagogical skill
is somewhat dependent on these qualities.
activities are carried out in different directions: training,
education, management of the activities of preschoolers - and at each of them
the pedagogical skill of the teacher can be demonstrated, basic
the foundation of which is the following elements: content of education
teacher; professional experience; manifestation experience
personal qualities in professional and pedagogical activities, i.e.
internal model of behavior. Therefore, the logic of building a pedagogical
mastery can be represented by a unique formula: “knowledge -
experience is personality."
mastery can be defined as a fusion of intuition and knowledge, truly
scientific, authoritative leadership capable of overcoming
educational difficulties, and the gift of feeling the state of a child’s soul,
subtle and careful attitude towards the child’s personality, wisdom and creativity
audacity, ability for scientific analysis, fantasy, imagination.
pedagogical skill is understood as a complex of personality traits,
ensuring a high level of professional self-organization
mastery is considered as a set of professional skills
teachers who are directly dependent on the professional
teacher's orientation.
skill can be rightfully presented as a set of certain qualities
personality of the teacher, which are determined by the high level of his
psychological and pedagogical preparedness, ability to optimally
solve pedagogical problems. It should be noted here that
the pedagogical task is understood as a certain conclusion that
the teacher can accept and implement in unprogrammed conditions.
The effectiveness of the solution depends on the choice of the preferable
method of influence that is optimal for given conditions, awareness
teacher that the pedagogical task exists only as long as
until he solves it, and the solution means transferring preschoolers to a given
state, i.e. the state needed by the teacher at the moment, for example
attracting attention, activating cognitive activity. Because the
pedagogical skill ensures the management of pedagogical
processes, then it can be designated as a certain level of proficiency
methods, means, forms of education and training, as a derivative
logic of technological effectiveness of the pedagogical process. Teacher's skill
manifests itself in the implementation of the main functions of the organizer, propagandist,
mentor. When raising and teaching children, the teacher has his own methodology, in
in which each group of methods performs a specific technological
function: some are initial, others are leading, others are directed
for correction or self-organization of preschool children’s activities.
mastery can be represented as a set of goals, achievement
each of which enhances the art of the teacher: this is style
pedagogical communication, speech culture, oratory, image
teacher, his intellectual erudition, resistance to stress, etc.
It is obvious that the equivalence of goals is assumed, over each of which
the teacher works to improve it.
mastery finds its expression in immediate analysis and action on
balancing and finding the optimal balance between goals, means and
the result of pedagogical activity.
In the process of developing pedagogical skills, several stages can be distinguished.
1. Professional “I-concept” solves the question, what kind of teacher am I? The space of the profession has not yet been inhabited.
The activity stage answers the question: what am I doing and why?
The teacher looks for different technologies, studies various methods and
techniques, advanced pedagogical experience, scientific and methodological literature,
methodological recommendations, ways to improve your skills.
Genuine pedagogical creativity. Here the teacher emphasizes his
efforts on pedagogical interaction with preschoolers. All of him
methodological research is carried out taking into account the interests of children and themselves
teacher, he strives to be understood and accepted by children.
It should be noted that in the question of the structure of pedagogical skills
There is no consensus among researchers. It is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of “essence”
pedagogical mastery" and "fundamentals of pedagogical mastery".
The essence lies in its content, essence, meaning. And the basics are
the basis on which it is built and without which pedagogical
mastery as a pedagogical phenomenon.
mastery can be defined as a set of characteristics of an activity
educator, making the process of teaching and upbringing effective. IN
Such features are methods and techniques that
used by the teacher. They will give a positive result if the teacher
knows how to use them, as they say, for their intended purpose. In the below
in the structure of pedagogical mastery, all components act as
various professional skills:
· installation
teacher for professional and personal self-improvement,
developing in oneself qualities that are optimal for achieving educational goals and
· ability to implement the unity of training and education;
· knowledge used to clarify the psychological patterns of learning in preschoolers;
· practical implementation of the basic principles of didactics of education;
· ability to apply teaching tools in practice and comply with the requirements of a unified methodological degree in specific forms of training;
· art
communication: knowledge of the internal structure of the group and the stages of child development
groups, mastery of personal charm techniques in formal and informal
communication with children, giving learning a dialogical nature.
The structure of pedagogical skill is interesting, in which two of its subsystems are distinguished:
· logical-pedagogical, including knowledge and pedagogical thinking;
· emotional - creative, related to the work of a teacher;
· creative well-being, psychophysiological characteristics of the teacher, pedagogical intuition, art of communication.
Mutual influence
of these systems in each pedagogical act and expresses the degree
pedagogical skill. In this regard, it appears as a kind of
education, the level of opportunity that is practically realizable through
teacher's pedagogical technique.
personal qualities, professional knowledge, abilities, skills of a teacher
determine the structural elements of pedagogical mastery, but should
note that they achieve results only in the process of developing this
structure, which is the prerequisite and basis of pedagogical
mastery as a pedagogical category.
Elements of pedagogical skill:
The elements of pedagogical mastery include:
1) humanistic orientation
as a system-forming component; expressed in value orientations
teacher in the form of a humanistic strategy in achieving goals
pedagogical activity, self-affirmation of the teacher, as well as in his
system of pedagogical interaction with

2) professional knowledge,
which serves as the foundation of pedagogical excellence,
giving it depth, thoroughness, and meaningfulness. Ignoring
its role leads to craftsmanship, stamps, primitivism, and vice versa,
psychological and pedagogical erudition allows you to achieve the desired success
results in the interaction of the teacher with the children's audience.
Professional knowledge of a teacher is characterized by personal
coloration, since knowledge is impeccable and uninteresting without
passion of the teacher, without his own position and attitude towards
acquired knowledge. Professional knowledge must be formed immediately
at all levels: at the methodological level - this is knowledge of patterns
development, conditionality of educational goals; in theory it is
knowledge of laws, principles, rules of pedagogy and psychology, basic forms
activities; on the methodological level - this is the level of design
educational process; on a technological level - this is the level
solving practical problems of training and education in specific conditions;
3) pedagogical abilities,
which provide speed of improvement of skills and facilitate
the success of the teacher in performing his immediate functions.
To improve them, it is important to focus on the fact that
Pedagogical abilities function on two levels:
reproductive, characterizing the teacher’s ability to convey to others
knowledge that he himself possesses, and adaptive, not only knowledge
the subject, but also the features of its assimilation, perception and understanding by children;
4) pedagogical technology,
based on knowledge and abilities and connecting all means
pedagogical influence and interaction for effective
implementation of pedagogical activities.
pedagogical mastery is pedagogical competence,
representing the integration of experience, theoretical knowledge,
practical skills and personal qualities that are significant for a teacher. IN
the quality of its content components can be distinguished as criticality
thinking, the need for self-improvement, a penchant for creativity,
love for the profession. Competence is a dynamic
a phenomenon that qualitatively depends on the development of pedagogy and related
sciences, the state of culture in society.
Because the
pedagogical competence determines the quality of activity
teacher, then we can say that it manifests itself in an individual style
teaching, culture and personal growth.
Pedagogical competence can be represented as a three-dimensional system, which includes the following components:
· professionally - meaningful, presupposing that the teacher has deep theoretical knowledge;
· professionally
- activity-based, including the system of knowledge and skills of the teacher,
repeatedly applied in practice and giving the best results in
training and education;
· professional and personal,
uniting professional and personal qualities, which, in their
turn, form the basis of the teacher’s orientation and position.
about the levels of psychological and pedagogical competence of the teacher, it should be
note that the transition from level to level does not have clear timing
boundaries, but is associated with a change in the personal position of the teacher, an increase
individual component in its structure. Level indicator
competence is the teacher’s attitude towards self-education and
self-development, both in pedagogical and personal and general cultural
plan, the highest level is characterized by a high indicator
self-organization of the teacher.
Thus, the specifics of pedagogical skill can be considered
as a dynamic process of development of the totality
professional and personal qualities of the teacher, his skills and abilities,
allowing the teacher to effectively carry out professional
activity. A set of goals and elements, achieving each of them
which the art of the teacher enhances: this is the style of pedagogical
communication, speech culture, oratory, image of a teacher, his
intellectual erudition, stress resistance. Pedagogical technique
is one of the main elements of pedagogical mastery.

1.2. Peculiaritiespedagogical technology as an element

pedagogical skills in the work of a preschool teacher.

The teacher uses a variety of techniques in his activities
personal influence on preschoolers, which either enhances or
weaken the process of education and training. However, it is quite obvious that
Personal qualities alone are not enough to achieve a specific
result, therefore, to implement pedagogical plans it is necessary
a system of knowledge, skills and abilities, i.e. pedagogical technique.
technique, being a component of pedagogical mastery, is
a prerequisite for the implementation of pedagogical technology in the process
pedagogical impact and an integral part of the system
general pedagogical skills of the teacher, which allows him to better
manage oneself and interact with children in the educational process
technology is an element of technology consisting of a system of skills,
providing the teacher with the preparation of his body (psychophysiological
apparatus) as an instrument of influence. She may be
presented: as a synthesis of spiritual culture and pedagogically
expedient external expressiveness, which is harmonious
unity of internal and external content of pedagogical activity,
and as a principle of scientific organization of pedagogical work, since
is an organic part of a particular method. Her choice is aimed at
feasibility, optimization and formation of a system of techniques.
technology makes it possible to achieve greater results with the least amount of energy
results, therefore in the pedagogical process she performs service
function With its help, the teacher provides through
the mechanism of suggestion has a certain influence on both conscious and
unconscious components of the children's psyche. Therefore, from the point of view
Inspiring influence of pedagogical techniques can be distinguished:

· having a verbal impact (speech and intonation - expressive/inexpressive),
· providing
real verbal suggestive influence (gestures, facial expressions, posture
expressive/inexpressive, mobile, distracting, constrained).
Principles of pedagogical technology. There are several principles of pedagogical technique:
principle of freedom of choice assumes
that any teaching action of the teacher is aimed at providing
the child has the right to choose, which is balanced by conscious
responsibility for it;
principle of openness allows
not just give knowledge, but open the boundaries of its search and use,
which, in turn, stimulates the self-development of subjects of pedagogical
process, their cognitive activity;
operating principle needed
in order for theory to move into practice, only then knowledge,
received during training sessions will become the basis for pedagogical techniques;
feedback principle
a kind of control barometer, with the help of which the teacher
determines the effectiveness of the teaching methods used by him and
ideality principle characterized
the fact that any action is determined not only by benefit, but also
energetic, psychological costs that should be taken into account.
summarize all available views, then we can imagine that the basis
pedagogical technology consists of skills conditionally divided into two
large groups.
Ability to interact with individuals and teams in the decision process
various pedagogical tasks. These include:
· knowledge, abilities, skills in the field of technology and speech culture;
· didactic, organizational, constructive and communication skills;
· skills
on the optimal use of means of communicative influence on
personality of those being educated, methods of positive interaction with them;
· skills in the field of technological methods of presenting pedagogical demands, rewards and punishments;
· elements of acting and directing in teaching activities.
2. Ability to manage yourself. These include:
· skills aimed at self-knowledge, self-regulation by the teacher of his mental state;
· Ability to manage and express your emotions;
teacher's resistance to stress;
· social-perceptual skills;
· mastery of your body;
· skills to create creative well-being.
Features of pedagogical technology. The range of features of all skills that make up pedagogical technology is outlined.
All skills have a common area of ​​application - direct
interaction between a teacher and his students, therefore, the manifestation of skills
cannot be clearly planned, they are often improvisational in nature, but
it is the mastery of pedagogical techniques that makes interaction
effective and creative.
all skills have a clearly expressed individual and personal character, so
how they are formed on the basis of individual psychophysiological
characteristics of the teacher.
It is through the complex of these skills that moral and aesthetic
positions of the teacher, which are an indicator of his pedagogical
culture and reflect the professional potential of the individual.
Components of pedagogical technology. Let us dwell in detail on the description of some components of pedagogical technology. The central link is speech teacher and voice as a tool for its implementation.
uses speech in his activities: the tasks of one are aimed at
accuracy, brevity of presentation of information, and other tasks arise from
the need for productive communication.
Several special characteristics of speech are identified.
In first place is correctness of speech, T.
i.e. its compliance with literary norms, which means
the only option or preferred option for correct
application of the word. The norm of speech acts as a regulator of speech behavior.
Another characteristic of speech is its accuracy, T.
e. strict correspondence of words to the designated objects and phenomena. IN
Correct word usage is considered as a means of accurate speech;
avoiding those words and expressions that do not convey the exact meaning
what was said; meaning and correct differentiation of polysemy of words;
a clear distinction between words of the same root that are close in meaning, as well as
homonyms; an accurate understanding of the meaning and scope of archaisms,
professional and foreign words, etc.
Such a characteristic of speech as its expressiveness , determined
those features that support attention and interest in speech.
Expressiveness is enhanced by: the speaker’s interest in the content of his own
speech and to the interlocutor; good knowledge of language norms; conscious
desire for accuracy; use in practice of the totality
appropriate means of expression. These include the correct
rhythmic-intonation organization, which is expressed in the ability to use
pauses, use logical stress, observe appropriate
melody of speech.
perception of information is influenced by speech indicators such as: speed,
loudness and clarity that express psychological characteristics
teacher. So, the speed of speech corresponds to temperament and in general
person’s pace of life: self-confident speaks easily, flow of speech
uniform; the timid speaks inexpressively; excited speech
intermittent. The volume of speech is considered an indicator of vital energy, and
distinctness - internal discipline, the desire to show others one’s
life position.
Another element of pedagogical technique is , which
are means of non-verbal communication. Expression of behavior
significantly enhances the efficiency of perception of the information received. WITH
With the help of facial expressions, the teacher conveys his emotional state. Everyone
It has long been known that furrowed eyebrows are perceived as anger or
contempt; wide eyes are an indicator of joy; mouth tight
closed - it means don’t expect a good grade from the teacher, he’s angry;
a child’s dull eyes are an indicator of his indifference and fatigue; raised
raised eyebrows - a sign of surprise, interest. During communication, it is important
the so-called eye contact plays a role, and therefore in communication technology
There are many techniques that allow the teacher to intelligently
one teacher, while working with the audience during a training session, did not
does without pantomime. His gesticulation can be varied, with its
with the help he expresses assessment, trust or distrust of the audience,
descriptive gestures help expressively explain the material, the beginning and
the completion of the training session is accompanied by gestures of greeting and
farewell, and when a demand is made, it is accompanied
affirmative gestures.
characteristic signs of landing also judge the emotional state
person. If a child folds his hands into a dome, then he is most likely
closes himself from communication; teacher with a “Napoleonic” pose, is
the epitome of excellence.
The teacher’s nonverbal means are multifunctional and aimed at
changes in relationships with children at the time of transfer of information. They
are a kind of indicator of the mental states of subjects
interaction, allow you to maintain an optimal level
psychological closeness between the teacher and children and play the role
clarifying the understanding of verbal information.
the process is a system for managing the activities of its
subjects, allowing you to transfer, broadcast certain experiences
human relationships, knowledge, values. Due to
this raises the question of the need to master each subject
pedagogical process using self-regulation techniques. The teacher's knowledge of it
fundamentals is the key to his activity, the ability to escape from the “professional
combustion" and generally slow down the process of personality deformation.
“self-regulation” was derived from the idea of ​​a person as
self-learning, self-improving, self-regulating system.
represents the expedient functioning of living systems of different
levels of organization and complexity and expresses the specificity of mental means
reflection and modeling of reality.
for a wide variety of manifestations, self-regulation has the following
structure: the goal of his voluntary activity accepted by the subject; model
significant operating conditions; program of own performing
actions; system of criteria for success of activities; Information about
actually achieved results; assessment of compliance with real
results criteria for success; decisions about the need and nature
activity corrections.
the body includes overcoming internal indecision,
relieving excess tension and anxiety, mobilizing the worker
well-being and creation of the necessary mood by the person himself for
myself. It is based on the ability to correctly use internal reserves
body, which is the most important condition for self-government, since
undoubtedly has special significance in all spheres of human
life activity and, of course, in the process of communication.
It is important for a teacher to be able to handle stress. Stress like
a peculiar reaction of the body to mental or physical stress
expressed in the form of changes in the perception and awareness of information,
ideas about the internal and external spatial environment,
direction of thinking, emotional reactions to a critical situation,
a person’s desire for isolation or, conversely, for unity, as well as for
the body reacts to stress with frequent, persistent headaches
feeling tired, unable to concentrate on a specific task,
“flight of thoughts”, loss of memory, dissatisfaction with completed
stress in the context of the pedagogical process is associated with the characteristics
teaching work, which requires simultaneous perception and
understanding communications of various kinds, managing the constantly changing
micro-situation in the group during a training session,
interactions with different social groups (colleagues, children and their
parents). The emergence of stress is influenced by social role
expectations, which are expressed in the teacher fulfilling a number of requirements with
aspects of the administration, his personal expectations that influence
status position in the teaching staff, as well as expectations
teacher towards students. To reduce the negative
the influence of stress, the teacher is recommended to engage in auto-training,
develop self-confidence, strive for emotional flexibility.
Emotional flexibility How
the form of self-regulation of the teacher is, in conjunction with the orientation and
competence is an integral characteristic of his personality,
determining the effectiveness of teaching activities in general.
flexibility correlates with emotional stability. Defining
concept of “emotional stability”, it should be noted that in general
In terms of it, it represents the individual’s ability to resist those
emotional stimuli that can negatively affect
progress of activity.
Emotional stability
complex, integrative quality of personality, characterized by such
a combination of emotional, volitional, moral and intellectual
components of mental activity that contributes to successful
solving complex and responsible tasks by a person in a tense
emotional area, without significant negative impact
the latter on well-being, health and future performance
“emotional stability” is combined with the concept of “psychological
sustainability", which denotes the synthesis of personality properties and qualities,
allowing you to confidently and independently in various emotional conditions
carry out your professional activities. Psychological
stability is expressed in the teacher’s ability to quickly navigate
changed conditions of preschool educational institutions, find optimal solutions in complex,
non-standard psychological and pedagogical situations and at the same time maintain
endurance, self-control.
as indicators of psychological stability of a teacher’s activities
highlight: self-confidence as a professional; absence of fear
in front of children; the ability to control oneself in the form of self-control; absence
emotional tension leading to irritability,
lack of self-control, imbalance in communication with children; presence of strong-willed
personality traits such as determination, organization,
teacher’s emotional flexibility is determined by harmonization and
complication of its affective manifestations: the ability to revive genuine
emotions in the repeatedly repeated educational process,
evoke positive emotions, control negative ones, i.e.
show flexibility of behavior, originality, creativity.
Emotional flexibility is manifested in the ways the teacher reflects his own feelings and the feelings of the children.
teacher of emotional manifestations of his students
characterized by the fact that his own statements do not correspond
feelings, except when he condemns or scolds
someone. This behavior causes hostility in children.
the teacher reacts not to the child’s true feelings, but to those he
he himself attributes it to him, while in his statements he is sometimes sincere,
but he tries not to reveal positive emotions.
It happens
that the teacher reacts to the child’s superficial feelings is quite accurate
defines them, is not afraid to express positive and negative feelings
children's emotional sphere is achieved when the teacher responds to
hidden, deep feelings of the learner, thereby helping the child
realize why he feels the way he feels. The teacher sincerely
reacts at both verbal and non-verbal levels, and
a negative reaction does not degrade self-esteem
the level of proficiency in pedagogical technology is a combination of such
skills such as: varying the child's stimulation; variety of ways
attracting children's attention; use of a large arsenal of nonverbal
means of communication; skillful application of the system of positive and
negative reinforcements.
Stand out
several conditions for the formation of pedagogical technology: experience, active
professional position of a teacher, professional self-education.
Thus, the features of pedagogical technology include a large
arsenal of teaching tools: from his appearance (appearance,
manners, posture) to the technique of speech activity (tempo, timbre, pitch
voices, articulation), from the technique of pedagogical influence and
interactions in the process of pedagogical communication to management techniques
psychophysiological apparatus. Pedagogical technique is an integral
part of pedagogical excellence, culture and pedagogical technology

1.3. Methodological work is the most important link in improving the pedagogical skills of a teacher. Forms and methods of methodological work.

modernization of the education system places increased demands on
modern school in general and the professionalism of teachers in particular.
Today, more than ever, the need for a teacher capable of
improve the content of your activities through critical,
creative understanding and application of advanced pedagogical and
information technologies. Therefore, the organization of methodological work for
improving the teacher’s pedagogical skills is one of
the most important directions in the development of kindergarten.
it is necessary to create all conditions for the growth of professional skills
teachers. And for this we need an efficient and effective system
methodological work.
pedagogical theory, the methodological work of Yu.K. Babansky is determined
as a system of interrelated measures, actions, activities aimed at
advanced training of teachers; MM. Potashnik defines – as part
systems of continuous education of teachers; S.G. Molchanov - as part
professional pedagogical (managerial) activities, within the framework of
which creates methodological products that provide pedagogical
or management actions.
methodological work is the most important link in the system of continuous education
teaching staff of a preschool institution, allowing to create
necessary conditions for constant replenishment of knowledge, creative
development of the teacher’s personality and make the transition from education to
self-development and self-education. In addition, daily activities
advanced training is closely related to the educational process,
and the teacher has the opportunity in the course of his work every day in practice
consolidate your theoretical knowledge. Because methodological work in
ultimately designed to influence the improvement of quality

effectiveness of the educational process, growth of the level
education, upbringing and development of preschool children and growth
pedagogical technology as an element of pedagogical mastery.
belittling the merits in the retraining of teaching staff, such
structural divisions in the education system of Kaluga such as:
Kaluga State Pedagogical University named after. K.E.
Tsiolkovsky, KOIPKRO we note that the skill of a teacher is formed
through constant systematic study on site.
improving methodological work in kindergarten is also relevant
because she herself has accumulated a lot of things from which she must decisively
refuse. Its main drawback is its weak impact on quality
educational work, and therefore on the final results
activities of a preschool institution. This is due to a number of shortcomings in
formulation and organization of methodological work. Let us name the most important of these shortcomings:
· objectives of methodological work are set without specifying specific desired results;
· It has
place is the gap between the content of methodological work and analysis
content of educational work in the teaching staff;
· methodical
work is being carried out unsystematically, pedagogical problems that
teaching teams work, are selected randomly, without proper
· forms
organizations of methodological work suffer from monotony, poorly take into account
specific characteristics of different teachers weakly activate creativity and
the initiative of each teacher;
· gives
be aware of the gap between theory and practice in methodological work,
its practical orientation and focus on providing
real assistance to educators;
· administration
many kindergartens do not study enough the capabilities of teachers,
cares about creating favorable conditions for the development of creativity
team potential;
· V
There is a lot of formalism in methodological work, when successful
indicators of “coverage” of teachers with different types of advanced training
the main real positive changes in their work are lost in relation to
business, pupils.
methodological work involves improving the quality of professional
teacher level by increasing the amount of knowledge about new
methods, techniques, technologies and skills by copying them in your own
activities. New values ​​of methodological work in our
kindergarten are determined based on a new goal: teacher training
as a subject of professional activity, social life, subject
personal self-realization, self-actualization and self-organization. Due
with this, improving the quality of the professional level of pedagogical
mastery and in particular the pedagogical technique of teachers
is considered not only as a process of knowledge accumulation. This is before
just a process of in-depth penetration into the essence of new technologies.
This reorientation of methodological work determines the need for a new
qualities of professional and personal formed in its process
characteristics, professional self-organization, key competencies and
pedagogical creativity of the teacher. Consequently, there arises
the need to create for all teachers a wide and varied
reasons for self-improvement, enhancing one’s professional
status and organization of the general cultural development environment in the lyceum,
which would be the most important factor in development and self-development
teachers. This requires efforts that will be aimed at
implementation of public, official methodological and organizational
pedagogical work, which is necessary for every educator. Achieve
without creating a situation where the teacher will be obliged and
wants to achieve more - complex and interesting methodological work
We plan work in our kindergarten so that conditions are created
in which the formation and development of the teacher’s personality occurs,
development of pedagogical technology, as an element of pedagogical skill, his professional growth.
the work of the kindergarten went through a number of stages in its development: creation
systems, the stage of development of the structure of the methodological service and the stage
improving the structure and optimizing methodological work in general.
By the objectives of methodological work we understand:
· rendering
assisting educators in planning, organizing and analyzing
pedagogical activity, in the development of modern style
pedagogical thinking;
· study and implementation of advanced pedagogical experience;
· familiarization with the achievements of psychological and pedagogical science in order to improve the scientific level of the teacher;
· continuous self-education of the teacher and increasing the level of professional skills;
· providing real, effective assistance to educators who need it;
· achieving the optimal level of development of preschool children.
We believe that the main purpose of the methodological work of kindergarten is
adjustment of educational work for a promising process
training, its constant development and self-improvement, providing
real targeted assistance to educators in the development of their pedagogical
technology as an element of professional skill.
and the variety of functions and tasks of methodological work in preschool
institution, the versatile, constantly renewed nature of its
content, as well as specific features of a particular preschool educational institution
also require a sufficient variety of forms of work, constant
enriching and increasing the effectiveness of established, traditional forms and
innovative use of new forms.
work is distinguished by a wide variety of methods and forms that
determine the result of the impact on the team. Methods and forms - that
organizational mechanism that ensures high activity
teachers, children and parents. There is a pretty close analogy
between methods and forms used in methodological work.
Form determined
as internal structure, structure, connection and method of interaction
parts and elements of phenomena; she is always in unity with
content, depends on it, but also has a relative
independence and can, therefore, influence the content - on
its ability for progressive development or to devalue it.
forms of methodological work are determined, first of all, by the complexity of the tasks involved
goals before it, the diversity of specific conditions in which they are
preschool educational institutions.
To organize the continuing education of a teacher, various forms of methodological work are used:

1. questionnaire-piggy bank (I think, dream, propose; I want it to be like this)
2. bibliography
3. mutual control
4. quiz
5. exhibition
6. group mentoring
7. business game
8. discussion club
9. discussion
10. dispute
11. study of the best teaching practices
12. individual mentoring
13. club of creative meetings
14. consultation
15. conference
16. round table
17. circle
18. methodological exhibitions, bulletins, wall newspapers
19. methodological unification
20. brainstorming
21. scientific and practical conference
22. open views
23. pedagogical ring
24. pedagogical training
25. pedagogical reading
26. problem group
27. psychological and pedagogical seminars
28. work on a single thematic topic
29. role play
30. self-control
31. seminar
32. workshop
33. interview
34. debate meeting
35. creative group (microgroup)
36. theme evening
37. thematic seminar
38. Quiz tournament
39. oral journal
40. elective
41. Readers and Viewers Conference
42. school of excellence
43. express questionnaire
44. express survey
45. debate
46. ​​forum
47. symposium
48. aquarium technique
49. panel discussion
50. simulation activities

51. panoramic activities

It is advisable to distinguish two groups of organizational forms of methodological work - collective and individual . TO
the first includes seminars and workshops, scientific and practical
conferences, methodological associations, creative microgroups of teachers,
methodological classrooms of preschool educational institutions, etc.; for the second - an internship,
individual consultations, mentoring, work on personal
creative theme, individual self-education, etc.
- this is the path, the way to move towards the truth. Methods of training and education
act as ordered methods of activity to achieve
educational purposes. Form is interpreted as internal organization
content, such as the design of segments, process cycles,
reflecting the system of its components and stable connections.
Thus, when carrying out methodological work, the following methods are distinguished:
1) verbal methods (lecture, story, explanation, conversation, discussion, work with a book);
2) visual methods (drawn visuals, demonstration of photo, film, television materials, computer tools);
practical methods (teachers’ actions, modeling of various
situations, observation of the practical activities of educators).
place explanatory and illustrative, reproductive and productive
problem, search, research and creative methods.
One of the most common forms of collective methodological work is methodological associations. Methodical
associations are created in kindergarten if there are at least three
teachers working in the same age groups.
when determining the composition of method associations, it is necessary to take into account specific
conditions of a given kindergarten, starting with the total number of teachers and
teachers in this area, opportunities for productive work in
within the framework of one association of teachers from different directions (and this is largely
depends on a single methodological topic in kindergarten, qualification
teachers, etc.). Only based on specific conditions and applying
various forms and methods of work, you can avoid the formalism that
many associations suffer, it is more effective to use this
sufficiently productive form of methodological work, modernize it and
provide real assistance to teachers in solving kindergarten problems.
association methods are carried out, as a rule, once a month in accordance with
general plan and taking into account cyclograms, but their activities are not limited
only for these meetings, it is of a daily nature, and this
is a great advantage of this form of work.
meeting of the methodological association includes both theoretical
part - reports, communications, review of methodological literature, and
practical - attending classes and discussing them, workshops, performing
self-education plans for teachers, summing up creative and
competitive children's works. Work is completed at the end of the school year
methodological associations, exhibitions, conferences of teachers, etc. IN
kindergartens practice issuing handwritten methodological journals,
speeches by teachers to exchange experiences at meetings of the teachers’ council,
design of stands for the effectiveness of classes, etc.
at meetings of methodological associations, individual plans are discussed
self-education of teachers, their reports on the progress of
self-educational work.
The work of methodological associations can be carried out in the following areas:
· studying the theory of education and training, mastering their scientific methodology;
· familiarization
with new programs and teaching aids, understanding their features and
requirements; learning new complex software topics using
additional scientific material;
· in-depth
studying methods of education and training in a section of the general program
kindergarten; preliminary study of teaching methods most
complex sections of the program followed by practice of conducting open
classes prepared by experienced teachers;
· study of the principles of didactics and educational theory, the possibility of their practical application;
· study of developmental and educational psychology, psychological and pedagogical characteristics of children of different age groups;
· information
about new books on program sections, materials and methodological
recommendations in the pedagogical press on content and methodology
educational work in kindergarten;
· systematic study of the state of knowledge, skills, level of education, intellectual development of preschool children;
· additional individual and differentiated work on the education and development of the personality of a preschooler.
Psychological and pedagogical seminars. This
form of work arose in connection with the increased need to familiarize
teachers with the latest achievements of psychological and pedagogical science and
best practices. Such seminars require high qualifications from
organizers of methodological work, and therefore take part in them
scientists, teachers of pedagogical universities, qualified lecturers
Institute for Teacher Improvement. In some preschools
institutions, seminars are held monthly or once a week
quarter. An important positive trend in work
psychological and pedagogical seminars for teachers in advanced preschools
institutions is the organic relationship between theory and practice in
seminar classes. With this approach, the result of the workshop
become not only knowledge, but also practical skills and abilities, which
especially valuable for improving the skills of teachers. When conducting
during the psychological-pedagogical seminar, it is very important to ensure
an atmosphere of creativity and informal communication. After theoretical
messages, pedagogical discussions and disputes are organized. Such seminars
can be a good form of introducing teachers to creative
research activities, improve general and pedagogical
culture of the teaching staff.
Scientific and practical conferences and pedagogical readings. Data
forms of methodological work are a kind of summing up
activities of the preschool educational institution team and individual teachers on current issues
methodological problems, and their main task is to identify and generalize
best teaching experience. However, in practice such forms are often
suffer from significant shortcomings. Often from year to year to the podium
the same teachers come out, analyze the same topics, and
The topics of reports are sometimes random and do not reflect their own
experience, but publication from pedagogical journals. One of the reasons for this
situations - insufficient preliminary work with the authors of reports and
speeches. Without such work, without identifying new concrete experience
It is difficult to count on the success of a teacher’s performance.
increasing the effectiveness of impact, the report must be accompanied by
demonstration of visual aids that characterize the experience. Many
modern preschool educational institutions practice new forms of conferences,
different from traditional, sometimes hours-long meetings. Teachers
make very short messages, which are then necessarily discussed,
often in a polemical form. Such conferences are only possible
in the teaching staff, where the spirit of creativity and
Reader and viewer conferences. These
forms of work contribute to broadening one’s horizons and increasing spiritual
needs of teachers, the growth of their general culture, and also help
identify the public opinion of the team on many topical issues
Preschool educational institution and life. The subject of discussion at reader conferences may be
be the most significant works of art and
journalistic literature or pedagogical books and articles,
of particular interest. Discussed at audience conferences
theatrical performances and television programs dedicated to preschool educational institutions. These
forms of work require a high level of trust in communication with
teachers, a high level of artistic and pedagogical erudition and
taste from those who can lead the discussion, make it interesting and
School of Excellence. Group mentoring. This
form of methodological work practiced in D

Psychological and pedagogical skills of a teacher and their formation in the process of studying a pedagogy course.

As you know, skills are a person’s ability to apply his knowledge in practice in various conditions. Knowledge is like a tool in relation to skills. Without knowledge there are no skills. However, knowledge without skills does not allow a person to work successfully. Skills are formed through activity. Having knowledge, a person can gradually learn certain practical actions, going through trial and error. However, a more rational way is to purposefully develop skills during the learning process. In order to ensure this focus, you need to know:

1) what skills to develop; 2) what are the conditions for the formation of skills; 3) what are the ways to develop skills.

A preschool teacher must have psychological, pedagogical, private methodological and special skills.

Psychological and pedagogical skills are the most generalized and relate to the entire pedagogical activity of the teacher. These are analytical, communication skills, etc. they will be discussed further.

Private methodological – these are specific skills associated with teaching or organizing a specific activity, for example the ability to teach drawing, rhythmic movements, singing, etc. Learning these skills is carried out in the process of studying private techniques. However, even when studying a pedagogy course, students develop specific methodological skills, for example, the ability to organize and manage children’s play and work activities.

Special skills – These are skills in the field of activity that children are taught. These include the ability to draw, sculpt, design, sing, dance, perform physical exercises, move to music, etc.

The list of skills required by a specialist in his work is formed on the basis of an analysis of professional activity and is reflected in the professionogram.

Let us highlight psychological and pedagogical skills from the professionogram of a preschool teacher.

Analytical skills: observe, analyze and evaluate (diagnose) the level of development, education and training of each child; analyze specific pedagogical situations, evaluate them and take them into account when organizing active pedagogical influence; analyze and evaluate actually existing pedagogical phenomena, causes, conditions and nature of their occurrence and development (for example, aggressiveness, hostility among a certain part of the children in the group, indiscipline, excessive excitability of individual children); analyze the teaching activities of other educators (based on observation), highlight positive experiences, and notice shortcomings in their work; analyze your own teaching activities, highlight successful methods in your work, shortcomings and mistakes in order to further improve your teaching activities.

Design skills(designing the results of pedagogical influences, planning ways to implement pedagogical influences): designing the development of the personality of each child and the team as a whole; predict the results of education and upbringing, possible difficulties in the upbringing and education of individual children; identify and accurately formulate specific pedagogical tasks, determine the conditions for their solution; plan your work in managing different types of children’s activities; it is theoretically justified to choose means, methods and organizational forms of educational work.

Constructive skills preparation for the implementation of educational tasks): analyze and select educational material in accordance with the goals of training and education, taking into account the level of training and education of children; carry out didactic processing of the material, turning it into something accessible to children that meets specific didactic or educational goals; divide each action (cultural-hygienic, labor, fine arts, physical education and other skills) into separate operations, justify the significance of each operation; find the most rational solution related to the placement of children during different types of activities, with the simultaneous organization of children to perform various types of activities; It is reasonable, taking into account the psychological characteristics of preschoolers, to determine the logical structure of the organization of classes and individual moments in the daily routine.

Organizational skills: manage children’s behavior and activity; engage children with games, activities and other prospects; group students in the process of activity, taking into account their relationships and individual characteristics; quickly make optimal decisions and find the most powerful means of pedagogical influence; apply the form of requirements that is appropriate for a given situation, vary them depending on the individual characteristics of children and specific pedagogical conditions; clearly, concisely and clearly explain to children tasks, requirements, rules.

Communication skills: establish pedagogically appropriate relationships with children, as well as with their parents; find contact and the right tone when communicating with different people in different circumstances; win over children,, if necessary, rebuild relationships with them, find an individual approach to individual children.

Skills necessary to monitor and regulate the progress of the pedagogical process: see all children at the same time; determine changes in their psychological state by the external manifestations and actions of children, understand and explain the behavior of children in specific life situations; change the assigned pedagogical tasks in a timely and reasonable manner, taking into account children’s responses to pedagogical influences and specific conditions; as children complete tasks, give them the necessary additional instructions and explanations, and make amendments to their actions; regulate relationships between children, understand conflicts and eliminate them; complicate the requirements and stimulate the course of activities, taking into account the successes and achievements of students.

Skills necessary to evaluate the results obtained and identify new pedagogical tasks: analyze the results obtained in comparison with the initial data and assigned pedagogical tasks; highlight the comparative effectiveness of the applied means and methods of educational work; analyze the nature of achievements and shortcomings in professional teaching activities; correlate your experience with pedagogical theory; Based on the analysis of the achieved results, put forward and justify pedagogical tasks.

This is a list of the basic general pedagogical skills that a teacher of preschool children who has a secondary specialized education should have.

Let us now consider specific methodological skills (using the example of leading role-playing games - one of the most specific types of children’s activities).

To successfully lead role-playing games, the teacher must be able to observe children’s games, analyze them, establish (diagnose) the level of development of the play activity of each child and the group as a whole (the content of the games, the nature of the children’s relationships); design the development of play activity for each child and the group as a whole, plan techniques aimed at developing play; enrich children's impressions so that the games become more varied and interesting (the teacher selects appropriate literary material, transforms it so that it is accessible to children, organizes excursions, tells the children something from his personal experience, shows illustrations to evoke children desire to reflect their impressions in the game). No less important in the management of role-playing games is the ability of an adult to organize the beginning of the game, encourage children to play, offer them a new game, plan its preparation and content; design the content of a specific role-playing game (provide its possible development, foresee how it will go for a specific group of children); develop the game in accordance with educational objectives (offer new roles, game actions, situations); questions, advice to enrich the content of the game, get involved in the game with children, direct ways (showing and explaining) to teach young children the game.

So, we know what psychological, pedagogical and specific methodological skills in managing role-playing games need to be developed in our students. The formation of these skills is carried out both in classes in the pedagogy course and in the process of teaching practice. The teacher of pedagogy directs, organizes, and controls the entire learning process.

We have already said that skills are formed through activity. How to organize the activities of students in order to develop the necessary skills? This requires certain conditions:

    Planned and targeted training. The teacher plans consistent teaching of skills in connection with the study of theoretical educational material.

    Conscious activity of students to master skills. Already during introductory classes in pedagogy, the teacher explains what skills a future specialist must master for a teacher to work successfully. When performing each practical work, the teacher indicates not only its content and final result, but also the pedagogical skills that the specialist masters during its implementation. For example: “Today in class we will analyze, based on your observations, the state of play activity of the children in your groups. Analysis is necessary in order to correctly set tasks in game management. You have already determined the level of educational activity of individual children in your group. The analysis methods are approximately the same. Let us remember how we analyzed and assessed the state of children’s educational activities.”

    Availability of knowledge among students. In order to complete the above task, the student must know by what indicators the level of development of gaming activity can be analyzed (theme, the plot of the game, the number of participants, the presence of roles endowed with different functions, the method of using toys and objects in the game, the nature of communication, etc. ) and what level is typical (set by the program) for children of a given age.

    Awareness of the goal and methods of action. When performing work, the student must know about its purpose, purpose (in our example, to establish the level of development of gaming activity, in order to then outline tasks for further management of children’s games) and how it can be achieved (based on the recordings of games, determine whether the the required level of each indicator of play activity; identify which aspects of the game are at a sufficiently high level, for which indicators the level is insufficient; based on the analysis, give a general descriptive assessment of the development of children’s play activity).

    Repeatedly performing actions under varying conditions. In order for it to form, it must be applied many times in new conditions. For example, it is advisable to analyze not one game, but several, or to evaluate the gaming activity of not one, but several groups of children. It is useful to analyze one type of game in a lesson under the guidance of a pedagogy teacher, and in a preschool educational institution, together with the leader of a subgroup of trainees, to analyze another type, etc. It should also be borne in mind that psychological and pedagogical skills are easily transferred from managing one activity of children to another; students only need to master their algorithm (a certain order, sequence of actions). Thus, having learned to analyze and evaluate the level of development of children’s cultural and hygienic skills when studying the topic “Physical education of preschool children,” the student can easily use this skill when analyzing any other children’s activity.

Knowing the list of skills to be formed and the conditions for their development, we can easily determine the formation of skills: this is the solution of pedagogical situational problems, the analysis of pedagogical situations, the implementation of practical tasks, the practical activities of students with children in preschool educational institutions. Since the latter is an area of ​​teaching practice, it is led by a teacher who is the leader of a subgroup of trainees. However, the teacher of pedagogy, ensuring the connection between theoretical learning and practice, often gives tasks to students to observe children and carry out individual educational activities with them in preschool educational institutions. This is done in order to subsequently analyze the completion of the task during the lesson or rely on the students’ experience. Here are examples of tasks for assessing a pedagogical situation, which is recorded in practice and analyzed in a pedagogy lesson: “Write down the children’s complaints and the teacher’s reaction to them. Analyze the pedagogical situation and evaluate it.” Or: “Watching the role-playing game of children, try to get involved in it, taking on some secondary role (“patient” in the game “doctor”, “customer” in the game “shop”, “passenger” in the game "train", etc.)". Based on the experience of the students, the teacher in the next lesson shows various techniques for maintaining and developing role-playing games by the teacher by including minor roles in it. In the process of completing a practical task in a preschool educational institution, students develop one of the skills of leading role-playing games.

It should be taken into account that not all psychological and pedagogical skills can be developed in the classroom. In the classroom, students learn to analyze (based on observations in preschool educational institutions), design and construct (plan) their teaching activities. Organizational, communication skills, and the ability to control children’s activities are formed only in the process of direct communication and work with them.

Attempts to organize “business games” in which some students take on the roles of “teachers” and others - “children”, as a rule, are not very successful, because those playing the role of “children” cannot play it in such a way that the “teacher” got into a real situation of communication with a child. The most that a teacher can do in a lesson is to name, explain and demonstrate individual techniques of organizational, communicative or controlling activities, what in pedagogy is usually called the technique of pedagogical work. Practicing pedagogical techniques (the ability to use voice, gesture, facial expressions, distribute and consistently switch attention, attract attention to oneself, clearly formulate tasks and tasks, explain the meaning of a task concisely and clearly, etc.) is necessary. Specially designed exercises and tasks would be good for this purpose. However, if a college has strong traditions, if it has a “pedagogical spirit” and high demands on students, then mastery of pedagogical techniques occurs during the entire educational process and extracurricular work.

Here, for example, are some uniform requirements for students, the fulfillment of which in any subject contributes to the mastery of pedagogical techniques: “Keep order in your workplace in the classroom - you need this in order to develop the habit of keeping the teacher’s desk in order.

Listen carefully to the student’s answer, train yourself to delve into both the construction of phrases and the semantic content. This will help you correctly evaluate children’s answers and correct the mistakes they have made.

Speak connectedly, freely, loudly enough, emotionally, convincingly to learn how to communicate with children, tell them, explain.”

As for analytical, design and constructive skills, they are formed in training sessions on pedagogy and private methods. If analytical skills are based primarily on knowledge of psychology, then design and constructive skills are based on knowledge of pedagogy and private methods. It should be kept in mind that these skills are closely related to each other. The analysis itself has no semantic meaning if the student does not design his future activities on the basis of it (sets goals, puts forward tasks) and does not construct it (selects content, chooses forms, methods and means of teaching and education that are rational for each case). Therefore, a system of practical classes and assignments should be aimed at developing professional skills, as if covering these three groups of skills. The methodological recommendations for studying the topic “Game” show an approximate set of such practical exercises.

Practical work on the specifics of students’ activities can be divided into:

    Analysis of pedagogical situations. The pedagogical situation is either a student’s observation, or an example from fiction or pedagogical literature, or specially selected tasks. Students must analyze and evaluate the situation: indicate the reasons and motives for the behavior of children, the actions of the teacher or parents; identify pedagogical mistakes; make judgments about possible courses of action.

    solving pedagogical situational problems. The student is asked to plan, design his activities, choose the most appropriate, but in his opinion, methods and means of pedagogical influence under given pedagogical conditions. These conditions can either be formulated in the problem or be the result of preliminary analytical activities based on observations. They can be taken from the student's practical experience.

    1. Based on the analysis of the play activity of the children in your group, plan the prospects for its development: what level of play activity would you like to achieve over the next six months? What techniques do you use for this purpose?

      Based on the characteristics you have compiled of the cultural and hygienic skills of individual children in the group, formulate tasks for their improvement, taking into account program requirements.

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1. Specifics of the pedagogical activity of a preschool teacher

The specific characteristics of the pedagogical activity of a preschool teacher apply to all its components. Education in preschool age does not imply the mandatory acquisition of certain knowledge in a strictly specified volume, which distinguishes it from education at other age stages of child development.

The specifics of preschool education take into account the specific development of a preschool child - ensuring his emotional well-being, creating psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of children’s abilities and inclinations, providing them with a wide choice of activities, and individualizing education. This feature of education in preschool age determines the specifics of the activities of a preschool teacher.

It is the preschool teacher, depending on the individual context of the development of each child, who determines the forms and methods of his education, selects the material and offers it to the child, using this or that situation for his further advancement.

The specificity of the pedagogical activity of a teacher of preschool children lies in increased emotional tension, caused by the teacher’s immersion in empathic, personality-oriented activities, which requires him to develop the skills of self-organization and self-regulation.

pedagogical skill teacher

2. Features of pedagogical activity that determine its creative nature

The content and organization of a teacher’s work can be correctly assessed only by determining the level of his creative attitude towards his activities. The creative nature of pedagogical activity is its most important feature. The teacher’s creativity does not have as its goal the creation of a socially valuable new, original, since its product always remains the development of the individual. The creative potential of a teacher’s personality is formed on the basis of his accumulated social experience, new ideas, skills and abilities that allow him to find and apply original solutions. Only an erudite and specially trained teacher, through creative imagination, is able to find new, original ways and means of solving it.

The creative nature of pedagogical activity cannot be reduced only to the solution of pedagogical problems, because in creative activity the cognitive, emotional-volitional and motivational-need components of the personality are manifested in unity. It is possible to learn creativity with the constant intellectual activity of teachers. Among such skills, first of all, one should include the ability to manage one’s mental and emotional state, to act in a public setting (evaluate a communication situation, attract the attention of an audience or individual students, using a variety of techniques, etc.). A creative person is also distinguished by a special combination of personal and business qualities that characterize his creativity.

There are seven signs of creativity: originality, heuristic, fantasy, activity, concentration, clarity, sensitivity. A creative teacher is also characterized by such qualities as initiative, independence, the ability to overcome the inertia of thinking, a sense of what is truly new and the desire to understand it, purposefulness, breadth of associations, observation, and developed professional memory.

3. Mastery, creativity and innovation as levels of teacher professionalism

There is simply a skilled teacher who conducts training and education at the usual professional level, and there is a teacher who demonstrates pedagogical skill and achieves high results in his work. Many teachers, in addition to their skill, demonstrate pedagogical creativity and, with their findings, enrich the methods of teaching and education. And there are also innovative pedagogues who make real pedagogical discoveries, pave new paths in teaching and upbringing, enriching pedagogical theory.

Pedagogical skill is a synthesis of personal and professional qualities and personality traits that determine the high effectiveness of the pedagogical process.

The skill of a teacher includes 4 parts:

Mastery of organizing general and individual activities

The Mastery of Persuasion

The skill of conveying your experience

Mastery of pedagogical equipment

To develop pedagogical skills, a teacher must have the necessary natural abilities, a good voice, hearing, external charm, etc. Acquired qualities play a decisive role. As well as those pedagogical improvements carried out by the teacher. drawing the necessary conclusions from the admitted shortcomings and mistakes.

Creativity is an activity that generates something new that has never existed before.

Ped. creativity is a consequence of mastery.

Pedagogical activity is a process of constant creativity. The necessary qualities of a teacher should be: spirit, culture, humanism and intelligence, responsibility, hard work, ability to work, philanthropy, and the ability to communicate with people.

The highest level of professional activity of a teacher is pedagogical innovation. Pedagogical innovation is a type of pedagogical activity associated with the search for new ways to solve educational problems.

It is impossible to differentiate pedagogical activity into pedagogical skill, creativity and innovation. These organizational parts of innovation activity, being close to each other, lead to interconnection.

4. Manifestation of the teacher’s individuality

A person’s professional activity depends on his individual characteristics. Individualization is a way of adapting a person to the structure of work activity objectively given from the outside. The process of individualization in the work of a teacher has different expressions:

* individual characteristics * individual style of activity * individuality

Individual characteristics in teaching work are manifested in the choice of the subject of work, tasks and situations within the profession, in the choice of methods of work, etc.

Individual style of activity is determined by the natural, innate characteristics of a person, formed by personality qualities that arose in the process of human interaction with the objective and social environment. The individual style of pedagogical activity is formed by three main factors: the personal and psychological characteristics of the teacher; * the characteristics of pedagogical activity; * the characteristics of students.

The individual style of teaching activity is manifested in: - 1) temperament (time and speed of reaction, individual pace of work, emotional responsiveness); 2) the nature of reactions to certain pedagogical situations; 3)choice of teaching methods; 4) selection of educational means, 5) style of pedagogical communication; 6) responding to the actions and actions of students; 7) behavior; 8) preference for certain types of rewards and punishments; 9) the use of psychological and pedagogical influence on students.

All these factors determine the types of individual style of teaching activity:

The individuality of a teacher is an expression of the uniqueness and originality of a person’s personality in his work and his professional worldview. Individuality is more clearly manifested when it is combined with high spirituality and humanistic orientation. The individuality of the teacher is the main factor in the formation of his authority among students.

5. Main directions and trends in the study of creative pedagogical activity in domestic pedagogy

The heritage of world and domestic pedagogy, modern scientific and pedagogical research and the practical experience of many generations of teachers convince us of the need for a creative element in pedagogical activity.

The pedagogical process is considered as joint creativity (co-creation) of a teacher and student in a situation of pedagogical interaction, during which a person’s pedagogical transformation occurs.

Creativity is a process of human activity that creates qualitatively new material and spiritual values ​​of objective or subjective significance. Regarding pedagogical activity and education, “innovation” is everything related to the processes of creating something new in the education system

Without special training and knowledge, successful pedagogical creativity is impossible. Only a teacher with special training, based on an analysis of emerging situations and awareness of the essence of the problem through creative imagination and thought experiment, is able to find new original ways and means of solving it. A modern teacher must be attentive to innovations in the field of content, forms and methods of teaching and education.

Scientists note that without the development of creative, imaginative thinking there will be no innovation. Preparing a future preschool teacher for innovative professional activities should consist of updating his personal qualities and creative abilities

6. Structural components of a teacher’s creative activity

A creative educator is a professional who is capable of creating qualitatively new material and spiritual values ​​in the pedagogical process. The work of a preschool teacher is characterized as an activity characterized by intuition, inspiration, resourcefulness, and ingenuity. The creative activity of a teacher cannot be carried out according to a template; its integral components are originality, departure from cliches, surprise, and the ability to act intuitively.

There are the following components of creative activity:

motivational, content-operational, emotional-volitional.

The motivational component includes a system of motives that express a conscious urge to activity and presupposes:

Awareness of the need to cultivate a creative personality;

understanding the importance of solving a problem, developing creative activity;

the desire to cultivate creative imagination and fantasy.

awareness of the importance of developing creative activity in preschool children;

the teacher’s interest and passion in solving this problem;

recognition of success in creative activity.

knowledge of the philosophical, psychological and pedagogical foundations of the theory of creativity;

broad general cultural outlook: continuous improvement in creative activity;

the ability to compare, analyze, highlight the main thing, justify, express your thoughts;

the ability to generate ideas, flexibility of thinking, transfer knowledge and opinions to new situations;

the ability to use the creative experience of others, cooperation, the ability to defend one’s point of view;

readiness to master modern innovative processes of creative activity and design their own innovations on this basis.

The emotional-volitional component reflects the emotional attitude towards creative activity and assumes:

the ability to overcome emerging difficulties and bring work started to completion;

determination, initiative, strong-willed ability.

7. Types of professional motives of a teacher and their influence on the nature of pedagogical creativity

A.K. Baimetov, studying the motives of pedagogical activity, combined all their diversity into three groups:

1) motives of obligation;

2) motives for interest and passion for the subject being taught;

3) motives for passion for communicating with children - “love for children.”

Specifying the types of professional motives of a teacher, from a wide range of factors he names the following:

financial incentives;

motivations associated with self-affirmation;

professional motives;

motives of personal self-realization.

Professional motive: in its most general form, it acts as a desire to teach and educate children.

Characteristic of this type of motivation is the focus of the teacher’s innovative activities on students.

Motives of personal self-realization. According to a number of researchers, the need for self-actualization potentially exists in all people, but not everyone manifests it in professional activity.

For such a teacher, a lesson is an opportunity to realize oneself as an individual and a professional. Each time, the best option for the method is selected, always taking into account the interests of the children. The activities of such a teacher are distinguished by a high level of receptivity to innovation, a constant search for oneself in this new, the need to create a new vision of various forms of pedagogical reality.

Motives for self-realization occupy a fairly high place in the system of motives for innovative activities of a teacher. If they turn out to be associated with professional pedagogical motives, then the manifestation of self-affirmation motives that suppress the development of pedagogical activity is practically excluded. Such a teacher is a person with a high level of creative potential, who manifests himself in the desire to achieve results in his activities without personal pragmatic motivation, who receives satisfaction in the most innovative activities, which have a deep personal meaning for him. It is distinguished by the creation of new conceptual approaches, a high level of reflection and psychological readiness to perceive innovations.

8. Empathy as a component and a necessary condition for the creative activity of a teacher

Empathy is defined as an individual's ability to respond emotionally to the experiences of others. Understanding another person, his experiences, thoughts and feelings.

In pedagogical empathy, this is a focus on emotional support for the child. The teacher's empathy is a focus on emotional support, the manifestation of love for him, a condition for understanding and accepting the child. It is important for the teacher to learn to accept the child as he is, with his thoughts and desires, his emotions and behavioral reactions, with his feelings and experiences.

The functions of a teacher’s empathy: signaling, comprehending, activating, updating and transforming.

The functions of empathy are transformed depending on the emerging pedagogical situation with the child.

9. Define the concept of “pedagogical creativity”, reveal its essence

Pedagogical creativity is creativity aimed at increasing the effectiveness of the educational process.

Pedagogical creativity is the process of self-realization of individual, psychological, intellectual strengths and abilities of the teacher’s personality

The goal of pedagogical creativity is the development of personality.

Creativity levels:

1. Low (intuitive) - I don’t know, I don’t know - a positive attitude towards teaching activities, mastery of theoretical knowledge.

2. Medium (search) - I know and do not always know - mastering a system of skills, awareness of one’s own individuality.

3. High (masterful) - I know, I speak fluently - orientation towards creativity in teaching, creation of an individual methodological system. Teaching is one of the most creative fields. It has a lot in common with other creative areas of human activity, but there are also unique features that are unique to it (the ability to create pedagogical innovations, technologies; going beyond the boundaries of the established knowledge system; the ability to transfer knowledge to various pedagogical situations and conditions)

The area of ​​manifestation of PT is determined. structure of pedagogical activity and covers all its aspects:





The object of pedagogical creativity and its end result is the student. Pedagogical creativity is always a search and discovery of something new. Every teacher transforms pedagogical reality in one way or another, but only a creative teacher actively fights for radical changes and himself is a clear example in this matter.

10. Structure of pedagogical creativity

In the structure of creativity we can distinguish: 1 Innovativeness. A person’s desire for something new, the ability to perceive something new. 2 Knowledge. Knowledge is a product of thinking and activity. 3 thinking is one of the important components of human consciousness, “Independence of thinking is manifested, first of all, in the ability to see and pose a new question, a new problem and then solve it on one’s own. An important characteristic of thinking is its independence.4 Intuition. 5 Imagination." “To move away from reality in order to penetrate into it,” this is, according to S.L. Rubinstein, - the logic of creative imagination.”6 Inspiration. “In the process of creative activity, an important role is played by moments of special upliftment of strength, the mental state of inspiration7 Improvisation, in our opinion, is a psychological mechanism for the operational regulation of activity, based on the mutual generation of thinking and intuition Skills. 8Creative skills are associated with cognitive, communicative and other aspects of creativity. It is possible to construct a model of pedagogical creativity by plotting the types of levels of consciousness along one axis

11. Typology of creative personality

In the sphere of personality, pedagogical TV manifests itself as the self-realization of a teacher based on self-awareness as a creative individual, as the determination of the individual paths of his profession. growth and building a self-improvement program.

Typology of creative personality:

A theoretician logician is a type of creative personality, which is characterized by the ability to make logical broad generalizations, to classify and systematically organize information. People of this type clearly plan their creative work and widely use already known methods of scientific research.

An intuitionist theorist is characterized by a highly developed ability to generate new, original ideas; people of this type of creative ability are major inventors, creators of new scientific concepts, schools and directions. They have exceptional fantasy and imagination.

A practitioner (experimenter) always strives to test his new original ideas experimentally. People of this type always show great interest and ability in practical matters.

The organizer has a high level of development of abilities to organize other people, to develop and implement new ideas. People of this type are distinguished by high energy, sociability, and the ability to subjugate others to their will and direct them to solve large creative problems.

The initiator is characterized by initiative and energy, especially in the initial stages of solving new creative problems.

12. List the stages of professional development of a teacher’s personality

Zeer E.F. identifies the following stages of professional development:

Formation of professional intentions - a conscious choice of profession;

Prof. preparation - mastering a system of professional knowledge, skills, abilities, formation of socially significant and professionally important qualities;

Professionalization - adaptation in the profession, prof. self-determination, acquisition of professional experience, development of personality traits and qualities, required. for qualified performing professional activities;

Craftsmanship - high quality, creative. performing professional activities.

The following stages of professional development of a teacher are also distinguished: the first is characterized by insignificant independence, lack of own teaching experience and innovation; in the second, the teacher develops independence, acquires teaching experience and the ability to analyze his activities; at the next stage of self-control, the teacher, relying on his own experience, masters the tools of self-diagnosis and self-assessment; finally, the stage of pedagogical creativity is distinguished by the innovation, independence, and activity of the teacher.

The professional development of a teacher is a continuous process of improving the professionally significant qualities of a teacher under the influence of external influences, professional activities and the individual’s own efforts.

In the technology of professional development of a teacher, the following stages are conventionally distinguished:

Mastering knowledge and skills;

Solving professional problems based on modeling an innovative educational environment;

Building your own trajectory of professional movement based on the design of activities, individual educational goals and programs for their implementation.

13 The area of ​​manifestation of pedagogical creativity is determined by the structure of pedagogical activity and covers all its aspects: constructive, organizational, communicative and gnostic. However, for the implementation of creativity in teaching activities, a number of conditions are necessary

*temporary compression of creativity, when there are no large periods of time between tasks and methods of solving them;

*connection of the teacher’s creativity with the creativity of students and other teachers;

*delay of the result and the need to predict it;


public speaking;

*the need for constant correlation between standard pedagogical techniques and atypical situations.

Levels of pedagogical creativity Creativity in the activities of a teacher is characterized by different levels.

level of elementary interaction with the class: The teacher uses feedback, but he acts “according to a manual,” according to a template,” based on the experience of other teachers;

the level of optimization of activity in the lesson, starting with its planning, when creativity is manifested in the skillful choice and appropriate combination of content, methods and forms of teaching already known to the teacher;

heuristic, when the teacher uses the creative possibilities of live communication with students;

the highest level of creativity of a teacher, which is characterized by his complete independence, the use of ready-made techniques, but in which a personal element is invested.

So, pedagogical creativity in itself is a process that begins from the assimilation of what has already been accumulated (adaptation, reproduction, reproduction of knowledge and experience) to the change and transformation of existing experience.

Probably, each of us always creates in collaboration with our students!

So, pedagogical skill is the activity of a teacher at the level of samples and standards, worked out in practice and already described in methodological developments and recommendations. The skill of a teacher is not directly related to his work experience. In contrast to mastery, pedagogical creativity is always a search and discovery of something new: either for oneself (the teacher’s discovery of variable, non-standard ways of solving pedagogical problems), or for oneself and for others.

14. List the qualities and abilities that are needed for the successful professional activity of a teacher

The necessary arsenal of teacher personality qualities is responsibility, conscientiousness, hard work, and pedagogical fairness.

Of all the moral qualities, the most important for a teacher is love for children.

A teacher needs: patience, endurance, perseverance, optimism, humanistic orientation (humanity, kindness, responsiveness, respect for people).

T.I. Ponimanskaya identifies the following basic personal qualities necessary in modern professional activities. preschool teacher establishments:

The ability to reflect and control the results of pedagogical activities, cooperation with the child on the principles of humanization, development of his personality;

The ability to provide emotional and moral support to the child;

The desire for emotion. closeness in communication with the child, referral to mental health. comfort and timely personal development;

The desire to expand knowledge and engage in self-education. and self-education. to improve your pedagogy. skill;

The ability to identify and take into account the interests of children and their right to respect in education.

For prof. activities required for the teacher. such moral qualities as politeness, delicacy, courtesy, modesty, sociability, tolerance. Children's teacher garden, with creative and intellectual individuality, a high level of culture, moral and moral standards, becomes competent and in demand, capable of improving oneself and the outside world. Desirable qualities such as a sense of humor; additional A teacher who has abilities and skills in any field: technology, sports, music, painting, etc. gets the opportunity to influence students.

15.Name the features of pedagogical creativity

Pedagogical creativity has a number of features:

It is more “regulated” in time. The teacher is limited in time by the number of hours allocated to study a specific topic, classroom time, continuity of student development, etc. During the training session, anticipated and unforeseen problems arise that require prompt, qualified solutions;

The results of the teacher’s creative search have been delayed. In the material sphere of activity, the result is immediately materialized and can be correlated with the set goal (finished product of labor). And the results of the teacher’s activities are embodied in knowledge, abilities, skills, forms of activity, in the behavior of future specialists and are assessed partially and relatively;

It is determined by the teacher’s ability to organize communication with students as a creative process without suppressing their initiative and ingenuity, creating conditions for students’ full creative expression and self-realization.

The teacher’s ability to manage the personal emotional and psychological state and cause adequate behavior in the activities of students. The ability of a teacher to organize communication with students as a creative process, as a dialogue, without suppressing their initiative and ingenuity, creating conditions for full creative self-expression and self-realization. Pedagogical creativity, as a rule, is carried out in conditions of openness and publicity of activity; The reaction of the class can stimulate the teacher to improvise and be more relaxed, but it can also suppress and restrain creative search.

16. List the factors influencing the manifestation and development of creative activity

The creative activity of a teacher depends on all elements of the current situation, which means that the problem of pedagogical creativity can only be successfully solved in a comprehensive manner. At the same time, the leading role is played by the intensification of the teacher’s own efforts to master the achievements of psychology and pedagogy, and advanced practice.


Stimulating ones include - material base of working conditions, - signs of enthusiastic attention from colleagues and students. - advanced pedagogical experience. - change of knowledge and skills. - the opportunity to apply a new program, experimentation. - provided with methodological literature. - transfer to self-control mode. -room for psychological relief. -conducting competitions of pedagogical skills.

The obstacles include: - a lenient attitude towards work. - cliches and established habits. - lack of knowledge of pedagogical techniques. - incompetence. - state of health. - attitude of the administration. - difficult relationships with colleagues. - lack of care on the part of the trade union. .-lack of a low level of labor organization.

Factors influencing the development of creative activity are open and trial classes, informal mutual assistance from colleagues and self-improvement work itself.

17. Pedagogical values

Pedagogical values ​​are relatively stable guidelines with which teachers relate their teaching activities. The teacher’s subjective attitude to universal cultural and pedagogical values ​​is determined by the richness of his personality, the direction of his professional activity, professional and pedagogical self-awareness, individual style of activity and thus reflects his inner world. The degree to which an individual masters pedagogical values ​​depends on:

Pedagogical consciousness of the teacher;

From his personal teaching experience;

From the work experience of other teachers.

Classification of pedagogical values

1. Values ​​that reveal the meaning and meaning of the goals of professional pedagogical activity (values-goals)..

2. Values ​​that reveal the meaning and meaning of the ways and means of carrying out professional pedagogical activities (values-means).

3. Values ​​that reveal the meaning and meaning of the teacher’s pedagogical relations to students, to himself, to other teachers (values-relationships

4. Values ​​that reveal the meaning and meaning of psychological and pedagogical knowledge in pedagogical activity (values-knowledge

5. Values ​​that reveal the meaning and meaning of the teacher’s personality traits (values-qualities). They are based on the concept of professionally important personality traits of a teacher.

18. Explain the connection between creativity and the concept of mastery

The educational process in a preschool institution is a complex, multifaceted, dynamic phenomenon.

Professionally competent is the work of a teacher in which pedagogical activity is carried out at a sufficiently high level, pedagogical interaction is realized, the teacher’s personality is realized, and in which good results are achieved in the teaching, upbringing and development of the child’s personality. There is simply a skillful teacher the cat simply conducts training and education at the usual professional level, and there is a cat teacher. Shows pedagogical skill and achieves high results in his work. Many teachers, in addition to mastery, demonstrate pedagogical creativity and, with their findings, enrich the methods of teaching and education. And there are pedagogical innovators who make real pedagogical discoveries, pave new paths in teaching and upbringing, generalizing pedagogical theory. The educational process is creativity, which is manifested in the art of designing pedagogical interaction with children, analyzing pedagogical situations, and in the successful implementation of what was planned. The teacher realizes the creative idea through his personality

3. What is common and different in the professional activity of an actor and the teacher of an actor’s activity. The activities of a teacher are determined not only by didactic principles, laws of teaching and upbringing of preschoolers, but also by the sequence of creative processes.

Pedagogical mastery is a synthesis of personal and professional qualities and personality traits, cat. They determine the high effectiveness of the pedagogical process. knowledge and skills.

4 parts of skill: 1 skill of organizing general and individual activities for children. 2 skill of persuasion 3 skill of transferring one’s knowledge and experience. 4 mastery of pedagogical equipment.

Pedagogical technique is the ability to find the right style and subtle communication with students; correct diction and voice production are also necessary.

Pedagogical creativity is a consequence of mastery.

19. What basic moral qualities are necessary for a teacher to work with preschool children?

The teacher should objectively assess his capabilities in the field of teaching activities, find out and analyze his strengths and weaknesses.-

The teacher must have a general culture of intellectual activity (thinking, memory, perception, presentation, attention), a culture of behavior and communication, including pedagogical;

The basis for the successful activity of a teacher is understanding the child. The teacher is not only the organizer of the educational activities of students, but also the inspirer of cooperation between participants in the educational process.

Relationships in the work of kindergarten and family -

The educator must have deep and systematized knowledge, and primarily in the field of psychology, pedagogy, management of the educational process, and the teaching staff. Performing official duties.

The first level is professional literacy. This is a period of professional development, during which the accumulation of knowledge, skills, and practical skills occurs.

The second level is professional readiness to organize others and oneself to carry out specific pedagogical tasks.

The third level is professional and methodological maturity, which is based on the teacher’s ability to include the research method in his activities as the highest indicator of professional readiness.

High efficiency and observation skills. These qualities help identify the child’s emotional climate not only in the peer group, but also in the family. The professional skills of a group educator that you should first of all pay attention to: gnostic, design, communication, organizational. The teacher also uses gnostic skills to study parents and the child’s family microenvironment. In group classes, the teacher needs to master the communicative structure of the entire pedagogical process, be as sensitive as possible to the slightest changes, and constantly correlate the chosen methods of pedagogical influence.

20. The connection between pedagogical creativity and pedagogical innovations

21. Conditions for the development of pedagogical creativity

Pedagogical creativity as a component of professional pedagogical culture does not arise on its own. For its development, a favorable cultural and creative atmosphere, a stimulating environment, and objective and subjective conditions are necessary.

Problem vision and mastery of pedagogical technologies.

22. Reflection in the structure of creative activity

The role of reflection in creative, mental activity consists of goal-setting, establishing and regulating adequate demands on oneself based on the correlation of externally imposed requirements and the situational specifics of the subject himself. Since the main thing in the pedagogical process at the moment is determined by the development of the personality of the subjects of the process, and development is an internal process and it is possible to judge its progress, first of all, by the subject himself, then reflection, as an act of introspection, introspection, and self-reflection, allows assessment of such development.

reflections in professional activities:

firstly, reflection is necessary when mastering professional activities;

secondly, on its basis, control and management of the assimilation process is carried out;

thirdly, reflection is necessary when changing the conditions of professional and educational activities;

fourthly, it is one of the main mechanisms for the development of the activity itself

A reflective teacher is a thinking, analyzing, and exploring his experience teacher.

Reflection in the pedagogical process is the process of self-identification of the subject of pedagogical interaction with the current pedagogical situation, with what constitutes the pedagogical situation: students, teacher, conditions for the development of participants in the pedagogical process, environment, content, pedagogical technologies

In the pedagogical process, reflection performs the following functions:







23. Signs of a creative personality

The creative potential of a teacher is characterized by a number of personality traits, which are called signs of a creative personality. There are various lists of such signs.

the ability of the individual to avoid superficial formulations; the ability to delve into a problem and at the same time break away from reality and see the future; the ability to abandon the orientation towards authorities; the ability to see a familiar object from a completely new perspective, in a new context; willingness to abandon theoretical judgments; Others, the ability to quickly and freely switch thoughts, the ability to evoke images in the mind and create new combinations from them); the ability to make value judgments and critical thinking (the ability to choose one of many alternatives before checking it, the ability to transfer decisions); readiness of memory (mastery of a sufficiently large amount of systematized knowledge, orderliness and dynamism of knowledge) and the ability to communicate and discard the non-existent. Still others consider a person to be creative if creativity is present in her characteristics, i.e. the ability to transform ongoing activity into a creative process.

signs of a creative personality.

The nature of the teacher’s pedagogical creativity

Will. The teacher gets acquainted with the topic of the lesson, tasks, admires it, and immerses itself in its content

Searches. The teacher looks for material to implement the objectives of the lesson, selects a number of methods and techniques, and prepares demonstration material

Experiences - modeling of a note, its “living”, deep immersion in the selected lesson material

Embodiment is the placement of emphasis on the most significant or difficult moments of the lesson with the selection of the necessary arsenal of individual verbal and non-verbal means of expressing the intended content Merger. The teacher, in the process of rehearsing the lesson, combines the processes of “experience” and “embodiment”, which practically take place almost simultaneously, until complete fusion

Influence. The teacher influences the children during the lesson with all selected and practiced means in which his pedagogical individuality, “handwriting” is manifested.

24.Levels of pedagogical creativity

Creativity in the activities of a teacher is characterized by different levels. The following levels of pedagogical creativity are distinguished:

Levels of pedagogical creativity: level of reproduction of ready-made recommendations, i.e. level of elementary interaction. The teacher uses feedback, adjusts his influences based on its results, but he acts “according to a manual,” “according to a template,” based on the experience of others.

the level of optimization of activity, starting with planning, when creativity is manifested in a skillful choice and appropriate combination of content, methods and forms of education already known to the teacher;

heuristic, when the teacher uses the creative possibilities of live communication with the child;

the highest level (personally independent), which is characterized by complete independence, the use of ready-made techniques, but in which a personal element is embedded. Therefore, they correspond to his creative individuality, the characteristics of the student’s personality, and the specific level of development of the group.

Signs of levels of creativity: mastery of new knowledge, methods, techniques; rethinking your own work in the light of new knowledge; development of new methods, techniques, forms, means; modification of methods, techniques, means; ability to effectively use best practices; the ability to find an original solution to a problem in non-standard situations; the ability to change strategy and tactics depending on the specific situation. The highest level is the creation of a new system of training, education, and development of educational institutions.

25. Co-creation between teacher and students

I have little experience working in a preschool; Having received an economic education, I realized that this was not for me and confidently switched to pedagogy. Going to the children, I thought what, as a teacher, I could do for the children to create a favorable climate of communication in my group. And I realized: kindergarten is not one culture, it is a combination of different cultures. Firstly, a culture of learning (to help the child develop spiritually and physically, secondly, a culture of care (so that the child is in an emotional good state and feels comfortable), thirdly, a culture of cooperation - getting satisfaction from joint activities.

One of the main focuses of my work is on the culture of cooperation and I will be happy to share my pedagogical achievements.

What else can you come up with to make it interesting for both me and my children to live in a group?

The purpose of my master class is to show the way to adopting a position of subjective interaction with children, to inspire teachers to work together, thus transforming communication with students from routine, sometimes over-organized and excessively “paper-based” work into exciting co-creation.

I will introduce you to a sequence of actions, joint creative activities, in which there is an interesting and feasible role or task for everyone. At the same time, using the activity method - that is, not transferring ready-made knowledge, but creating conditions under which children themselves, with the help of a teacher, find a way to solve the problem.

26 Pedagogical creativity has a number of features

1.- it is more “regulated” in time. If in the activity of a writer or artist pauses between different stages of the creative process are quite acceptable, then in the practical activity of a teacher they are practically absent. The teacher is limited in time by the number of hours allocated to study a specific topic, classroom time, continuity of student development, etc. During the training session, anticipated and unforeseen problems arise that require prompt, qualified solutions;

2.- the results of the teacher’s creative searches are delayed. In the material sphere of activity, the result is immediately materialized and can be correlated with the set goal (finished product of labor). And the results of the teacher’s activities are embodied in knowledge, abilities, skills, forms of activity, in the behavior of future specialists and are assessed partially and relatively;

3.- it is determined by the teacher’s ability to organize communication with students as a creative process without suppressing their initiative and ingenuity, creating conditions for students’ full creative expression and self-realization.

Pedagogical creativity is associated with the introduction of pedagogical innovations into the pedagogical process:

Pedagogical innovations that change pedagogical reality;

Pedagogical inventions, development and implementation of new elements of educational technologies;

Pedagogical creativity as a component of professional pedagogical culture does not arise on its own. For its development, a favorable cultural and creative atmosphere, a stimulating environment, and objective and subjective conditions are necessary.

28. Individualization and pedagogical activity

Individualization is a way of adapting a person to the structure of work activity objectively given from the outside. The process of individualization in the work of a teacher can have different expressions:

* individual characteristics

* individual style of activity

* individuality

Individual characteristics in teaching work are manifested in the choice of the subject of work, tasks and situations within the profession, in relation to the profession and professional motivation, in the choice of methods of work, etc.

Individual style of activity is determined by the natural, innate characteristics of a person, formed by personality qualities that arose in the process of human interaction with the objective and social environment. The individual style of teaching activity is formed by three main factors:

* personal and psychological characteristics of the teacher;

* features of pedagogical activity;

* characteristics of students Individual style of teaching activity is manifested in:

Temperament (time and speed of reaction, individual pace of work, emotional responsiveness);

The nature of reactions to certain pedagogical situations;

Choosing teaching methods;

Selection of educational means,

Style of pedagogical communication;

Responding to the actions and actions of students;


Preference for certain types of rewards and punishments;

The use of psychological and pedagogical influence on students.

29. The connection between pedagogical creativity and pedagogical innovations

Pedagogical creativity is associated with the introduction of pedagogical innovations into the pedagogical process:

Pedagogical innovations that change pedagogical reality;

Pedagogical inventions, development and implementation of new elements of educational technologies;

Pedagogical innovative activities in a preschool institution are associated with the transformation and improvement of the educational process, with the introduction of new, stable elements. Today, it is no longer individual preschool institutions and innovative teachers who are involved in the field of innovation; In almost every preschool educational institution, innovative transformations are becoming systemic. New types, types and profiles of preschool educational institutions, new educational programs have been created to ensure variability in the educational process, focused on the individuality of the child and the needs of his family.

Pedagogical creativity as a component of professional pedagogical culture does not arise on its own. For its development, a favorable cultural and creative atmosphere, a stimulating environment, and objective and subjective conditions are necessary.

30. Conditions for the development of pedagogical creativity

Pedagogical creativity as a component of professional pedagogical culture does not arise on its own. For its development, a favorable cultural and creative atmosphere, a stimulating environment, and objective and subjective conditions are necessary.

Objective conditions for the development of pedagogical creativity:

Positive emotional and psychological climate in the team;

The level of development of scientific knowledge in psychological, pedagogical and special fields;

Availability of adequate means of training and education;

Material and technical equipment of the pedagogical process;

Availability of socially necessary time.

Subjective conditions for the development of pedagogical creativity:

Knowledge of the basic laws and principles of the holistic educational process;

High level of general culture of the teacher;

Knowledge of modern concepts of specialist training;

Knowledge of typical situations and the ability to make decisions in such situations;

The desire for creativity, developed pedagogical thinking and reflection;

Pedagogical experience and intuition;

Ability to make operational decisions in non-standard situations;

Problem vision and mastery of pedagogical technologies

Thus, the ability for constant professional and personal improvement through the realization of one’s creative powers is one of the most important criteria for the personality of a teacher as a professional.

31. Justify the thesis of the activity of a teacher - one-man theater

The teacher must be to a certain extent an actor, and the art of an actor is complex, and the data with which he captures and captivates the viewer are varied: infectiousness, taste, personal charm, charm, correct intuition, diction, beauty of gestures, plasticity, ability to characterize, hard work, “love for work, and the like. These characteristics of a theater actor were once highlighted by V. Nemirovich-Danchenko.

According to L.S. Stanislavsky, an actor needs the following creative abilities: observation, vulnerability, memory (affective), temperament, fantasy, imagination, internal and external influence, transformation, taste, intelligence, a sense of internal and external rhythm and tempo, musicality, sincerity, ingenuity, self-control, spontaneity, theatricality, etc.

The combination of many creative abilities and strong-willed efforts that the actor makes, constantly training and improving himself, make him talented. To present his talent to the audience, the actor needs expressive data: an expressive face, plasticity, body lines, and the like. These properties are also needed by the teacher - the main character in the one-man theater, which is designed for preschoolers. The more opportunities a teacher has in his creative arsenal, the stronger and more effective his pedagogical influence on students will be; therefore, a teacher should have the best qualities of a gifted actor.

32. Theater pedagogy, its determining factors

To improve professional communication and make it more influential, the educator should turn to theater pedagogy.

Today, interest in theater pedagogy is due to a number of sociocultural and educational factors.

The first factor is the need of an individual who is capable of adequate cultural self-identification and free choice of his own position.

The second factor that determines interest in theater pedagogy is the processes of modernization of the education system, in particular the transition from the extensive method of simply increasing the number of educational programs to the search for intensive approaches to its organization.

It is theater pedagogy that is designed to reveal the inner potential of the teacher.

The third factor is pedagogical artistry, an important feature of a teacher’s professional skill and creativity. After all, a good teacher is one who masters the art of self-expression, the ability to transform, co-creation with colleagues, students, and empathy with them. Only in the field of theater pedagogy can every future teacher find the means to reveal their own pedagogical abilities and creative potential

33.Definition of the teacher’s pedagogical technique, its structure and features

The pedagogical technique of a preschool teacher is a set of professional skills that ensure the successful implementation of typical tasks of a teacher, which act as a means of his self-expression and self-realization as an integral personality in the process of flexible and adequate interaction with students, their parents and colleagues. The skills of pedagogical techniques help to reveal to students the inner world of the teacher - his erudition, depth of feelings, spiritual wealth, and strong-willed qualities. This skill helps to better understand the child’s personality through self-disclosure.


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Abstract "Pedagogical skills"

We consider holding pedagogical meetings as one of the types of activities, at which educators and specialists have the opportunity not only to learn about the activities of colleagues, but also to systematize knowledge and comprehend their own approaches to work.
Different types of teacher councils are held at preschool educational institutions: instructive, problem-based, operational, thematic, and final.
Experience shows the expediency of traditional teacher councils, where current issues are usually resolved, results are summed up, the state of work with children is discussed, etc. But at the same time, new forms of holding pedagogical councils are also interesting.
Successfully, from our point of view, teacher councils take the following forms:
Business game
Exchange of views
Excursions, travel
Seminar - workshop
Council of Teachers - workshop


Target: identify the level of professional preparedness of teachers, develop cohesion, the ability to work in a team, and defend their point of view with reason.
The duration of this Council of Teachers is from 2 hours to 2 hours 20 minutes. If necessary, individual tasks can be replaced with additional ones. Everything depends on the preliminary preparation of the presenter and members of the jury (cards with tasks should be laid out sequentially, tasks should be clear, crossword puzzle grids should be drawn in advance, etc.).
Preliminary work:
- familiarization with literature on the topic of the Council of Teachers.
Methodological recommendations: It is advisable to hold a council of teachers of this form at the beginning of the school year in order to adjust the work of the preschool institution. In addition, the methodological and psychological service will see the problems of individual teachers, which need to be worked on individually. In some cases, a topic may be identified for summarizing best teaching practices or the need to work on an integrated program.
It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that team members must jointly choose a teacher to complete tasks. This is also important because in this case, colleagues get to know better not only the internal potential, but also the spiritual qualities of each other.
Two councils of teachers can be held on this topic - the main one and the extraordinary one. In this case, at the next Council, theoretical acquaintance with the problems of pedagogical skills takes place, and at the extraordinary Council, practical implementation of tasks takes place.
Program for the development and education of children in kindergarten "Childhood". S.Ptb.Aktsident. 1997
Shuleshko E.E., Ershova A.P., Bukatov V.M. Socio-game approaches to pedagogy. Krasnoyarsk. 1990.
Uruntaeva G.A. Preschool psychology. Tutorial. M. Academia.1996.
Volkov B.S., Volkova N.V. Child psychology in questions and answers. M.Sfera.2001
Strelchenko G. On non-traditional forms of methodological work in preschool educational institutions.//Preschool education.2003.N11.P.66-68
Progress of the “Council of Teachers”.

Game "Abbreviations"(5-6 minutes).
The presenter (this may be the Chairman of the Council) invites all participants to read in full a number of abbreviations: RF, UN, MDOU, UO, USSR, South Africa, FSB: After the common abbreviations have been deciphered by the participants, it is proposed to compose (and decipher) their own abbreviations, the subject of which should relate to education.
This game not only helps teachers get ready for work, but also exercises their imagination in a gaming situation, demonstrates their knowledge of the surrounding reality and their intellectual development.
1 task(6-7 minutes).
Each teacher pulls out one from the pack of tickets with questions, which he answers in writing. The answers are submitted to the jury (administration of the preschool educational institution).
Questions as follows:
Write the names and patronymics of the parents of the children attending your group (as many as you remember).
Write the structure of a math lesson in a kindergarten preparatory group.
Write the names and patronymics of all teachers working in our kindergarten.
Write the program content of a physical education lesson in the preparatory group of a kindergarten.

Write the titles and authors of the books that you used this academic year in preparation for classes.
Write down the class schedule for the group you work with.
List the works of art and poems about autumn that you studied with the children in your group this school year.
Write the names and patronymics of the technical staff of our kindergarten.
List the tasks of the preschool educational institution’s annual plan that the team is working on.
Write all the scientific and educational institutions (not only Magadan) with which our preschool institution cooperates.
Write the name of the experiment that is taking place in our preschool educational institution and its main goals and objectives. and so on.
After this, teachers are divided into teams by collecting a cut picture. During the work process, for each correct answer the team receives a chip.
Task 2. Psychological ring (7-8 minutes).
The presenter asks questions to each team in turn and the one that gave the correct answer receives a chip.
a stable system of socially significant traits that characterize an individual in terms of his involvement in social relations - PERSONALITY.
systematic, purposeful and planned perception of objects - OBSERVATION.
mental cognitive process consisting of reflecting past experience - MEMORY.
These children are in a good mood. They are cheerful. They respond to positive stimuli with loud laughter, and to negative ones with loud crying. All internal experiences manifest themselves externally. These children take on new things with pleasure, experiencing and showing bright positive emotions. The feelings and interests of these children are unstable. These children love noisy games and easily move from sleep to wakefulness. They are easy to discipline. They are more distracted by external stimuli than internal ones. Since their sensitivity to the stimulus is reduced, they do not respond to comments made in a quiet voice. The speech of these children is loud, energetic, and its pace is fast. Determine your temperament type. SANGUINE CHILDREN.
These children often change their mood. Emotions have extreme manifestations: they do not cry, but sob, do not smile, but laugh. Children react very violently to external stimuli; they are unrestrained, impatient, and quick-tempered. Children with this type of temperament prefer active games, games with elements of sports, and often just run around the group or playroom. Their skills take a long time to develop and are difficult to adapt. These children have difficulty switching and concentrating and are difficult to discipline. They express violent protest against the prohibitions of adults. Determine your temperament type. CHOLERICA CHILDREN.
Children of this type of temperament are characterized by low emotionality, inexpressive, poor facial expressions. Emotions are shown implicitly: they laugh quietly, cry quietly. They are characterized by high efficiency, the ability to do everything carefully, painstakingly, and concentrate on completing a task for a long time. Preschoolers perform any activity slowly; they need some time to master and understand what is required of them. These children are easily disciplined in a familiar environment, and painfully experience its violation and established stereotypes. Children of this type are characterized by slow, quiet speech with long pauses. Determine your temperament type. PHLEGMATIC CHILDREN.
3 task.(5-6 minutes).
One teacher is invited from each team and receives cards with the following tasks:
- finish the poem that is written on the card (excerpts from poems studied in kindergarten are offered, for example, S. Yesenin “Birch”, etc.).
For the correct answer - a chip.
4 task. “Test yourself” (4-5 minutes).
One teacher is invited from each team. One mathematical example is written on the board for each person.
Teachers must independently solve the example, while the presenter reads a work or a children's song is played (tape recorder) - a distracting moment. The team whose representative solves the example first wins.

Game-exercise "Simultaneity"(5 minutes).
All participants in the Council of Teachers are given time during which they must gather and, without any commands from anyone, simultaneously clap their hands, and after some pause (for example, 3 seconds - this is determined at the time of discussion and preparation) clap again, etc. .d. The game is considered well-executed when its conditions are fulfilled by all participants at the same time (there is no ricochet in the claps or discrepancies in movements).
In the future, teachers can use this game in working with children aged 4-7 years. Simultaneity is a high indicator of coordination of actions in a group or team. Exercise "Simultaneity" trains submission to the general rhythm, because learning to act simultaneously with others is an important skill for a child of pre-school age. Working in this direction, the teacher will gradually be able to ensure that by the time they enter school, there will be no (or a small number of children left) in the group who complete any educational task faster or slower than others (single tempo rhythm of the children's group).
Task 5. Determine in which age group the named works are studied (7 minutes).
Each team receives one card on which 3-4 titles of works and their authors are written. In 1 minute, team members must decide in which age group they are studying. For each correct answer - a chip.
Task 6. Friendly cartoon (9-10 minutes).
Each team is invited to come up with and depict one of the teachers of the other team using facial expressions and gestures (no more than 1 minute). If teachers recognize a colleague (no more than 2 minutes are given for discussion), they receive a chip.
Task 7. Solving a crossword puzzle on fine arts (8-9 minutes).
The crossword puzzle diagram is pre-drawn on the board. The presenter asks questions that need to be answered and enters them into the crossword cells himself.
A pattern built on the alternation of some drawings or lines in a certain order is an ORNAMENT.
Works of art made with any colors - PAINTING.
Drawings illustrating the pages of ancient handwritten books - MINIATURE.
Belarusian artist, illustrator of children's books SAVICH.
A type of folk ornament, the oldest way of decorating products made of felt, leather, fur, paper, cloth - APPLICATION.
A line conveying the external outlines of a person, animal, object - CONTOUR.
Image of chest-deep people in marble, bronze, wood - BUST.
A work of monumental painting decorating the internal and external walls of a building - PANNO.
Type of paint for painting - GOUACHE.
For correct answers, the team receives chips.
Task 8. Business game (8-10 minutes).
Name as many parameters as possible for the content of pedagogical work with children of senior preschool age in the “Introduction to Work” section of the “Childhood” program. Teams take turns calling one item at a time.
Each correct answer is rewarded with a chip.
Task 9. Development of expressive speech of the teacher (4-5 minutes).
The teams are given the task:
say the word "WELL DONE!" :
1 team
loudly tenderly surprised
Team 2 ironically enthusiastically affectionately
Team 3 is demanding and mysterious
10 task. At the beginning of the Council of Teachers, each team is given a task, the results of which are summed up by the jury at the end of the meeting:
draw up in writing a short long-term plan for the section “Children’s Speech Development” (preparatory group) of the “Childhood” program;
draw up in writing a short long-term plan for the section “First Steps into Mathematics” (senior group) of the “Childhood” program;
draw up in writing a short long-term plan for the section “First steps in mathematics” (middle group) of the “Childhood” program.
Team members choose a teacher who can cope with this task. If necessary, he can seek advice from colleagues. The team that completes the task most correctly is rewarded with a chip.
Additional tasks:
Teacher-artist (4 - 5 minutes).
The presenter shows reproductions of paintings by famous artists that are used in the educational process of the kindergarten; in 30 seconds the team needs to determine the author and title of the painting. For each correct answer, the team receives a chip.
Literary reading (12-14 minutes).
One participant from each team is invited and given the following task:
- using expressive means of speech, read the proposed passage (for example: N. Nosov. “Living Hat”).
It is advisable that those teachers who are not too emotional or speak very quietly take part in this competition.
At the end of the Council of Teachers, the jury counts the chips and announces the result. All members of the winning team receive some kind of souvenirs: pens, notebooks, etc. In addition, the teachers who took the most active part in the Council are jointly identified in order to reflect this in the creative activity screen (located in the methodological office) and based on the data of which employees are encouraged at the end of the school year.

Develop diagnostic cards for interaction with teachers experiencing difficulties in working with the “Childhood” program.
Create temporary creative teams to adjust long-term plans for all sections of the “Childhood” program.
Set up “Let’s get to know each other!” stands in all age groups. (on the stand are placed the names and patronymics of the parents of the children attending the group, the teachers of the group and all specialists working with the children of this group).
10 commandments
Commandment 1. Before you start working with children, leave all your problems, resentments, quarrels, free yourself from all your bad, negative feelings.
Commandment 2. Let the child relax a little (you can talk to him a little, laugh about some general topic accessible to the child and his age).
Commandment 3: You cannot speak to a child without smiling.
Commandment 4. The child must be asked what he understood from the material covered.
Commandment 5. You need to raise a child in fairness, and be strict in moderation.
Commandment 6. Have a democratic style of communication with your child.
Commandment 7. Evaluate the child’s quality of hard work, actions, interactions with peers and teachers.
Commandment 8: You should never laugh at a child, and you should never allow your peers to laugh at anyone.
Commandment 9. Bring any work you start to completion.
Commandment 10: Treat your child with respect.