Why dream of lying according to a dream book. Why do you dream of deception? Why do you dream of lying in a dream?

Why dream of lying according to a dream book.  Why do you dream of deception? Why do you dream of lying in a dream?
Why dream of lying according to a dream book. Why do you dream of deception? Why do you dream of lying in a dream?

In order to more accurately determine what the lie is about in a dream, the dream book clarifies the dreamer’s real attitude to this phenomenon. It is important to know which of the dream characters is a liar and which is misled. What you see in a dream often reflects remorse, fear of exposure, fear of being deceived.

Miller's interpretations

Explaining why lies are dreamed of, Miller’s dream book examines various situations. If you dreamed that you were lying for reasons of personal safety, there is a high probability that in reality you will become the culprit of injustice.

Seeing how you shield your neighbor happens shortly before an undeserved accusation is made against you. The fortune teller is encouraging that you will be able to come out of an ugly situation gracefully.

If they intend to deceive you, the plot should be taken literally and in reality beware of liars.

What esotericists say

The esoteric dream book offers interesting interpretations of why lies are dreamed of. If you dreamed about how you are trying to hide something, in real life you will face the bitter truth.

Often, a lie makes it clear that the sleeper has become a hostage to his own image and is ready to do anything to avoid destroying it in the eyes of others. If the dreamer was exposed in a dream, this detail once again confirms the interpretation of the dream.

The dream interpreter considers it an alarming sign if you have to lie in a dream repeatedly. Repeated dreams that involve lies are sometimes a sign of an energy attack.

Love affairs

It wouldn’t hurt to find out why you dream about lying to your loved one. The modern dream book believes that the plot is inspired by the dreamer’s insecurities and phobias. Most of them are associated with the fear of losing a loved one.

When you happen to see a loved one telling a lie, the Eastern Dream Book warns of an increased likelihood of quarrels and separations. There is a danger of becoming the object of gossip or becoming “famous” for participating in a bad story.

Traps for crooks

Dream books will tell you why you dream of certain circumstances in which you have to deal with dishonest people or see yourself in a similar role.

  • If you dreamed of an undeserved reproach for dishonesty, in reality you will find yourself deceived by a friend;
  • When you see a liar, lose faith in what you love or do;
  • If you dreamed about a lie, check any information in reality;
  • Lying in a dream is characteristic of those who do not accept themselves in reality;
  • The liar you dreamed of symbolizes a real-life envious person;
  • In their night dreams, those who lie are those who have no doubt that the end justifies the means.

This is not the time to trust

What a lie portends, many dream books advise to take literally. The plot means that from the moment of awakening and throughout the immediate period, you cannot take anyone’s word for it. It’s very good if you managed to remember the person who told a lie. Double check the information you receive from him.

This is not the only explanation for what lying means. The psychoanalytic dream book explains what was seen in a dream by the natural distrust of the sleeper, which sometimes develops into paranoia. The interpreter advises to adhere to common sense and not to poison life with extremes.

If you happen to hear a lie, being aware of the true state of affairs, in reality you will have to fight for the truth. The likelihood of defending your point of view is high.

See interpretation: deception

Eastern women's dream book

Family dream book

Modern dream book

Freud's Dream Book

  • great danger.

French dream book

Women's dream book

Ancient Russian dream book

Esoteric dream book

Miller's Dream Book

  • To dream of people whom you consider to be liars foretells that you will lose faith in a business project that you persistently promoted.
  • For a woman to think that her lover is a liar is a warning: it is possible that her indecent behavior is contributing to the loss of a good friend.
  • If you dreamed that someone called you a liar, this is a sign of troubles awaiting you caused by the betrayal of deceitful friends.

Interpretation of sleep: according to the number of the month

Interpretation of sleep: by Day of the Week

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Why do you dream about lies - interpretation of dreams from dream books

Clarify the dream for interpretation

Miller's Dream Book

what does it mean if a lie is in a dream

If in a dream you had to resort to lying to avoid punishment, such a dream predicts a dishonest act, as a result of which an innocent person will suffer. In the case where the lie was aimed at saving a friend or loved one, be prepared for undeserved criticism in your direction. A dream in which you become a victim of the lies of others is a warning - your opponents are not asleep, they will try with all their might to ruin your existence.

Vanga's Dream Book

why do you dream about lies?

Being a victim of false slander is a favorable dream. Such a dream means the powerlessness of your rivals and the futility of their attempts to stop you. A dream in which you yourself were caught in a lie promises material security and considerable success in business.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

lying in a dream what is it for

A dream in which you are in the position of a liar promises quick punishment for the grievances you have caused.

Muslim dream book (Islamic)

A dream in which you lie to others reminds you that recently you have significantly deviated from the righteous path. If you work in a trading business, this dream may foretell losses incurred. If you yourself have become a victim of lies, this dream is a warning.

Freud's Dream Book

lies according to the dream book

If you became a victim of someone’s lies about a dream and could not find an excuse for yourself, this indicates your low self-esteem. This deficiency prevents you from having sexual intercourse and may indicate a latent craving for masochism. If you yourself were a liar, this speaks of aggression, the outlet of which you give only in moments of intimacy.

With a dream, people also dreamed of lies

To determine on which days prophetic dreams occur, you should know the well-known divine holidays. Dreams can be prophetic on these days and on other days. More details about prophetic dreams for all days of the month can be found here.

Funny video about man's best friends. or the best alarm clocks? =)

Sleeping from Sunday to Monday means renewal and the onset of a new stage in life.

Dream Interpretation Lie

The dream “Lie” and its interpretation is present in the following dream books:

If in a dream you had to lie to avoid punishment, in real life you will act dishonestly with an innocent person.

Dreaming of a white lie symbolizes undeserved criticism. In a dream, you tried to protect a friend with the help of lies, but in real life you will listen to unfounded accusations against you. Do not pay attention to spiteful critics - be above them!

If you heard others lying in a dream, it means that your enemies are looking for a way to lure you into a trap.

Hearing someone's deceitful speeches in a dream is a dream warning of possible betrayal on the part of your loved ones, betrayal of your companion.

If you dreamed that you were lying to avoid punishment, it means that in reality you will behave dishonestly towards an innocent person. If you lie to protect your friend from undeserved punishment, your reputation will suffer from unfair criticism. A dream in which you hear the lies of other people means: your enemies will try to lure you into a trap.

To dream that you are lying to avoid punishment means that you will act dishonorably with an innocent person.

Lying to protect a friend from undeserved punishment portends that you will attract a lot of undeserved criticism, but you will be able to rise above and even rejoice at it.

Hearing in a dream that others are lying means that your enemies are looking for a way to lure you into a trap.

If you dreamed that you were lying to avoid punishment, then in reality you will behave dishonestly towards an innocent person. If you lie to protect your friend from undeserved punishment, then your reputation will suffer from unfair criticism. If you hear the lies of other people, then in reality your enemies will try to lure you into a trap.

Lying to someone means facing a cruel truth. Be strong.

Hearing a lie will do the same in reality.

Lying is considered a negative experience, a TABOO experience. Humanity at the initial stages of its history considered lying a sacred act of sin, which, although committed at the interpersonal level, was directed against the gods, providence, and against the cosmos. However, according to recent sociological research, lies are losing their taboo energy. Many people begin to have a more free and frivolous attitude towards the truth, which helps to complement or protect the self-image they have created.

Thus, when interpreting a dream in which there is a lie, it is necessary to take into account your attitude towards lies in real life. If you think that lying is shameful, such a dream may indicate the insincerity that you show in certain life situations. Such a dream may indicate some dishonesty in a transaction that is most likely forgotten but not disclosed.

If you are completely calm about lies in life, then the dream probably indicates your weaknesses, which manifest themselves in certain areas of life and which need to be paid attention to. How to do this is entirely up to you. It is likely that you are much more concerned about how others perceive you than the actual assessment of your personality. This is certainly true if in a dream your lie was exposed.

Do you often lie to the same person in real life?

Could you find yourself in a situation where you exaggerate the truth or deliberately lie in order to improve your reputation in the eyes of others?

Do you feel like others are deliberately misleading you about their actions or intentions?

Will your inner self be confused if others get to know you too closely?

Telling a lie or telling a lie portends sadness and tears.

In the dream book, the interpretation of the dream “Lie” can be different. Look carefully at the pictures and photos to interpret the dream, maybe the Lampshade is not at all what you think about. Good luck!

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“Why do you dream about lies? If you see a lie in a dream, what does it mean?

Why do you dream about Lies?

interpretation of dreams according to 90 dream books

Eastern dream book

If you dreamed that you were lying to avoid punishment, it means that in reality you will behave dishonestly towards an innocent person.

If you lie to protect your friend from undeserved punishment, your reputation will suffer from unfair criticism.

A dream in which you hear the lies of other people means: enemies will try to lure you into a trap.

Family dream book

If in a dream you had to lie in order to avoid punishment, in real life you will act dishonestly with an innocent person.

White lies - dreams of undeserved criticism.

In a dream, you tried to protect a friend with the help of lies - in real life you will listen to unfounded accusations against you. Don't pay attention to spiteful critics - be above them!

If you heard others lying in a dream, it means that your enemies are looking for a way to lure you into a trap.

Dream book of the 21st century

If in a dream someone slanderes you and this threatens your reputation or well-being, it means that in reality you have envious people who are just waiting for an opportunity to do you a dirty trick. For a woman, such a dream can be a warning: your carelessness and carelessness in your actions will create a lot of additional problems for you and give you reason for gossip.

If in a dream you successfully pass a lie detector test, it means that thanks to your knowledge and skills you will be able to achieve your goal and find the right way out even in a hopeless situation.

Seeing someone pass a test is a sign that you will soon have to defend your case, prove that you can cope with the tasks assigned better than others. You will be able to convince the people on whom the solution to the issue depends of this.

Dream book for a bitch

Lies are dangerous adventures; you must be careful not to suffer yourself and not to bring suffering and trouble to innocent people.

To lie in a dream yourself - you will not be affected at all by the malicious attacks and criticism of your ill-wishers, and you will be able to have fun and enjoy life.

Dream Book of David Loff

Lying is considered a negative experience, a taboo experience. Humanity at the initial stages of its history considered lying a sacred act of sin, which, although committed at the interpersonal level, was directed against the gods, providence, and against the cosmos. However, according to recent sociological research, lies are losing their taboo energy. Many people begin to have a more free and frivolous attitude towards the truth, which helps to complement or protect the self-image they have created. Thus, when interpreting a dream in which there is a lie, it is necessary to take into account your attitude towards lies in real life.

If you think that lying is shameful, such a dream may indicate the insincerity that you show in certain life situations. Such a dream may indicate some dishonesty in a transaction that is most likely forgotten but not disclosed.

If you are completely calm about lies in life, the dream probably indicates your weaknesses, which manifest themselves in certain areas of life and which need to be paid attention to. How to do this is entirely up to you. It is likely that you are much more concerned about how others perceive you than the actual assessment of your personality. This is certainly true if in a dream your lie was exposed. Do you often lie to the same person in real life? Could you find yourself in a situation where you exaggerate the truth or deliberately lie in order to improve your reputation in the eyes of others? Do you feel like others are deliberately misleading you about their actions or intentions? Will your inner self be confused if others get to know you too closely?

Miller's Dream Book

To dream that you are lying to avoid punishment means that you will act dishonorably with an innocent person.

Lying to protect a friend from undeserved punishment portends that you will attract a lot of undeserved criticism, but you will be able to rise above and even rejoice at it.

Hearing in a dream that others are lying means that enemies are looking for a way to lure you into a trap.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

As such, a lie in a dream warns of impending danger.

If in a dream you indulge in lies for the sake of selfish interests, in reality they will treat you dishonestly.

A white lie foretells that you will be pointed out about mistakes made with the best intentions, but you will take this as a personal insult.

To encounter a blatant and outright lie means that they will try to slip you stale goods or sell substandard or spoiled products.

To dream of dealing with a person whom in reality you consider to be a notorious swindler and a liar - such a dream speaks of a temporary decline in business.

To catch your husband, lover or fiancé in a lie means that you are making too many claims against them, not being able to properly evaluate their merits.

If in a dream you were insulted by calling you a liar, in reality expect troubles that will fall on you like thunder from a clear sky from an unexpected direction.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Lying in a dream to avoid punishment means that you will act dishonorably with an innocent person.

Lying to protect a friend means in reality inviting fire on yourself and being the winner in a battle of opinions and judgments.

To see others lying in a dream means that your enemies are looking for a way to lure you into a trap. Also, such a dream may portend a loss of faith in a business project that you previously contributed to.

A woman who sees her lover as a liar in a dream should behave more decently, otherwise she risks losing a loved one.

If in a dream you were reproached for lying, this is a sign of troubles awaiting you caused by the betrayal of deceitful friends.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

In a dream, you lied - soon a stream of empty gossip will fall on you.

If you were lied to in a dream, an avalanche of empty talk will fall on you in the near future.

Dream Interpretation of Black Magic

False awakenings - too frequent, repeated false awakenings (within a dream) are one of the signs of entering a lucid dream, based on the principles of black magic.

French dream book

Hearing someone's lies in a dream is a dream warning of possible betrayal on the part of your loved ones, betrayal by your companion.

Esoteric dream book

Lying to someone means you have to learn the cruel truth. Be strong.

Hearing a lie means the same thing will happen in reality.

Did you dream about a Lie, but the required interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream of a Lie in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

From yesterday to today I had the following dream: I created a fake page on a dating site to check my boyfriend, will he arrange a meeting with an outside girl to cheat on me? (by the way, in reality this is exactly what I am going to do today - namely, check it).

I dreamed that when I wrote to him from a third-party profile, he called me back and said that you deceived me and this is your page, as if he understood that I was checking him.

Sorry. What a mess, I'm waiting for an answer!

How it all happened, several times a night the same dream...

Connected with my loved one. Well, this is a dream:

I’m somewhere, I don’t know this place... My boyfriend calls and says

Which he “Loves” and discards. Literally 5 minutes pass and my mother calls and says that he went to the airport to meet his ex-girlfriend. I don’t know, but I know what she looks like, her name. This dream doesn't let me sleep. Again and again I feel pain in my chest and wake up from tears. Could you help me to understand what this is? I regard it as a warning. My email

Hello. In general, I play basketball. Now I’m on vacation. I haven’t seen the team for about a month. Usually when we meet, we have mi-mi-mi, hugs and everything like that, but in a dream everyone turned away from me. They didn’t notice, didn’t talk .I was like a ghost that no one can see. What could that mean? Thanks in advance)

Yesterday my boyfriend asked me to date, but I really doubt it, although I love him very much, he asked if I loved him, I said yes, and today I had a dream that his friend was standing and telling me why he didn’t call me, I said because that I have MTS and he has Kyivstar, my beloved averts his eyes, I say I understand everything by now and leave, and after that I suddenly wake up, he just asked me for my number earlier and I gave it to him, I said that he would give me his, but he said that he has Kyivstar, what is this for?

I lured the maniac into the church, I ran away from there in the field, the escape was long and I heard the maniac approaching, he caught up with me, started saying some crazy things, then he wanted to kill me, but I slipped away, climbed a tree. I turned around, and some a young man knocked him down and crushed his head with a car, and I have dreamed of this young man since childhood and he always saves me.

I don’t remember specifically, but I remember that I saw a teacher and said something to her: why did you become like this, your family is very educated, why are you lying, but I didn’t tell her that I was with a friend and but I don’t remember the reason for what we did there with friend, but the teacher seemed to think that I was there waiting for a guy, I felt so uneasy and I woke up and then I never dated anyone and guys are not interested in me because I’m ugly, please help me, what does this mean?

I come home and see by some signs that my wife was cheating on me, I tell her about my suspicions, but she avoids answering in every possible way and tries to drag me into bed to hide the traces of betrayal, suddenly my friend comes and, without seeing me, begins to pester her, she didn’t reject him, but when he saw me, she pushed him towards me and said, here’s the next one; like throwing me to the wolves. I wanted to get sincere confessions from her, but she pretended that changing this was in the order of things and there was nothing wrong with it. Then I began to leave the house, she told me good riddance, I was furious at her shamelessness and lack of understanding of what was happening, that I told her that this was my house and she has to clean up; to which she replied that she was waiting for me to say this, that I was just waiting to kick her out. But suddenly a boy appeared in the yard who was gossiping around the village and wanted to hear why we were quarreling and teased us so that we wouldn’t drove him away, but here the lover who came before him drove him away with a stick and he ran away in tears. And my wife, leaving for the house, told me that when beautiful women in green dresses pass by me, I don’t even pay attention to them: although I love my wife very much Although he scolded, he forgave everything.

I was sitting in class and we were writing a text in a notebook, which we later read out. The notebook accidentally closed and it was my turn to read, but I didn’t find the text in the notebook and the teacher called me to the toilet, where he tried to find the text himself, but couldn’t find it and told me that I'm lying.

Mom bought herself a shop and it turned out that it was a pharmacy that dealt in medicines and herbs, but it was very old and asked her husband to rebuild it, which he did. The main thing I remember in the pharmacy yard was 2 swings for children, when the pharmacy was completed there were a lot of children there. The pharmacy is attached to the house and is located in a park surrounded by many trees. This house turned out to be someone else’s; a woman and her granddaughter lived there (the granddaughter is already an adult, about 25 years old). They seem to know me well, but I couldn’t find any analogy with my friends. This girl took a liking to my husband and she began to clearly beat him away from me, in the end she told me that my husband cheated on me with her…. but in the end it turned out that everything was wrong...

I dreamed that my ward’s father told everyone, in particular my boyfriend, about my betrayal with him.

I dreamed that my boyfriend (we have a long-distance relationship) actually turned out to be two different people. One of them came to me in my city, the other communicated with me online. (In fact, he actually came this summer). Then I dreamed that I found out that he was two people. One of these two began to mock me, laughed, called me a fool and said that everything my boyfriend said about himself was a lie. The second guy tried to convince him, was softer, always apologizing. The first guy had dark hair, a sharp face and a big nose. The second one is thin, light, pale. Then I suddenly found myself at home and began screaming as I had never screamed before. I literally howled, roared and tore my throat. I smashed dishes, I think I even threw myself at my mother and tried to commit suicide.

It is worth noting two things outside of sleep:

1) lately I have often begun to think that my boyfriend is lying to me;

2) Mom said that that night I talked incoherently and loudly.

I was walking at a dilapidated construction site, where something like a party was going on, or something. I remembered from a previous dream that I supposedly lost a dog somewhere here. I went to look for it, I remembered the path from the construction site to that place in detail. After taking a couple of steps , I saw my friend. She offered to go with me, to which I agreed. After walking another 5 meters, I begin to realize that this is a dream. And then, my friend says in a voice like in double voice acting, “Finally, you understand. I already "I've been waiting" and laughed. Or was already laughing.. It felt as if someone had possessed her then. He started telling me something, and then said that this friend was lying to me. And then he answered a couple of questions that interested me. I wanted I would like to find out what this is for, and whether my “friend” was telling me the truth?

In a dream, my beloved man on a flight (works as a truck driver) tells me on the phone that he has 3 more days to go. I meet his friend in the store and he tells me that my beloved “is standing there behind the door.” I fly out of the store and see first his father, then his brother, and finally he’s standing there. I have nothing to say, he is trying to justify himself, but I am silent. But in reality it became so painful, it was insulting. Everything in my soul tightened and I woke up abruptly

I lie in a dream and realize this, I tell a friend who asked where my husband is and he has not been seen for a long time, that my husband died of a massive heart attack and I am drawing up documents allegedly that I am a widow... I understand what I am doing. I feel shame and when I woke up I also felt horror... my husband recently suffered a small heart attack, but he feels good.

I dreamed that I lied to my girlfriend that I painted her portrait and she was very offended by me

Read all dreams

  • Tsvetkova

    lie – see lie doctor- Seeing a doctor in a dream means that soon you will listen to a lot of things, at various levels and on various occasions, not knowing how to get rid of countless meetings, meetings, etc. If a young lady dreams of a doctor, it means that in reality -for empty entertainment she will lose the opportunity to continue serious studies. If she sees this dream, being in reality unhealthy, this foreshadows illness and anxiety, which she will soon be able to overcome. If at the same time the doctor seems preoccupied and gloomy, events will turn out in the most deplorable way. If in a dream you are going to marry a doctor, this portends that you will be cruelly deceived by some swindler. If in a dream a person posing as a doctor undertakes to cure you, but it turns out that he is not a doctor at all, in reality you will have to experience anxiety in connection with a real illness. Seeing yourself in a dream as a doctor means wealth. To be a dentist - in reality, an unprecedented scandal awaits you, either at home or at work. Treating your teeth at the dentist yourself is a harbinger of imminent disappointment; you may be upset by the insincerity of your relatives. Seeing yourself at an ophthalmologist's appointment in a dream means that you are not satisfied with your life and are resorting to very sophisticated means to achieve the desired success. Seeing a surgeon in a dream is a harbinger of a threat from your business partners. For a young girl, such a dream foreshadows a serious illness if in real life she does not show due diligence and care for herself. Melnikov's Dream Interpretation

    lie - If in a dream you see a person who lies unbearably, you will be deceived in the best of feelings., Family dream book

    lie (deceive).- If you deceive someone in a dream, hiding the truth, someone will also deceive you deeply., Dream Interpretation of Grishina

    illumination according to description - Seeing illumination in a dream promises you the exposure of a previously secret connection. And although you will experience rather unpleasant moments, the state that has been weighing you down will give way to relief from the fact that you no longer have to lie, cheat and dodge., Freud’s Dream Book

    illumination according to description - A dream in which illumination was shown promises you the exposure of a previously secret connection. You will have to go through unpleasant moments, but then you will experience relief from the fact that you no longer have to lie, cheat and dodge. Dream Interpretation of Maria Kanovskaya

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    Why do you dream about deception? This means that in reality you will unexpectedly gain independence or certain privileges. Cheating yourself in a dream is worse. You will feel shame and humiliation. Dream books and specific examples will tell you how to correctly interpret a vision.

    Miller's interpretation

    Miller's dream book claims that someone else's deception promises a clash with people who, in reality, are planning to block your path to your goal. Why do you dream of cheating in a card game? Alas, separation from your loved one is coming due to an unfortunate misunderstanding.

    Did you dream about your own deception? Self-interest and thirst for profit will lead you to commit an extremely bad act, which will immediately affect your reputation. If in a dream you clearly realized the deception, then in reality your enemies will not be able to harm you.

    Interpretation from the dream book of lovers

    If you are in love in real life, but in a dream you experienced the deception of scammers, then an absurd trick will lead to a complete break in the relationship.

    Did you dream that you were trying to deceive someone? The dream book believes that you will decide to leave a dear person because of a lot of money.

    Opinion of the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

    What does dream deception mean? This is a sign that is intended to warn you of a fatal error. Moreover, this could be a banal miscalculation in calculations or a typo in documents.

    Did you deceive someone in a dream? A mistake will cost you dearly. The dream book is sure that you know about it, but you are hoping for chance. Whether this scam will succeed or not will be determined by the plot.

    Interpretation of the image according to the general dream book

    Why do you dream about deception? If you are caught cheating, then the dream book guarantees success in business and prosperity.

    Your own deception in a dream signifies your readiness to commit an unworthy act, dictated by selfish considerations. Alas, everything will end very sadly, and you will ruin your reputation.

    If you dreamed that you clearly felt how you were being fooled, then in reality ill-wishers will not be able to harm you.

    Interpretation from a combined dream book

    Did you dream that you fooled someone? in reality, you can deceive your boss for personal gain. This same plot marks a period during which you will experience a number of dubious pleasures.

    What if it turns out that you yourself have become a victim of blatant deception? Enemies will try to harm you, but they are unlikely to succeed. If in a dream you accused the dream character of deception, then the dream book guarantees you will receive a high and honorable position.

    Why do you dream about deception with money, with an apartment?

    Did you dream that you were deceived out of small money? This means that a biased attitude towards others will cause annoying misunderstandings. If the amount in the dream was significant, then troubles at work will be aggravated by the misfortune that will come to the family.

    Why else dream of cheating with money or valuables? In real life, someone will fool you so much that you will have to be rude to him.

    In a dream, deception with an apartment or documents for other real estate means that you have started a business that is doomed in advance. Someone took the car by deception? A very important plan will be thwarted due to external circumstances.

    What does deception mean in a store or at work?

    Why do you dream that you are hung up in a store? Be careful - the same thing can happen in real life. If in a dream you were not given change in a store, then get ready for real significant losses. Any deception in a store warns of the beginning of a rather difficult stage in life.

    If deception in a dream happened at work, then the interpretation of the dream is, on the contrary, positive. This means that you will achieve a worthy position, gain wealth and advance in business.

    I dreamed of an optical illusion

    Why dream of an optical illusion or simply a mirage? Seeing him is a sign of a task that will seem difficult and almost hopeless to you. But if you concentrate and carry it out, you will certainly earn respect and honor.

    Sometimes an optical illusion symbolizes a real one. This is also a sure sign that they will try to deceive you, taking advantage of extremely ridiculous circumstances.

    Deception in a dream - examples of interpretation

    Why do you dream about deception? To give an accurate interpretation of this image, you need to remember the details: who exactly deceived, how you reacted to it, how you felt, how it ended, etc.

    • deception of a business partner - a decline in business
    • husband/lover - you are too demanding
    • women - romantic adventure
    • scammer - take revenge for insults
    • cheater - misunderstanding
    • in the cards - scandal, breakup
    • own deception - self-interest will bring problems
    • deception with good intentions - ingratitude

    Did you dream that you experienced real bitterness after learning about the dream deception? No one will be able to harm you in the near future, so take on the most difficult cases.

      Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

      When in dream you were able to understand that you deceived- a good sign. In reality, enemies will not be able to bring harm. Had a dream reveal the deception? When will you deceived in dream, however, the deception was revealed, and it was possible to find out the culprit - the plans of ill-wishers will fail. The vision also predicts an upcoming promotion. See this dream several times - analyze your actions. Read more

      Dream Interpretation "owoman"

      I dreamed about it /dreamed about it lie (deceive). - If you in dream someone you're deceiving will deceive. Autumn dream book. For what dreaming Deception according to the dream book: lie- If in dream you see a person who is unbearable lies, - You will deceived with the best feelings. Fool - Fool ( deceive) anyone in dream- you too deceived. Mirage - If you see in dream mirage - this is for some reason deception.Read completely

    • Dream Interpretation "felomena"

      To me dreamed about it dream, What I I'm lying my boyfriend - like my friend is very sick, but she herself I I didn’t understand why. Today to me dreamed about it dream in which, I I met a guy I didn't know me in real life! Everything was fine with us, we walked with him constantly, had a good time, but then he began to somehow grow old before our eyes, and become older than he was! In the end I found out that he lied about his age, he was much older me, and he had it. Read more

      Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

      lie (deceive) - If you in dream someone you're deceiving, hiding the truth - you are also someone tightly will deceive. For what dreaming lie according to the dream book: lie in dream- If you you're lying in dream To avoid punishment, in reality you will behave absolutely dishonestly towards someone who is innocent. lie to protect your friend - your reputation will suffer from slander and injustice. Read more

      Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

      If in dream you are trying deceive someone, which means that in the near future you will have to play the role of a seducer pursuing selfish goals. French dream book. See in dream Deception. Deception - portends the receipt of some privileges or the acquisition of material independence, as this is interpreted according to the dream book dream.Deceive someone else - to unworthy and frivolous actions that can compromise you. Dream book of psychologist G. Miller. For what dreaming Deception in dream Read completely

      Dream Interpretation "hit-plus"

      If dreamed, What If you lie to avoid punishment, it means that in reality you will behave dishonestly towards an innocent person. If you lie to protect your friend from undeserved punishment, your reputation will suffer from unfair criticism. Dream, in which you hear the lies of other people, means: enemies will try to lure you into a trap. Read more

      Dream Interpretation "astroscope"

      Be deceived in dream, Had a dream, What you deceived- distrust, suspicion; disappointment or deception.on earth, and I at this moment I’m running away... I’m running and thinking how can this happen... How could you do this to me, lie and kiss someone else, and start, roughly speaking, taking drugs, because in real life he doesn’t drink or smoke anything at all. Waking up my fear me doesn’t leave... help me interpret the meaning sleep.Read completely

      Dream Interpretation "astralomir"

      See that you're lying For some, this is a sign that the deception will return with double force. It may also mean that pangs of remorse lie ahead. But fooling someone in dream- can indicate both that the deception will return, and that hope awaits in reality. Quite a lot of people wonder why dreamed, What I Am I sleeping? Such a dream can have several interpretations, which in most cases depend on the characters and friends...Read more

      Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

      3. I walked with a friend through the school yard and to me someone came up and started asking me questions.. if you have me someone and if possible me kiss.. I she said that meme had a boyfriend but he laughed and decided What I I'm lying so that he from me fell behind... at that moment my boyfriend came out and came up to us, took me for.Kiss in the water in dream. Hello! On the night of today to me dreamed about it dream What I I went swimming in the car with a guy I really love. Read more

      Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

      This way you can easily find out what they mean dreams Infant, or what it means in dream see Infant. look for the child in dream. To me dreamed, What I I'm looking for my daughter and can't find her. But I knew she was alive I ASU, ASU, ASU dream Read completely

      Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

      Murder in dream. Had a dream, What I to me me. I I try to calm her down, hug her, console her, but I feel that ASU, ASU, ASU to her....I'm torn between the truth and my MCH. Why this dream, help, only nightmares....HELP.Read more

      Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

      Murder of a child in dream. To me dreamed about it a new nightmare, barely moved on from the past sleep how it all happened again: I and my young man are in some kind of multi-level building, more like a house of the future (many tiers, floors, corridors and practically no exit to the outside world). We open the door, and there is this boy’s mother, all white and unconscious - Where my son, you know where he is!!! I I try to calm her down, hug her, console her, but I feel that ASU, ASU, ASU to her....I'm torn between the truth and my MCH. Why this dream, help, only nightmares....HELP.Read more

      Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

      Murder in dream. Had a dream, What I killed a friend. Was in the unknown to me place. She was aggressive and attacked me We open the door, and there is this boy’s mother, all white and unconscious - Where is my son, you know where he is!!! I I try to calm her down, hug her, console her, but I feel that ASU, ASU, ASU to her....I'm torn between the truth and my MCH. Why this dream, help, only nightmares....HELP.Read more

      Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

      Deceased grandmother in dream. I dreamed about it to me a little strange dream. Allegedly, my new colleague and I were sitting at me at home and talked about something. Then we went out onto the balcony to smoke. To me everyone is jealous. We arrive at the bus stop and realize that we can’t catch up with grandma. Already alone with my boss at my work, I tell the chief accountant that I studied accounting with him, she says, What I I'm lying. Me it makes me angry and I I start beating her severely. Read more

      Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

      birth of a child in dream. To mom dreamed, What she's calling to me, I I hang up the call, but don't call back. And then her colleagues from work call her back and tell her What I I gave birth to a girl on April 26, which seems to be all right. But because I I live with my parents in different cities, with my mother in dream We open the door, and there is this boy’s mother, all white and unconscious - Where is my son, you know where he is!!! I I try to calm her down, hug her, console her, but I feel that ASU, ASU, ASU to her....I'm torn between the truth and my MCH. Why this dream, help, only nightmares....HELP.Read more

      Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

      Murder in dream. Had a dream, What I killed a friend. Was in the unknown to me place. She was aggressive and attacked me We open the door, and there is this boy’s mother, all white and unconscious - Where is my son, you know where he is!!! I I try to calm her down, hug her, console her, but I feel that ASU, ASU, ASU to her....I'm torn between the truth and my MCH. Why this dream, help, only nightmares....HELP.Read more

      Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

      Murder in dream. Had a dream, What I killed a friend. Was in the unknown to me place. She was aggressive and attacked me We open the door, and there is this boy’s mother, all white and unconscious - Where is my son, you know where he is!!! I I try to calm her down, hug her, console her, but I feel that ASU, ASU, ASU to her....I'm torn between the truth and my MCH. Why this dream, help, only nightmares....HELP.Read more

      Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

      We open the door, and there is this boy’s mother, all white and unconscious - Where is my son, you know where he is!!! I I try to calm her down, hug her, console her, but I feel that ASU, ASU, ASU to her....I'm torn between the truth and my MCH. Why this dream, help, only nightmares....HELP. I war veteran in dream. to me dreamed What I became a participant in the Second World War, once I I almost got shot, then me surrounded by my family, but at some point they run away, and I I'll stay after what I I kill the enemy. Read more

      Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

      In a different dream to me dreaming,What I in the apartment of the ex-husband's family. Morning, I I get up and leave my room, open the door to another and see that my husband is sleeping with his older brother in the same bed, putting his hands and head on his chest, and his brother put his right hand under his head and seemed to lean away from my ex husband aside(. I left her husband and to me dreaming such in dream. To me dreamed, What I came to the former house to pick up my things. Read more

      Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

      And their parents begin to congratulate them and rejoice. I just want to add, What I I’m very afraid of this and that he actually had a girlfriend shortly before this (it seems, or maybe just lies), But I I’ve never seen her. About the dry dog in dream. Had a dream as if I I see a large dog, black and white, under a currant bush. Some strange dog. As if lifeless, dried out. Read more

      Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

      and mutant pigs in dream. Had a dream What I me. I What to me some kind of infection has occurred. I I'm going, it's dark, I Read completely

      Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

      and mutant pigs in dream. Had a dream What I alone at home and from under the bed and other places small pigs with large sharp teeth crawl out and attack me. I I kill them and am very afraid that new ones will appear soon, I look at my scratched hands and think What to me some kind of infection has occurred. I I'm going, it's dark, I a candle with a telephone under the bed, are they there?. and I want to leave. Read more

      Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

      and mutant pigs in dream. Had a dream What I alone at home and from under the bed and other places small pigs with large sharp teeth crawl out and attack me. I I kill them and am very afraid that new ones will appear soon, I look at my scratched hands and think What to me some kind of infection has occurred. I I'm going, it's dark, I a candle with a telephone under the bed, are they there?. and I want to leave. Read more

      Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

      and mutant pigs in dream. Had a dream What I alone at home and from under the bed and other places small pigs with large sharp teeth crawl out and attack me. I I kill them and am very afraid that new ones will appear soon, I look at my scratched hands and think What to me some kind of infection has occurred. I I'm going, it's dark, I a candle with a telephone under the bed, are they there?. and I want to leave. Read more

      Dream interpretation "junona"

      Interpretation dreams lie, dream lie, dreamed lie. Dream InterpretationRead more

      Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

      Killing a pig in dream. Had a dream What we are with a group of strangers to me in people's lives they slaughtered a huge fat pig, or rather a hog, because I remember that it was a male animal by perception. We open the door, and there is the mother of this boy, all white and unconscious - Where is my son, you know where he is!!! I I try to calm her down, hug her, console her, but I feel that ASU, ASU, ASU to her....I'm torn between the truth and my MCH. Why this dream, help, only nightmares....HELP.Read more

      Dream Interpretation "esonniki"

      To you dreamed lie in dream? See in dream lie- does not necessarily mean something good or bad, sometimes dreams film about recent events, namely what you were thinking about before sleep or on this day. What does it mean dream lie if you really see in dream lie and what to expect from sleep- if you ask yourself similar questions, then the answer to them and the interpretation of these dreams you will find it here.