In the shadow of the “big brother”: we select and service a used Land Cruiser Prado. We buy a used Toyota Land Cruiser Prado of the third generation Engine life of Land Cruiser Prado 150 diesel

In the shadow of the “big brother”: we select and service a used Land Cruiser Prado.  We buy a used Toyota Land Cruiser Prado of the third generation Engine life of Land Cruiser Prado 150 diesel
In the shadow of the “big brother”: we select and service a used Land Cruiser Prado. We buy a used Toyota Land Cruiser Prado of the third generation Engine life of Land Cruiser Prado 150 diesel
April 27, 2013 → mileage 3000 km

Reflections on Prado 150 diesel 3l.


Since I was told more than once that when you are on a car website, you need to write reviews, and not just laugh in the comments, I decided to check in. Moreover, as an adult, it’s long and tedious. I ask you to understand and forgive in advance... I’ve only been driving for three months, the mileage is ridiculous, so these are more thoughts about a new car than a serious report. There are no special snot from the purchase. I got what I wanted. I loved the previous Opel Antara with a 3.2 petrol engine just like this one. Prado is my first Japanese car. It is no better and no worse than its European counterparts. He's just different. And thank God we have the opportunity to choose.

First meeting.

In the spring of 2010, a friend and I came to the Toyota showroom to look at the new miracle of the Japanese automotive industry - the Land Cruiser Prado with the index 150. In the middle of the showroom, next to the already familiar 200 model, there was something subtly reminiscent of it. Both cars looked like two pregnant hippos with bulging eyes. At different stages of pregnancy. I liked the inside better then: comfortable seating and plenty of space. Although the square block with displays, music and climate control in the middle of the front panel was an immodest eyesore. In general, the car was remembered as brutally impudent. Why do we need such a handsome man, we thought and quietly tore it off.

As time passed, having proliferated in huge numbers on the roads, the car became familiar and no longer caused such rejection. Rather, I even began to like her for her manly appearance. Truly, time heals. Yes, and this unisex in the guise of modern cars has frankly become boring in recent years....

The agony of choice

What is car selection? This is a happy time when adult, sexually mature people begin to run around car dealerships, meet at an appointed place, ask tricky, and in fact, idiotic questions, sit for hours on the Internet, trying to apply other people's experience, and, finally, in the evening, with a glass in hand, understand that everything that happened was in vain, life passes by and there is simply not enough money for what you like.

Criterias of choice

1. The price is around 2 million or so, maximum.

2. Reliability and liquidity. Songs about how you only live once and you have to try everything have never really bothered me.

3. Ground clearance and cross-country ability. We are in the village all summer. Forests, fields and roads of the Tver region are a fairy tale...

4. Spacious interior, large trunk, convenient transformation. In the city we live in a house with a plot. My wife loves plants and landscape design. No further comments. The van was sold, it costs more, it rusts and spoils the appearance.

5. Availability of an Official Dealer in the city. You never know. I went to Moscow for maintenance at one time.

6. Warranty is better than 3 years. Usually something expensive falls off in the 3rd year. Sad joke.

7.Utility. So as not to cry over every bag of cement thrown into the trunk. Or a plant the size of a baobab tree. Or a dog with toxicosis.....

8. So that she can get into the garage without rebuilding the garage. And it would be nice if the doors inside did not open into the wall.

And my wife, every time peering with alarm at my face, distorted from the torment of choice, quietly asked: - So that not for 3 years, but for longer... And so that in the forest it’s straight to the mushrooms, and not to the first hole...

There wasn't much choice for me. First, as always, the Tour and the Prado. German school versus Japanese school. Of course, the Tour is good. Moreover, the discounts at the end of the model year ranged from 200 to 500 thousand. They discounted lemons on the hybrid in the Major. But my crumbs only got the initial 3.6 gasoline on springs, but with beautiful tchotchkes in the cabin. But I wanted a diesel engine with an off-road package and air, with which, in my opinion, the Tuareg becomes a real Tuareg. IMHO. I haven’t come across anything smaller than 2.5. Without all this, the car turns into an ordinary comfortable crossover, a bit harsh on the move, with its own shortcomings. It steers well, but if you want to steer, then there is a BMW for that. Well, a 2-year guarantee in these times of sharp increases in quality is nothing at all. In short, it didn’t work out and I don’t regret it. I am happy for those who drive it and are happy. I have the pleasure of seeing them nearby in considerable numbers. They ride from time to time, sharing joy and problems.

Outwardly, I am still delighted with the new Grand Cherokee. Inside, of course, it’s thinner, but still huge progress. But the dealer is new and murky, and there’s also some confusion about reliability and liquidity. In short, I decided to admire it from the sidelines for now.

That left Hai and Prado. What can I say? The High is made purely for America, and the Prado is not even sold there. Different priority markets and, accordingly, finishing and equipment. And in general, cars from different classes: crossover and SUV. They are similar only in price and Toyota nameplate. The Hi is, in fact, a large passenger station wagon with increased ground clearance, permanent all-wheel drive with a free center differential. Previously, if necessary, the diff was blocked by a viscous coupling, but in the latest generation it was removed, replaced by electronic imitations of blocking. They save. The lock button has been removed. The driver can only turn off the traction control system and watch as someone’s electronics try to slow down. That is, it sat down like that, And it’s better not to hang the wheels, It can get up, It’s a pure road car.

But inside there is a lot of space, an interior in the spirit of a Camry, wild wood inserts and 14 cup holders. I like his appearance, fit and athletic. I would like to load a whole car of relatives with children, give everyone hamburgers and cola, and go to Disneyland along a straight highway that goes beyond the horizon.... But the upcoming body change at the end of the year negates all the advantages. Again, tax, consumption, short-travel suspension and mirrors that need to be folded manually....

As a result of all the movements, an ash-gray Prado with a 3-liter diesel engine in the Elegance configuration on velor, still assembled in Japan, was purchased. Price 2174000. This is no longer an empty Comfort, but almost a Prestige Plus, only without leather, a rear diff lock and a number of electronic gadgets that are not particularly needed, such as a surround view system and JBL music. Of all this wealth, the most pitiful thing is the rear blocking. Prestige plus costs 350 thousand more. A discount for last year of 60 thousand was knocked out. Almost nothing, but this is an event for Toyota. Now about the car itself.

The majority of car enthusiasts perceive the Prado 150 as some kind of iron monster with a controversial design and an inflated price. People constantly compare it with crossovers for a similar price, which is fundamentally wrong. A crossover for comparable money will in any case be more comfortable and with brighter features. Because there is something to save on there. In the Prado, the money is mainly for the filling and for the opportunity to be, and not seem, a serious SUV. Again, there's some wiggle room because the Prado can be prepared for off-road use rather than just being hung with chrome towel rails.

The car is equipped with an all-wheel drive system (full time) with a 3rd generation Thorsen asymmetrical central differential (40:60 in favor of the rear wheels, when accelerating back it flips up to 70%) and the ability to lock the central and rear differential (in my configuration only the center), plus reduced. On a slippery winter road there is a feeling of unshakability and stability. Well, that is if you didn’t forget to put on good winter tires. All the latest cars in winter had Nokia with spikes. This time I decided to try ContiIceContact with glued spikes. Liked. The tires are quiet, comfortable, and behave well on asphalt too. But Nokia rows better in the snow.

The KDCC system helps in fast turns. When it detects rolls, it clamps the stabilizers with hydraulic locks, and on the contrary, it releases them on a country road. You enter a turn with virtually no braking. Unless, of course, it accelerated to the speed of light. If something happens, the anti-spill agent smothers everything in the bud. The main thing here is not to forget that the Prado is 2.4 tons of iron with a high center of gravity, which is why someone periodically flies away. Into the space....

The brakes, compared to 200tk, are excellent for such a car. The only thing I didn’t like was the emergency assistant. He helps too persistently if something happens. Well, at least not all the time.

I haven’t driven the big ones yet, I’m trying them out. But I tried it on broken roads and snowdrifts, only to fall into a ditch. The feeling is great, it would be something to grab onto. In general, on more expensive versions there is also a system for selecting an off-road driving mode with an all-round visibility system, but I somehow don’t need it. When I was young, I worked in the field for five years, so some skills remained. By the way, when I took the test drive, nostalgia just washed over me. Still, permanent all-wheel drive cannot be confused with anything.

The city is convenient for me. Visibility is excellent: if I sit high, I can see far away, there are huge mirrors, the interior is auto-dimming, a rear view camera and normal parking sensors. Plus, the car is quite compact: the Hai, the Touareg, and even the Murano take up more space on the ground. The lighting is also excellent: rotating xenon, the high beam is generally scary to turn on, it burns like a child, plus excellent foglights. As usual, there are no daytime running gear. Yes, I never had them. The rain sensor periodically lives its own life, but not critically. The start button is a good thing, the main thing is not to forget to put the keychain in your pocket. You can’t just turn on the radio when the car is turned off, you have to push the start button, and the steering wheel comes out. Nonsense. My Soviet engineer brain rebelled at first, then got used to it.

In motion the car is imposing. Pits, rails, everything is swallowed. Of course, this is not pneuma, you feel that you have driven something, but there is no doubt about the energy intensity of the suspension. Due to the frame, the body does not shake. In general, in a car in motion: it feels like a light tank. Which rushes along any road. The rear axle is light, but you can still feel it. Pneuma, which is trying to level it out, unfortunately comes in expensive versions. At the same time, compared to the 200, the Prado 150 steers sharper. But the Tour is of course far away. There is no particular roll or sway. Yes, Antara also went with me. The only one that's more playful. And not along such gullies. But the turning radius of the Prado is smaller, which is surprising.

Well, now let’s move on to a sore subject: the Prado is a vegetable, the car doesn’t drive. I don’t know, in the city I always have enough. He jumps from place to place, then starts to resist, but not critically. On the highway you won't get much faster at 120. On the other hand, the car is still being run-in. The first three days I generally cried. After 230 horses on a small crossover, 173 even diesel, these are tears for such a fool. But little by little everything is getting used to it and returning to normal. If at first I was confident in installing a box that increases power and torque, now I find it difficult to answer whether it is necessary or not. My driving style has changed, I’m getting older, and, to be honest, the road situation has changed recently. There is no need for power in traffic jams, and the entire Moscow highway is covered with cameras. By and large, there are a couple of places left where you can speed up for a while, and then go back to the side of the road to avoid traffic jams. And then diesel, this is, first of all, torque. 410 nm, of course, is not the biggest indicator, but for comparison, a 4-liter engine has 380. There is no particular point in turning a diesel with a slipper to the floor, the main thing is to keep the speed in the zone of maximum torque. In the case of the Prado, this is up to 3000 rpm. In climate-controlled traffic jams it consumes 13-14 liters. I traveled to Moscow for 400 km with traffic jams - the average consumption was 9 liters. It's a small thing, but nice.

The engine itself, the so-called Kadeshka D-4D. As they say - time-tested, although one can simply say - long-standing. They changed it by installing a common rail system on the old hardware. Then they installed the most gentle regime and slightly strangled it under the euro. As a result, there is enough resource for children, but not enough power. By installing a tuning box, the power is increased to 190-204 horses, and the torque from 410 to 480, simply by replacing the signal coming from the brain. Tempting. but the officials no longer welcome this as before. They scare me with the horrors of removing the warranty. The box itself can be easily removed, returning the factory settings, before the race, say, for maintenance. At first, those who installed cheap versions of the chips had problems with the Dzhekichans, but recently everything seems to have settled down. Surely the engine life suffers. But most likely the second or third owner will find out about this. By the way, the same engine is coming to Europe, but with 190 horses. We suck as always. It also helps that the engine is coupled with a very good automatic transmission. A five-stepper, but nimble and quick-witted. There is a manual mode. Of course, without steering column switches.

Regarding the hellish rattling. At idle - yes. It is what it is. There is much less inside. It rumbles pleasantly when driving, which, together with the dashing whistle of the turbine, makes it clear that you are not in a passenger car. It is incorrect to compare with modern German diesel engines. They are from different times. Accordingly, in terms of resources, too, only in favor of Toyota.

And finally, the interior. I would say it does not contradict the general philosophy of the car. Modest but decent. At the top there are soft plastics, at the bottom - what remained in the warehouse... Everything is monolithic, without cracks and gaps. Many details are in the spirit of Toyota, painted with silver. Carbon inserts. For me, anything but a happy tree. In my configuration there is very decent velor, the covers even have snakes. It is practical and convenient both in winter and summer. Leather, I believe, should be ventilated. What Toyota offers as leather is a decent G.... I really like the steering wheel, it has an optimal cross-section with bulges and is grippy. The seats are comfortable like home chairs with electrically adjustable lumbar support. What’s most interesting is that all other adjustments are mechanical. You won’t be able to go down to the floor, but the range is considerable. If you want electric, take a leatherette in Prestige Plus. Between the front seats there is a healthy refrigerator. There are carriage seats in the back, the backrests are adjustable for tilt. The trunk is a song, there is even a 220 socket. There are 2 huge batteries under the hood. Music is good for those who just listen to the radio. Sound insulation is average, I will improve it over time. The trunk door opens sideways, in the wrong direction. Japan.

To buy or not to buy. If only for the city - definitely not. For this money, any crossover will be more comfortable and handle better. You need mud, off-road, waist-deep snowdrifts. It is there that you understand why the Prado was created. By the way, our entire region is like this. The meaning of gasoline 2.7 arises if: you want it, but you don’t have enough money for a diesel engine, you’re not sure about the quality of the diesel fuel, or in winter it’s just too cold for a diesel engine. Still, diesel takes longer to heat up, and it’s cooler in traffic jams. In winter, there is a magic button that allows you to warm up the engine and interior. In all other respects, diesel is preferable. I see the point of buying 4 liters of gasoline only in the Prestige for 2.5 million. It’s more correct to buy a Lexus, which is better in everything. pneuma, and Mark Levinson. But a million more expensive. This is the policy of Toyota. Apparently we need to do a better job. In general, Toyota doesn't really like us. A rather meager choice of models and configurations, engines not deformed to comply with our legislation, small intervals between maintenance. Until recently, a diesel 200 tka was driven there every 5 thousand, tough. Thank you for doing it in 10. I’m keeping quiet about the prices. Gradually, Kruzaks from workhorses turn into something unaffordable. But this doesn’t make them premium.

But I still like my iron friend. He is a simple and honest guy. As one Prado owner said: “Every time I get behind the wheel, my smile gets wider.” I would like to add on my own behalf: the roads are becoming smoother, and the fellow countrymen are becoming friendlier. What else is needed for happiness?

If anyone has finished reading it, a low bow. Thank you for your attention. And good luck on the roads.

Toyota 1KD engine

Characteristics of the 1KD-FTV engine

Production Toyota Motor Corporation
Engine make 1KD
Years of manufacture 2000-present
Cylinder block material cast iron
engine's type diesel
Configuration in-line
Number of cylinders 4
Valves per cylinder 4
Piston stroke, mm 103
Cylinder diameter, mm 96
Compression ratio 18.4
Engine capacity, cc 2982
Engine power, hp/rpm 109/3000
Torque, Nm/rpm 286/1200-1600
Environmental standards Euro 3
Euro 4
Euro 5
Turbocharger Toyota CT16V
Engine weight, kg 260 (full)
Fuel consumption, l/100 km (for Prado 150)
- city
- track
- mixed.

Oil consumption, g/1000 km up to 1000
Engine oil 0W-30 (from 10.2010)
How much oil is in the engine, l 7.4
Oil change carried out, km 10000
(better 5000)
Engine operating temperature, degrees. -
Engine life, thousand km
- according to the plant
- on practice

Tuning, hp
- potential
- without loss of resource

The engine was installed Toyota 4Runner/Hilux Surf
Toyota HiAce
Toyota Hilux
Toyota Land Cruiser Prado 120/150

Reliability, problems and repair of the 1KD-FTV engine

The 1KD diesel was released in 2000 as a replacement for the old 1KZ. It was based on its predecessor and was intended for Toyota SUVs and minibuses. The 1KD-FTV cylinder block is cast iron with two balancing shafts, and inside it there is a forged crankshaft with 8 counterweights and a piston stroke of 103 mm. The piston diameter is 96 mm, the compression ratio is 18.4, resulting in a working volume of 3 liters.

They covered the cast iron block with an aluminum 16-valve head with two camshafts. The diameter of the intake valves is 32.2 mm, the exhaust valves are 27.8 mm, the thickness of the valve stem is 6 mm.
Adjustment of the 1KD-FTV valves is officially prescribed after every 40 thousand km, but practice shows that the clearances can remain normal even after 200 thousand km. Valve clearances (cold engine): intake 0.2-0.3 mm, exhaust 0.35-0.45 mm.
The camshafts rotate using a toothed belt; the timing belt must be replaced after every 150 thousand km, otherwise the risk of breakage increases sharply, followed by the meeting of the pistons with the valves.

The 1KD uses Denso's common rail injection system.
This engine is equipped with a Toyota CT16V turbocharger with variable geometry and an intercooler. This turbine creates a pressure of 1.1 bar excess.

To improve environmental performance, the 1KD engine is equipped with an EGR exhaust gas recirculation valve.

The production of 1KD continues, but it is being replaced by the new 1GD diesel engine.

Problems and disadvantages of Toyota 1KD diesel engines

1. Rough operation, vibration, black smoke, loss of power, knocking. All these are symptoms of a cracked piston, which periodically happens with the 1KD-FTV engine for Euro-4. As a bonus, scuffing may form in the cylinder...
You can reduce the likelihood of such troubles by loading the engine less, not chipping, or replacing the pistons and injectors with updated ones.
In January 2014, Toyota replaced the pistons and the problem was resolved.
2. White smoke, low oil pressure. ICEs produced between the end of 2004 and 2007 had a problem with low-quality copper washers under the injectors and it is advisable to replace them with normal aluminum ones.

The service life of the 1KD turbine is about 200 thousand km, and the fuel injection pump and injectors serve the same amount. These are average figures and depending on the quality of the fuel, the resource may either increase or decrease. It is recommended to clean the EGR valve every 50 thousand km or turn it off and flash the ECU to operate without a USR.
The total resource of 1KD-FTV is quite high and can exceed 400 thousand km, under normal operation and timely maintenance.

Engine number 1KD

Engine tuning 1KD

Chip tuning

It is not recommended to chip 1KD-FTV diesel engines for Euro 4, this quickly leads to cracks in the pistons and major overhauls. If you don’t care or you own other versions of the 1KD internal combustion engine, then chip tuning will help increase output to 200 hp. and somewhat improve the dynamic performance of the car.

Toyota cars have always been particularly popular among car enthusiasts in our country, which is especially noticeable in the Far East. But among the entire range of products of this automaker, the Land Cruiser Prado model occupies a special place.

Recently, the Prado body (J150) has become increasingly popular among buyers. Its popularity can only be compared with the Mitsubishi Pajero. However, even despite all the positive aspects, this car has a number of significant disadvantages. Fortunately, the development and release of this model has been going on for quite a long time, so consumers have had time to thoroughly study all its pros and cons, which greatly simplifies the choice for a potential purchase. It is about the shortcomings and weaknesses of this car that we will talk in this article.

Weaknesses of the 4th generation Toyota Land Cruiser Prado

Exaggeratedly, all the shortcomings of this model can be represented by the following list:

  • Problems with injectors;
  • Cooling system;
  • Transfer case;
  • Paintwork;
  • Body position control;
  • Starter;
  • Air suspension;
  • Oil seals.

Now let's look at some of them in more detail...

It can hardly be said that these parts fail very quickly and require constant replacement, but every 60 thousand kilometers they require cleaning. Since injectors for this machine are quite expensive, basic preventive maintenance will not be superfluous, especially if you take into account the quality of domestic fuel.

Cooling system

By 150 thousand mileage, this model has problems with coolant leaks from the radiator, pipes and pump. Due to the design features of the machine, you are unlikely to be able to carry out repairs yourself, so you will have to contact a service station. Depending on the service you choose, the cost of repairs will cost you about 20 thousand rubles.

Center lock actuator

In certain versions of the Toyota Prado 150, the transfer case actuator is considered a sore spot. This component often fails during frequent off-road driving in aggressive conditions. If the vehicle is operated in urban conditions and very carefully, then this will not become a problem. But if, when you turn on the lock, you feel a slight jolt and extraneous noise, this is a good reason to bargain with the seller.

Body position sensor

Around 100 thousand kilometers, a malfunction of the body position sensor often appears. Of course, the problem is not global, but it must be eliminated. This “jamb” manifests itself in the fact that the machine is always in the highest position. Replacing this element will cost the owner approximately 20 thousand.

Many people note the low quality of painting as a problem for this “Japanese”. For some owners, even after several months of starting to use the car, the paint on the hood and top of the roof begins to peel off and crack. That is why, when purchasing this car, pay attention to the condition of these body elements.

In some cases, after driving more than 100 thousand kilometers, the starter may need to be replaced. This problem does not apply to all cars of this model and the nature of its occurrence is still unclear. But the fact remains that for some owners, for no apparent reason, this unit fails. Moreover, this happens selectively and does not depend on the year of manufacture.

Air suspension

With aggressive and frequent off-road driving, pneumatic cylinders and the compressor may not withstand the loads and fail. Symptoms of an impending breakdown include raising the car to its maximum height for a long time, and also if the car sits motionless for a long time with the engine turned off, the ground clearance will decrease for no apparent reason. Replacing or repairing air suspension is a very expensive proposition, so when purchasing a car on the secondary market, have it fully diagnosed at a certified service station.

In general, the rubber products used on this machine have proven to be of high quality. However, this does not apply to the seals in the gearbox. At mileage of 100 thousand or more, oil leakage from under this seal is often observed. The cost of resolving the issue is not very high, but the very fact of the presence of such a malfunction spoils the overall impression of the car.

What are other disadvantages of this model?

With aggressive driving and after driving more than 100 thousand kilometers, it may also be necessary to replace ball joints, stabilizer rods and bushings, CV joint boots, steering rack, and so on. However, it is worth understanding that all this does not happen at the same time, thereby giving Prado owners the opportunity to wisely allocate cash investments for the repair and maintenance of their vehicle.

Why is Prado better than Pajero?

When choosing a car for themselves, many people sooner or later come to a comparative analysis of the Toyota Prado 150 and Mitsubishi Pajero 4. We will also note some comparative aspects from the consumer’s point of view.

  1. The Prado has a larger windshield slope. This slightly reduces visibility, but it perfectly neutralizes the energy from hitting stones at high speed, directing it tangentially. Conclusion: windows crack less often on Toyotas;
  2. Pajero has a wider range of seat adjustments, including passenger ones. For “obese” or tall people this is quite an important plus;
  3. As many owners note, the Prado has a significantly more attractive interior trim with elements of plastic and leather. This combination does not hurt the eyes and does not cause irritation;
  4. The presence of a third row of seats retractable under the floor significantly increases the size of the luggage compartment. If we take into account the fact that both cars are positioned as cars for country holidays, then this point is very important and requires consideration;
  5. If we talk about driving characteristics, they are more or less similar. Although many experts note that the Prado has a better ride, which is achieved through the use of a more advanced suspension. On our roads it feels great and smoothly goes around bumps.

Disadvantages of Toyota Land Cruiser Prado (J150)

  • High fuel consumption;
  • Large amount of transport tax;
  • High cost of spare parts;
  • Poor all-round visibility.


If you are interested in a fairly high-quality SUV, albeit with some shortcomings and shortcomings, then feel free to choose the Toyota Prado 150. You need to understand that ideal cars do not exist and you can find a whole range of problems and shortcomings in any one. Everything depends only on the personal qualities of the end consumer and the purposes for which the machine will be used.

In terms of price-quality ratio, we can confidently say that this machine can be classified as a very worthy option for purchase due to its versatility and reliability, because it can be used to perform a wide variety of tasks in a variety of conditions, without worrying about serious breakdowns, who can stop her.

The main disadvantages and weaknesses of the Toyota Land Cruiser Prado 150 was last modified: November 26th, 2018 by Administrator

Based on the impressions of car enthusiasts, we can come to the conclusion that the appearance of the fourth generation Prado 150 is far from perfect. At the same time, the rear view causes the maximum number of complaints. Many argue that the model’s predecessor in the 120 body looked much more elegant and harmonious.

Due to its overall dimensions of 4760 x 1885 x 1845 mm, the updated version seems a little “bloated” and bulky, which causes some concern among motorists who do not have experience “dealing with SUVs.” It seems that coping with such a “colossus” is very problematic.

Although this deliberate “rudeness” and “brutality” inherent in Japanese-made SUVs turns out to be only external. The quality of the body metal leaves much to be desired (when driving, you can even see how the “flimsy” hood vibrates). The shape of the headlights is incomprehensible and incomprehensible, and the sills are recessed into the body too much, which is why clothes get dirty in bad weather.

Another note regarding the car body is the low quality of its paintwork, which becomes unusable with minimal external influences. Any branch or twig that touches the car leaves its “mark” on it, so it’s better to be as careful as possible in the forest. The same can be said about the quality of stock glass, which quickly becomes chipped, which is why it has to be replaced after 25 thousand km of operation.

However, the external side of the Toyota Land Cruiser Prado 150, according to its owners, is still not without merit. First of all, there is a good ground clearance of the car, amounting to 220 mm. Also among the undoubted advantages were folding mirrors of impressive size, providing excellent visibility. In addition, most of the car owners noted the high reliability of its design and good build quality in general.

You can hear mostly positive opinions about the interior of the Toyota Prado 150. And its main advantage, of course, is its excellent spaciousness, which is a great pleasure on long trips. Also among the strengths of the car were the presence of a seat memory function, a Russian-language menu and good music.

However, in terms of ergonomics, the car's interior is far from the height that you would expect to see here. Obvious disadvantages:

  • inconvenient design of the driver's seat, which is insufficiently wide and has an irregularly shaped backrest;
  • ill-conceived location of the start button, to press which you have to move the chair far back;
  • a small number of storage spaces;
  • unbalanced operation of the climate control system, when turned on in automatic mode, an uneven distribution of air flow occurs.
  • rough leather quality.

There are also many criticisms regarding the soundproofing of the cabin. Some car enthusiasts called it “explosive,” noting that everything in it “lives” its own life, making some sounds and noises, from the rear seats to the door trim. The rear door is especially bad in this regard.

It is surprising that there are no important sensors, such as “oil level indicator” and “washer fluid level”. But the presence of access and start without a key and a 220 V socket in the luggage compartment causes the most pleasant impressions.

In general, from a car of this class you involuntarily expect something more “perfect” and of higher quality, although, if you do not make any special demands on it, the picture of the internal arrangement is quite positive.

Technical content

In terms of technical equipment, the Land Cruiser Prado 150 is distinguished by reliability and practicality, as befits a Japanese-made car. At the same time, its main drawback, according to most car enthusiasts, is the “weak” engine, which does not correspond to the powerful frame structure. This means a 2.7-liter gasoline engine, created exclusively for a calm, measured meal without any “feints” or overtaking on the highway.

Many complaints were also made regarding the 4.0-liter power unit. First of all, the dissatisfaction of some motorists was caused by insufficient acceleration dynamics. With such a sound from the engine, you want some kind of unprecedented power and torque, but, alas, this is not at all the case. The Prado with a 4.0-liter “heart” accelerates smoothly and sedately, as befits a solid and respectable car with an expressive and “serious” appearance. At the same time, compared to its predecessor in the 120th body, the car with this engine has become less “gluttonous” by about 10%. However, you shouldn’t create any special illusions about this, expecting special efficiency from the Prado. A 4-liter engine is a fairly serious unit that needs to be “fed.”

Toyota Prado 150 diesel is also distinguished by its calm nature, which affects the nature of its behavior on the highway. The dynamics of the engine in this case are characterized as “sufficient”, but those who want to “race” with someone on the track should keep in mind that winning in this case is unlikely, so perhaps it’s not even worth trying. Among the disadvantages of the 3.0-liter diesel engine, car enthusiasts noted its “noisiness.” In addition, during its operation, vibration is clearly felt in the body part and on the steering wheel. In the “set” with an automatic transmission, it works quite smoothly and harmoniously, although, with a sharp increase in speed, you can feel a slight jerk.

In general, given the above, it is difficult to say anything truly negative or negative about the Prado 150 series engines. They are as good and reliable as ever. Yes, and who said that a car with such characteristics and excellent cross-country ability should still “drive” on the roads? The purpose of its creation was diametrically opposite, so this fact should be taken into account when purchasing a car.

The car's steering has received positive reviews, however, the presence of a speed-dependent force function takes some getting used to. In addition, its operation has one not very pleasant feature: if there is a minimal slope of the roadway to the right, you need to turn the steering wheel to the left by several degrees. The greater the deviation, the more you need to rotate the steering wheel, and this has to be done while driving and at a decent speed.

The automatic transmission works quite clearly and accurately, but still a little “lazy”, which is why, even when paired with a “serious” 4.0-liter power unit, it behaves rather “average”.

Separately, it’s worth “disassembling” the car’s suspension, which most car owners called “too stiff,” which is why all the “delights” of off-roading reverberate in the cabin with jolts and longitudinal swaying.

It is worth mentioning the possibility of equipping the car with pneumatic suspension. Of course, it does not add reliability to it, and this option is not cheap, but its installation is worth it. The reason for this is the insufficient strength of the conventional suspension, which during operation breaks through to the bump stops. This does not happen with the pneumo function. In addition, the pneumatic system “swallows” all the imperfections of the road surface well, as a result of which the driving experience improves significantly.

Handling and ride quality

As befits a real SUV, the 150th Prado performs quite well on “difficult” road surfaces. Small obstacles such as speed bumps and dents on the road are “just dust” for him.

But, frankly speaking, the off-road qualities of this car are somewhat embellished. For example, the presence of inter-wheel locks can be seen only in the most “charged” modifications, the cost of which significantly affects the contents of the pocket.

But on “average” quality asphalt, the Prado is simply magnificent. At the same time, many car owners speak especially warmly about its exchange rate stability system, which allows minimizing all kinds of deviations and rolls while driving.

In general, behind the wheel of such a car you inevitably feel like a representative and influential person. This is due to the high seating position, which provides good visibility, as well as the solid dimensions, which cause real excitement and trepidation among inexperienced motorists.

The 150 accelerates calmly and smoothly, so you shouldn’t expect it to make a quick start from a standstill. And behaves appropriately in traffic. Of course, you can try to “show off” by selecting the “SPORT” mode, but you won’t get much pleasure from such a ride, given the solid mass of this “handsome”.

The off-road assist function works well on slippery surfaces. When it is turned on, the car passes through the mud without any slipping or problems, calmly and confidently completing the task assigned to it. Although, of course, you shouldn’t get too carried away in this regard, and for serious off-road use it makes sense to choose more reliable specialized equipment.

The steering wheel of the 150 is quite responsive and informative, although when accelerating it begins to noticeably “heavier”. As for possible acceleration, it holds the road well at 190 km/h, but it feels like this speed mode is not very comfortable for it. The optimal (“cruising”) speed is 120 km/h.

If we sum up the above, we can see that the 150th Prado is a fairly reliable, practical car for “a quiet ride around the city and periodic trips to rough terrain.”

Although, given the very extensive list of “problem areas” and shortcomings, objectively it should cost at least 10-15% less. Currently, you can buy a Toyota Prado 150 for an amount of about 2.5 million rubles. and higher. Overall, it is very good, although the manufacturers would do well to eliminate the gaps made during the design and production of the model. Still, I want the purchase of a car to justify the investment in it...

It all started in the mid-twentieth century, after World War II, when Japanese designers created a prototype of a utilitarian passenger SUV, based on the Jeep models that were abundant in the American occupation forces. However, they didn’t see any other worthwhile models, unless the Soviet GAZ-67 turned up by chance. Therefore, it is not surprising that their first-born was called Toyota Jeep (internal index - BJ). It is clear that in this form, suitable only for soldiers not spoiled by comfort, it did not have much success - the Americans had their own good cars, and the Japanese Imperial Army, which had previously been the main customer of all technical innovations, ceased to exist altogether. Therefore, the bet was made on the foreign markets of neighbors, especially those with the same left-hand traffic, who are in great need of new equipment after the war devastation. And the already proven platform was modernized, significantly redesigning the design, increasing comfort and generally adapting it for civilian use. Thus, in 1956, the now legendary Toyota Land Cruiser model was born (it was a series with an internal index of 20 - and the 10th actually refers to the original BJ). The solutions laid down at this time turned out to be so successful that, with minor changes, they remained on the assembly line for almost 30 years!

During this time, the number of cars on the roads increased many times, and the city streets themselves increased greatly - it became increasingly difficult to drive full-fledged SUVs, and many began to abandon such toys. In order not to lose the market and thousands of loyal fans, in October 1985 they began to produce its “younger brother” - the Land Cruiser Light (the internal index of the LJ71G model further emphasized the relationship). The main difference between the youngest was its positioning as an urban station wagon. It had a spring front suspension, which significantly improved ride comfort and handling, and some loss of off-road qualities remained virtually unaddressed. The new concept's piggy bank was perfectly replenished with a lightweight and economical turbodiesel with an output of 84 hp. and a working volume of 2.4 liters.

But still, such solutions were not enough and, by Toyota standards, sales were small. Therefore, by April 1990, a major modernization was carried out, and buyers received a completely new design and a “normal” layout - the car finally had four side doors! Such changes were considered worthy of the status of a new model, which began to be called the now familiar Land Cruiser Prado. From now on, it was a car for active recreation, because three rows of seats comfortably accommodated as many as seven people, and the still powerful frame and all-wheel drive made it possible to look down on passenger cars in their attempts to overcome the “last mile” to their favorite vacation spot.

1990–1996 Toyota_Land_Cruiser_Prado_70_001

First generation Toyota Land Cruiser Prado (1990–1996)

First generation Toyota Land Cruiser Prado (1990–1996)

A quarter of a century has passed since then, but the Prado has not lost its qualities at all, although in the mid-1990s it had to endure a severe battle for buyers’ wallets with its “countryman” Mitsubishi Pajero. Buyers primarily benefited from this competition, forcing rivals to constantly modernize their products. From the point of view of a prudent buyer, the third generation Prado with index 120, produced from 2002 to 2009, is of greatest interest now. The current, fourth generation with index 150 is made on the basis of the 120th and differs from it fundamentally only in more modern finishing, electronic filling and, alas, a higher price. Taking into account the fact that in our country they can ask for up to 1.7 million rubles for old cars from the latest batches in good configuration, the choice in this price niche for many is inclined towards the third generation - fortunately, it already has an interesting choice of engines , body types and transmissions. The Prado's closest relatives are the Hilux Surf/4Runner family, which have the same platform.


Second generation Toyota Land Cruiser Prado_(VZJ95R), produced in 1996–1999

Second generation Toyota Land Cruiser Prado_(VZJ95R), produced in 1996–1999

Trumps up your sleeve

The main trump card of the Prado of the 2000s is its combination of durability, comfort on the highway and high off-road performance. In fact, we see a good business class “rogue” with the reliability traditional for a real Toyota, high-quality interior trim and a comfortable seating position. The readiness to overcome off-road conditions is inherent in it genetically - large suspension travel, permanent all-wheel drive with the ability to lock the center differential and a low row in the transfer case. A self-locking limited slip differential was installed in the rear axle already in the basic version, and forced locking could be installed upon request. Such examples on the secondary market are quite rare and when purchasing them, diagnostics must be approached especially carefully: most likely, the car was used a lot for its intended purpose. In this case, the type of differential can be determined from the official spare parts catalog. Among the useful electronics, in addition to ABS and the active traction control system A-TRC, paired with the VSC exchange rate stability system, there was also a Downhill Assist Control system - a rare option for those years.


The third generation Land Cruiser Prado was produced in 2002–2009

The third generation Land Cruiser Prado was produced in 2002–2009

On the highway, you shouldn’t expect the same handling from the Prado as a sedan with a ground clearance of 120 mm - the dependent rear suspension with a continuous beam and a high center of gravity constantly remind themselves, although they allow you to travel for a long time on terrible off-road conditions. High-profile tires also contribute to reduced handling. The situation is slightly better on versions with rear air suspension: changing the ground clearance and the rigidity of the shock-absorbing elements allows for better control of the car at high speed. But even in this case, it is more advisable not to bring it to critical modes, but simply choose the most comfortable driving mode. Another benefit of this option is the ability to increase the departure angle (rear ramp) by raising the body by 4 cm relative to the ground, but we must remember that this will not directly change the ground clearance, since it is rigidly set by the distance from the ground to the rear axle gearbox ( on standard tires - 220 mm).

In the cabin, as mentioned earlier, the ergonomics were excellent. Compared to its most famous competitor, the Pajero, the Prado is noticeably more spacious. The secret is simple - for a frame SUV there is a very low floor level, which allowed engineers to increase the door openings so that car owners do not get their feet dirty when getting in or out. And the range of adjustments for the steering column and driver's seat is quite sufficient even for people of our anthropological type, because it is no secret that many people do not like Japanese cars precisely because of the layout of the driver's workplace for short Asians. The rear row of seats is equipped with the ability to adjust the backrest angle and, if necessary, folds into a flat floor, suitable for sleeping even in the short 3-door version. In the full-size 7-seater version, the rear folding seats will be comfortable for children, who will also enjoy a good view, but it is better to seat adults in these seats only on short trips.

Our realities

Officially, only one option was supplied to the Russian market: a five-door Prado with a V-shaped 6-cylinder gasoline engine producing 249 hp. and a working volume of 4 liters, paired with an automatic transmission. Most of the units sold were in the maximum R2 configuration. Its characteristic features were leather trim on the seats, steering wheel, transmission and handbrake control levers, wood-look inserts on the instrument panel, full power accessories including electric drive and heated front seats, cruise control, separate climate control with separate controls for the rear of the cabin, rear disc brakes, decorative wheel arch trims and roof rails. The only thing missing was the navigation system, which was available in versions for the European market. These specimens were very expensive initially, and even now they are falling in price the slowest. Therefore, a flow of used copies from Europe and the Middle East poured into the Russian market. There, the variety of equipment was simply enormous, which, coupled with the customs duties in force at that time, allowed those wishing to become the owner of a Prado, sometimes paying up to 50% less money for it. And for off-road fans, for example, this was the only way to get a diesel short-wheelbase version without unnecessary extras.

It would be useful for a buyer on the secondary market to know other subtleties in order to avoid pitfalls when choosing. The main problem when buying a Prado is the possible criminal component. This car is very popular among car thieves, and copies imported into the Russian Federation through “gray” channels have the added risk of “crooked” customs clearance. Due to the large volumes of engines, the share of customs duties after crossing the border could exceed half of the total price. Cars from the Middle East, often called “Arabs” among car owners, have a high risk of damage to the frame number due to the lack of additional anti-corrosion treatment. Let's also mention a common problem - almost all corrected mileages, fortunately, due to the high reliability of the cars, it is quite easy not to notice the discrepancy between the mileage and the age of the car. And there are often cases that it is not the previous Russian owners who are to blame for this: such fraud is often par for the course in southern countries. It is worth considering that for SUVs of this class, as practice shows, annual mileages of 40–45 thousand km are more typical than the statistical average of 20–25 thousand.


There were three main engines for the Prado - two petrol (4.0 and 2.7 liters) and a 3-liter turbocharged diesel unit. All motors have proven to be quite reliable and quite worthy of the brand, but during long-term use, several nuances should still be noted.

Top motor - 6-cylinder V-shaped petrol 1GR-FE displacement 4 liters and power 249 hp. - thanks to its large volume and power reserve, it has proven itself to be the most durable and trouble-free unit. The timing system drive here is made of a low-noise chain, which operates without problems for 250–300 thousand km, and with the constant use of only synthetic oils with a replacement interval of 10 thousand km, it can “run” all 400 thousand! Adjustment of clearances in the valve mechanism is carried out traditionally for Toyota engines of this generation using replaceable washers, and the overall quality of the parts is such that even at a mileage of under 300 thousand km, the clearances are still within tolerance. Engines up to 2004 were more susceptible to warping of cylinder heads due to overheating (often the owners themselves are to blame for this, chronically not washing cooling radiators clogged with dirt and poplar fluff). Later this weakness was generally eliminated.

More simple 4-cylinder 2TR-FE 163 hp also proved to be very reliable, but its overall service life is inevitably lower on average, since it is still rather weak for such a heavy car and in order to ensure acceptable dynamic qualities the driver is forced to “twist” it more. The service life of fuel equipment directly depends on the quality and purity of the gasoline used. With regular refueling at gas stations of reputable brands, the injectors can easily be maintained for up to 300 thousand km (the cost of a new part is from 12 to 18 thousand rubles), the submersible fuel pump assembly with filter lasts about 200 thousand km, and for inspection it is necessary to remove the fuel tank, therefore It is recommended to immediately replace the entire module assembly (8-12 thousand rubles). The water pump of the cooling system usually requires replacement at the turn of 180–200 thousand km. Attachable electrical equipment - starter, generator, air conditioning compressor - require intermediate repairs in the region of 250–300 thousand km, but provided that they do not get dirt or water when overcoming off-road conditions or when washing the engine compartment ineptly. All these figures are quite typical for Toyota power units in general, and Prado was no exception, and assessing the condition of these components can indirectly help determine the actual mileage of the car itself.

But with diesel 1KD-FTV There were many more problems. During the modernization process, its power was increased from 163 to 173 hp, but the main generic sores remained unchanged. The first weak link is the timing belt drive. Despite the recommended replacement interval of every 120 thousand km, for peace of mind it is better to do this after 100 thousand. In this case, it is recommended to use only original parts (belt and tension roller), because if the belt breaks, the valves inevitably collide with the pistons, after which it may be necessary to replace not only the valves, but also the pistons (if the engine was running at high speeds at the time of the break). And the choice of this type of drive itself causes great bewilderment - for a diesel engine this is not a very good solution. Another weak point is the turbocharging unit itself. In addition to the “traditional” resource of 150–200 thousand km, plastic gears are used in the turbine control unit, the service life of which greatly depends on the cleanliness of the air channel, which is suitable for the turbine (it is recommended to check with an oil change on a new engine). The service life of injectors and high-pressure fuel pumps averages about 200 thousand km (again, when using high-quality fuel). The cost of replacing each nozzle is about 25 thousand rubles, and for repairing a high-pressure pump they can charge up to 80 thousand.

In addition to these power units, there are Prados with a petrol 5VZ-FE (3.4 l, 185 hp). This engine was used in the previous 90 series and was transferred to the subsequent one only for use in the Japanese domestic market. In addition, on cars from the south-eastern markets there are diesel 1KZ-TE (3 l, 131 hp) and naturally aspirated 5L-E (95–105 hp) that are quite weak for Prado - it is better to avoid them and Don't be tempted by the low price.

Which one should I take?

I would also like to dwell on the choice of power unit. Despite the fact that the characteristics of the 3.0-liter turbodiesel look very attractive even against the background of its 4.0-liter gasoline counterpart, you should think carefully when choosing a used copy with a range of 150 thousand km. The benefits of a diesel engine will only be fully felt by the owner of a new car, while those who follow the risk of a broken timing belt, expensive repairs of the turbocharging system and fuel equipment, which can completely negate the economic benefits of operating a diesel engine for several years to come. Indeed, despite the high tax on 249 hp, 1GR-FE allows the use of 92-grade gasoline, and the cost of diesel fuel in many regions has long exceeded the cost of 95-grade gasoline. How can one not recall the driver’s wisdom: diesel does not save you money, it simply lends it. For fans of off-road adventures, the diesel choice is obvious in any case: huge torque at the bottom is vital there, and for everyday use of the Prado, it is quite possible to consider a more modest option with a 2.7 liter petrol engine. Fortunately, its maintenance, with a successful choice, will cost significantly less.


There are practically no problems with gearboxes - both mechanical (with a 2.7-liter engine) and traditional hydraulic automatics, provided that the oil is changed regularly (it is recommended to do this after 100 thousand km, but under difficult operating conditions it is advisable to halve the interval). Even on the oldest copies produced in 2002–2003, cases of breakdowns are rare. In 2005, during the next restyling, the 4-speed automatic transmission was replaced by a 5-speed one.

In the transfer case, problems can be caused by the electric drive of the center differential lock, and again due to the use of plastic parts in it. The price of a new assembled unit can reach 25 thousand rubles, but craftsmen have learned to restore this unit at a reasonable price. Oil seals for transmission units, CV joint boots, and hub bearings can easily last up to 200–250 thousand km when used on the highway. Other suspension parts have a similar resource - levers, ball joints, steering rods, shock absorber struts, even parts of anti-roll bars can last up to 150 thousand km! Traditionally, Toyota's weaker point is the steering shaft assembly; its connections can indicate noticeable play at 120–150 thousand km, although more often this happens after 7–8 years of operation - apparently, the lubricant in the moving joints dries out.

Another victim of age is the brakes. If you are experiencing problems with braking performance, the first thing you need to do is check the movement of the pistons in the brake cylinders and the guide pins in the calipers. You can save yourself from piston corrosion by regularly replacing the brake fluid at least once every two years (for cars older than six years, it is recommended to do this every year), and inspect and service the calipers themselves when replacing the pads. Possible souring of the parking brake cables is also a relic of time: the replacement itself is simple, the cost of work and parts does not exceed 2-3 thousand rubles.

Separately, it is worth noting the issues of operating the air suspension. The air springs themselves, unlike the products of famous German competitors, have a service life of about 200–250 thousand km, but require constant attention, since if they lose their tightness, their inflation pump starts working constantly and quickly fails - it is not designed for long-term operation. The wiring to the body position sensor and shock absorbers causes a little more problems. In the first case, the sensor will most likely have to be replaced (20–25 thousand rubles for an original part), in the second, it will cost a little money and repair the wiring harness.

A tinsmith's dream?

In terms of bodywork, only models with a spare wheel on the rear door cause typical problems. It turned out to be too heavy and its hinges gave out before the time intended by the designers. Such a defect does not threaten anything terrible, but if squeaks from the rear door are annoying, it is better to change the hinges (a simple adjustment in order to select the backlash using the VAZ method will not give much effect). On specimens intended for use in hot, dry climates, as already noted, due to the lack of additional anti-corrosion protection, there may be problems with corrosion of the bottom and frame. The unprotected pipelines of the rear air conditioning system are also at risk. And don’t forget about the number on the frame - it is highly advisable to protect it additionally without waiting for corrosion to develop. The paintwork is highly durable, and the natural darkening of headlights and chrome decorative elements is simply inevitable in our conditions.

This concludes the list of typical problems of the Land Cruiser Prado as a whole. Other breakdowns are caused by either very high mileage of cars, or damage in an accident. With constant off-road forcing, the service life of many components can be determined by minutes and hundreds of meters. However, this can no longer be called normal operation.