Causes of crunching in the ankle joint and its treatment. Simple and clear information about the treatment of diseases of the joints and spine. Joints in the ankles crack.

Causes of crunching in the ankle joint and its treatment. Simple and clear information about the treatment of diseases of the joints and spine. Joints in the ankles crack.

Orthopedic traumatologist of the first category, Research Institute, 2012

If you often have a crunching ankle joint, this indicates a violation of the integrity of bone, cartilage or connective tissue. Many patients do not attach significant importance to this symptom. They endure until the last minute and do not rush to see a doctor. Over time, the crunch is accompanied by pain, inflammation, swelling, and temperature. There is no need to lead to such consequences. Taking a responsible attitude towards your own health allows you to avoid many problems.

A crunch in a joint is just a symptom of another ailment. To get rid of it, you first need to identify the root cause, undergo comprehensive diagnostics and treatment. It is important to choose a good doctor who can get rid of the disease without the slightest negative consequences.

There are many reasons for a crunch in the ankle. This is often associated with old injuries. Sometimes a clicking sound appears due to dystrophic lesions of cartilage tissue. Women during menopause develop osteoporosis - the gradual destruction of bones. One of the symptoms of the initial stage of this disease is a crunch in the ankle joint. The early start of complex treatment allows you to slow down the development of the disease and minimize irreversible consequences.

The ankle joint has a complex structure. It consists of bone, cartilage and connective tissue. In a healthy person, the ankle may not crack when walking or moving the foot in a circular motion. If you notice this symptom, contact your doctor immediately.

There can be a great many reasons for this:

  • Age-related wear and tear of joint components;
  • Old untreated injuries;
  • Sedentary sedentary lifestyle;
  • Excessive physical activity;
  • Significant excess weight.

With age, calcium is actively washed out of the bones, but salts of other microelements accumulate there. Changes also occur in the thickness of cartilage tissue.

In a healthy person, cartilage serves as a kind of layer between the bones, a shock-absorbing element, thanks to which the parts of the joint do not rub against each other. If serious changes occur inside the cartilage, its elasticity decreases. Excessive friction inside the joint provokes a crunch.

This area constantly experiences maximum loads. Excessive physical activity causes wear and tear on the joint. If you lose sight of the problem, the consequences can be disastrous. Ankle function is difficult to restore in old age. Often such patients end up disabled. To prevent this, try to regularly undergo preventive examinations with traumatologists and rheumatologists. They will promptly notice structural and functional changes and help solve the problem.

Associated symptoms

Along with a crunch in the ankle, the patient is often bothered by pain and swelling of the ankle. An inflammatory process develops in the adjacent soft tissues, causing body temperature to rise. If you do not respond to such symptoms in a timely manner, an abscess and sepsis are possible. These critical conditions are difficult to correct. Such consequences cannot be allowed.

If you discover other manifestations of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, in addition to crunching, you should urgently consult a doctor. Visit your GP first. He will conduct an initial diagnosis and refer you to a specialist - a traumatologist, surgeon or rheumatologist.

Therapy methods

You can get rid of the crunch in various ways:

  1. Temporary limitation of joint mobility, refusal to walk;
  2. Taking anti-inflammatory drugs;
  3. Use of anti-puffiness agents;
  4. Long-term use of chondroprotectors and other drugs that restore cartilage and connective tissue;
  5. Surgical intervention to restore the integrity of the joint.

To prescribe treatment, the doctor must first make sure that there are no functional disorders - fractures, bruises, dislocations and subluxations.

For this purpose, an X-ray of the affected area is prescribed. If using this type of study it is impossible to draw definitive conclusions regarding the root cause of the problem, MRI and CT are prescribed. Such images, in addition to bone tissue, can assess the condition of soft tissues. Often the problem lies in their structure.

If a crunch in the ankle is associated with age-related changes, then it is impossible to completely get rid of the problem. Really slow down the development of negative symptoms. Physiotherapy, exercise therapy, massages, and other functional methods of influence will help with this.

Preventive actions

With age comes the realization that the body ages along with us. You can maintain vigor, activity and health into old age if you adhere to proper nutrition, lead an active lifestyle and monitor your weight.

For preventive purposes, periodic courses of taking calcium supplements and chondroprotectors can be taken. Good results are achieved by therapeutic exercises and long walks in comfortable shoes.

The clicking sounds that a person sometimes hears when walking are not always the norm. Such sounds can cause particular discomfort when they occur not only during active, but also during passive actions. But, unfortunately, not everyone knows what to do if the ankle joint clicks when walking.

The reasons for the appearance of extraneous sounds in the work of joints cannot be attributed to the norm in most situations. But this does not always mean the development of pathology, since there are situations that are simply features of the structure of the joints.

  • The crunch can be caused by:
  • structural features of the joint;
  • hypermobility;
  • bursitis;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • injuries;

congenital malformations.

Features of the joint There are situations in which Crunching in the joints does not represent any pathology

, so there is no point in being afraid of it and worrying about its appearance. It is important to pay attention to absence of pain and other uncomfortable sensations

in the joint at the time of clicking sounds, as well as at rest or under load.

Doctors still cannot say for sure why such sounds appear in a completely healthy joint. Theoretically, this is due to the fact that a small amount of gas is dissolved. At some point, gas bubbles expand the joint cavity, as a result of which the person hears a click. This the phenomenon is considered normal from a medical point of view

and is called cavitation.

After this phenomenon, the bubbles dissolve again in the synovial fluid, and the articular surfaces of the bones come closer together again.

After rapprochement, the symptom may recur, but not more often than once every twenty minutes. Similar sounds can also occur when the tendon touches nearby bone fragments

With such manifestations, visiting a doctor is not necessary, but it is advisable, since it is necessary to exclude possible types of developing disease.


Some people have congenital connective tissue defects, which result in weakness of the joint and ligament apparatus. This is especially noticeable among those people who notes increased joint flexibility.

And although from the outside such a manifestation of joint flexibility looks very interesting and fascinating and greatly helps gymnasts and circus performers in their profession, it can still do much more harm than good.

It is these people who are at risk for joint injuries, and they also need to be especially attentive to their health and, if arthrosis develops, immediately consult a doctor.

Pronounced mobility of the joints does not indicate the development of the disease, but if a crunch occurs, it should prompt the person to consult a specialist to avoid the development of pathology.

A good specialist will not refuse a consultation and will definitely give advice on how to avoid overstraining the ligaments, and will also tell you about precautionary methods and prevention of the development of joint diseases.

Joint diseases

In the event that all joints crack and hurt, then the question of what to do should not arise, since the only correct solution would be to see a doctor.

Pain can occur not only with clicking, but also with normal movements: walking, squatting, rotating the limbs.

Especially a clear symptom of the disease may be limited mobility, the inability to fully step on the leg, the appearance of sudden lameness.

All these symptoms may indicate the development of arthrosis, arthritis, bursitis or tendinitis, as well as other more serious pathologies.

The first step a patient should take on the path to recovery should be to see a specialist. Diagnostics will help determine what kind of disease is developing? and what needs to be done for a full recovery.

It must be remembered that only a doctor should prescribe treatment.

Self-medication can lead to negative consequences and worsening of the condition.


A sedentary lifestyle affects the joints, because at least minimal loads are necessary for the proper functioning of all body systems.

Most people lead a sedentary lifestyle due to working at the computer or studying. At the same time, the muscles weaken, and as a result, the ligaments weaken.

As a result of such atrophy, crunching occurs in the joints.

In case of excessive loads, joints, muscles and ligaments become overstrained, which leads to possible microtraumas and damage.

Athletes are primarily at risk of developing joint arthrosis.

In order to avoid the development of the disease, it is necessary to promptly contact specialists who can conduct high-quality diagnostics and give appropriate prescriptions for each specific case.

Treatment methods

In order to determine which method of treatment is necessary, you need to undergo certain diagnostics from a specialist in order to make an accurate diagnosis and know what exactly needs to be treated.

When accompanied by a crunching sensation of pain It is best to do an MRI of the joints, as well as x-rays.

The method of treatment chosen depends on the type of disease and the degree of its development:

  • medicinal;
  • operational;

During drug treatment, doctors often prescribe drugs to relieve inflammation and pain relief, as well as vitamin complexes.

Before prescribing, the specialist determines the need to use a particular drug, as well as the required dosage and duration of use.

Folk remedies

In addition to drug treatment, many people prefer to independently choose ways to relieve symptoms - folk remedies.

Among the particularly popular methods are compresses, lotions, ointments and tinctures.

Patients note a particularly good effect from the use of compresses and tinctures based on propolis, onions, etc.

Such exercises help strengthen muscles, have a positive effect on active points on the foot and help maintain the general condition of the body.


To avoid the need to contact a specialist, it is best to take preventive measures in advance.

The methods are simple and differ little from the general principles of a healthy lifestyle:

  1. To live an active lifestyle, avoid inactivity, but also avoid overload and hyperactivity.
  2. Daily exercises and gymnastics.
  3. Walks in the open air.
  4. Wearing comfortable shoes, avoiding your feet from being compressed by shoes that are too narrow, as well as overload due to high heels.
  5. Proper nutrition, rational menu during the day.
  6. Losing excess weight.


The article discusses in detail options for how to get rid of crunching in joints during rotation, as well as the causes of its occurrence and methods of prevention.

Meanwhile, these structures are quite vulnerable, they react to a lack or excess of physical activity, they can hurt, swell, lose elasticity and functionality.

Important: any healthy joint moves silently. Crunching, creaking and other sounds indicate a pathological process in it.

Most often, such sounds occur in the fingers, knee and hip areas. They may appear during sudden movements or physical activity. They are observed both in children and people over 50 years of age. In most cases, patients begin to experience pain and swelling of the joints. Complaints of crunching in the joints are not uncommon.

Let's look at the types of joints and the type of movement in them.

Why does crunching occur?

More often, older people complain of a crunch; for young people, it is typical after an injury. In medicine, this symptom is called crepitus.

Clicking is a physiological process and does not pose any danger. However, there are also pathological signs that indicate the presence of problems:

  • Inflammatory processes in joint tissues. Bursitis is the most common condition and is accompanied by pain and swelling.
  • Arthrosis and arthritis- the cause of various clicks and crunches, most often in the knee and fingers.
  • Salt deposits. With age, the accumulation of salts leads to the appearance of characteristic sounds in the joints.
  • Injury. The crunch can be the result of a single injury or frequent injuries to one joint.

If the joints make crunching noises occasionally, then there is nothing to worry about, you just need to reconsider your lifestyle. For example: reduce your intake of salty foods or reduce physical activity.

If such a phenomenon causes concern, then a number of diagnostic measures are needed. The traumatologist will prescribe examinations: urine test, blood test, MRI, x-ray.

Only after this the following treatment regimens are possible:

  • Nutrition adjustments - exclusion of harmful foods (salty, spicy, alcohol).
  • Reducing physical activity and stress.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (capsules, tablets, ointment).
  • Chondroprotectors for the restoration of cartilage tissue.
  • Various vitamins and microelements.
  • Physiotherapy procedures (UHF, magnetic therapy, applications).
  • Therapeutic gymnastics, exercise therapy.
  • Other types of therapy are treatment with folk remedies, manual correction.

What is the advantage of Mucosat? The product has an anti-inflammatory and chondroprotective effect. The active ingredient is chondroitin sulfate, a high-molecular polysaccharide that inhibits the process of bone tissue destruction and reduces calcium loss. When used, it gives a positive result and is often recommended by orthopedic doctors.

How to get rid

If the pathology is not advanced, then the use of medications can be avoided. The following is recommended:

  • Physiotherapy. It is the main step in the treatment of joint diseases. There are various techniques, but UHF and magnetic field treatment are more often recommended.
  • Exercise therapy, wearing a special bandage, acupuncture.

Folk recipes will help remove the crunch. Let's get acquainted with some of them:

  • Recipe No. 1. You should take 150 grams of bran, pour in 500 ml of warm milk and let it brew for a couple of hours. Use as compresses at night.
  • Recipe No. 2. Take 100 ml of fresh orange juice, mix with 100 ml of warm olive oil and apply in the form of applications for 1-2 hours.

Baths based on salt and baking soda are also used. Laundry soap placed in a hot foot bath helps a lot.

How does crunching and pain in joints occur?

Joints play a vital role in the human body. They should function like a well-oiled mechanism; if they hurt, the mechanism’s operation is disrupted.

Crunching can be a precursor to osteochondrosis and osteoarthritis. Pain, clicking, and crunching can be the result of many diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Over time, they can lead to complications, one of which is the loss of the ability to move normally, obtaining the status of a disabled person.

People in the following categories are at risk:

  • having a permanent sedentary job
  • overweight and obese patients;
  • over 50 years old, due to a decrease in calcium in the body and hormonal changes.

Therefore, if you find yourself in this group, be sure to take measures to eliminate the threat.

Strong crunch after childbirth

Many women in labor note the appearance of a characteristic creaking or crunching sound in the hip joint.

There may be several reasons for this phenomenon:

  • Firstly- muscle muscles, having increased elasticity, are subjected to strong stretching and weakly hold the articular joint. The range of motion of the joint increases, and looseness appears, which causes crunching or squeaking during physical activity.
  • Secondly— the cause of development may be an insufficient amount of collagen. What is observed with hereditary predisposition.
  • Third- calcium deficiency, as well as minimal activity during pregnancy. It is recommended to take calcium supplements. Don't forget about physical activity; physical therapy or yoga are suitable.

Localization in the shoulder joint

The culprits of the pathology are various injuries, cartilage pathologies, neurological disorders, and other causes that require treatment.

The following diseases can provoke crunching and pain:

  • inflammation of the tendons of the shoulder;
  • muscle hypertonicity (against the background of pathology or as an independent symptom);
  • cervical osteochondrosis;
  • arthrosis;
  • arthritis of various etiologies.

The first stage is to reduce the load on the shoulder. It is important to reconsider your lifestyle and diet. Later they start taking medications. Basic therapy involves the use of antibiotics in the presence of infection. To relieve swelling and inflammation, NSAIDs are prescribed for oral administration and topically in the form of ointments.

In case of circulatory disorders, the regimen is supplemented with angioprotectors - microcirculation correctors.

Electrophoresis and applications with medications (these can be anti-inflammatory or painkillers) will help relieve severe pain.

In case of pathology of cartilage tissue, chondroprotectors are indicated. They are able to stop the destruction process and improve the production of synovial fluid.

Hip area

Often, a crunch is the first sign of a pathological process in the hip joint, for example, loss of elasticity of cartilage, decreased production of synovial secretion. “Musicality” can be observed when walking, squatting, or trying to bend a leg. In more advanced cases, discomfort and pain appear.

Characteristic sounds appear when sharply straightening, when rotating the leg. They may indicate the onset of arthritis.

Excessive loads, injuries or sprains in athletes lead to inflammation, which can result in crunching.

Violation of mineral metabolism with water-salt failure and salt deposition is another culprit in the formation of characteristic sounds. You should review your diet and reduce your intake of salty foods.

Hormones also affect the functioning of joints; disruptions in the endocrine system often provoke malnutrition and the recovery process.

Crunching in a child

The appearance of clicking sounds in a child under one year of age is rarely considered a pathology. The same cannot be said about older children and teenagers.

Crunching in joints in children under 5-10 years of age may indicate the following:

  • the baby's growth is too rapid;
  • deficiency of useful vitamins and microelements;
  • violation of the drinking regime, little fluid;
  • active lifestyle, increased physical activity;
  • sports injuries and inflammatory diseases.

Sounds in the ankle joint

The task of this joint is to support the weight of a person and ensure normal movement. It is also subject to various changes, including the appearance of an uncharacteristic sound when walking - crackling, clicking, crunching. Often all this is accompanied by pain and swelling.

The reasons may be the following factors:

  • recent injuries, for example, fractures, sprains;
  • disruption of the ligamentous apparatus, damage to connective tissue;
  • lack of physical activity due to a sedentary lifestyle;
  • weakening of muscle muscles;
  • abnormal physical activity that is incommensurate with the physiological capabilities of the joint.

If the clicks do not cause problems and appear rarely, then you can observe for now and not consult a doctor. Constant clicking, crunching with pain when walking or rotating indicate osteoarthritis, which requires treatment.

Remember: therapy at an early stage will require lower costs, both material and physical. Often, only a course of exercise therapy or physiotherapy is sufficient.

Elbow joint

Sounds in the elbow during extension and flexion may indicate the onset of a disease such as arthrosis. Its occurrence is typical after inflammation or trauma. The disease leads to a decrease in the production of synovial fluid, due to this the condition of the cartilage worsens, elasticity is lost, and it becomes thinner.

Osteoarthritis provokes weakening of muscle muscles, and aching pain appears. Any movements of the arms, especially attempts to move them behind the back, cause discomfort and crunching in the elbow.

Therapeutic assistance consists of prescribing a number of drugs - anti-inflammatory, chondroprotectors, and agents that improve blood circulation. Besides, Physiotherapy is provided to relieve swelling.

It is worth noting that the result will be visible after 6-10 weeks, so it is important not to stop therapy in the early stages.

Crunching all over the body

The inside of the joints is covered with cartilage, which has a smooth structure and porosity, which ensures the active movement of nutrients. Its main purpose is to smoothly glide during movement and nourish the underlying tissues.

The articular joint is enclosed in a kind of capsule, inside of which there is a fluid called synovial or intra-articular. Without it, intra-articular processes are impossible.

Another element present in all joints are the so-called bursae. They allow you to achieve the necessary shock absorption during movements with increased amplitude.

When we walk and run, a natural redistribution of the load occurs, the components of the articular joint change their location. If there is a lack of intra-articular fluid, a “sound accompaniment” appears - clicks, crunching. The neck, lower extremities - knees, fingers are most prone to crepitus.

Crepitation associated with a pathological process, accompanied by pain, discomfort and swelling, requires immediate consultation with a doctor.


The fingers are physiologically adapted to extension and flexion. They often produce “crunching” sounds. However, constant stretching can pinch nerve endings and cause a number of problems. Therefore, it cannot be said that clicking in the fingers is less dangerous than in other joints.

Some people deliberately cause crunching in their fingers, which is associated with psycho-emotional stress. This procedure helps them relax. But is it really that harmless?

The habit is unlikely to lead to the development of serious diseases - arthritis, arthrosis, but if this idea takes the form of obsession and occurs constantly, then it will certainly harm the joints.

Be sure to consult your doctor before treating any illness. This will help take into account individual tolerance, confirm the diagnosis, ensure the correctness of treatment and eliminate negative drug interactions. If you use prescriptions without consulting your doctor, it is entirely at your own risk. All information on the site is presented for informational purposes and is not a medical aid. All responsibility for use lies with you.

Article publication date: 03/01/2013

Article updated date: 12/01/2018

Arthrosis of the ankle joint is a gradually developing, chronic lesion of the articular cartilage, in which the cartilage becomes thinner and destroyed. In the later stages, the disease leads to complete dysfunction of the ankle.

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At the beginning of the development of the disease, the symptoms are minor, inconsistent, and practically do not bother the patient. And in the later stages, disability may even occur when a person cannot walk.

With pathology, there is a gradual destruction of the cartilage surface of the joint: the disease begins with a decrease in the production of synovial fluid, which nourishes and lubricates the cartilage, and ends with its abrasion and overgrowth of the articular cavity. The onset of ankle arthrosis, unfortunately, is irreversible, but it is quite possible to slow down its development so that it never forces you to sit in a wheelchair, and you lead a full-fledged lifestyle.

Seven causes of ankle arthrosis

Seven main causes of illness:

    Age-related changes in joints and ligaments. 80% of patients diagnosed with this disease are people over 60 years of age. In those who are initially healthy and have no other prerequisites for the development of ankle arthrosis, the disease progresses more slowly and less often ends in disability.

    Obesity 2–4 degrees. Excess body weight increases the load on the joints of the legs and leads to earlier wear and tear. If a person has been obese since childhood, arthrosis can develop in him by the age of 20–25.

    Increased load on the ankle joints: professional sports (running, football, figure skating), work associated with constant standing, carrying heavy objects and long walking.

    Bone fractures in the ankle area.

    Flat feet and other types of congenital and acquired foot deformities.

    Heredity. People whose blood relatives suffer from osteoarthritis of any joints have a higher risk of developing the disease than those whose family is healthy.

    Wearing shoes with too high heels or flat soles for a long time. Almost 100% of those sick for this reason are women over 35 years of age. For constant wear, orthopedists advise choosing shoes whose heel height is equal to the length of the foot (in centimeters) divided by 7.

Developmental stages and symptoms

Many years pass from the first symptoms to the final stage of the disease (complete immobility of the joint). Exactly how much depends on the initial state of the body, the time of treatment and the adequacy of the therapy. Timely treatment can “freeze” arthrosis of the ankle joint at one of the early stages, while the cartilage is not yet destroyed and can perform its functions.

Stage 1

The first stage of arthrosis does not bother the patient too much. The only symptoms are short-term morning stiffness in the legs (no longer than 15 minutes), as well as pain in the ankle joints and leg fatigue when walking a distance of more than a kilometer. Flexion and extension of the foot may be accompanied by a crunching sound.

An X-ray of the joint at the 1st stage of arthrosis does not show pathological changes, but the process of cartilage destruction is already underway. Treatment started during this period gives the best results.

Stage 2

In the second stage, the initial symptoms intensify. Morning stiffness lasts from 30 minutes and is accompanied by lameness. Starting pain appears at the beginning of walking. The distance that a person covers without pain and fatigue in the legs is less than 1 km. When moving, a distinct crunching sound is heard in the ankles.

An x-ray image reveals osteophytes - growths of bone tissue along the edges of the joint space, as well as the convergence of the ends of the bones that form the joint (epiphyses). Treatment without surgery is still possible, but it will be longer and more expensive.

Stage 3

At this stage, arthrosis of the ankle joint manifests itself most clearly. Pain occurs not only when walking, but also with any movement of the ankle, as well as at rest. Patients are forced to constantly take painkillers, without which they cannot sleep. Independent movement is severely limited or possible only with the help of crutches. The joints are noticeably deformed and increased in volume. Inflammation is associated with ankle arthrosis, and the muscles of the lower leg gradually atrophy.

An x-ray will reveal a strong narrowing of the joint space and flattening of the surfaces of the bones that form it, pronounced growths of osteophytes, and sometimes subluxation (displacement of the epiphyses of the bones relative to their correct position). Treatment is exclusively surgical. Conservative therapy during this period is aimed only at alleviating the patient’s suffering - reducing pain and relieving inflammation.

Stage 4

At the fourth and final stage of arthrosis of the ankle joint, which inevitably develops in the absence of adequate treatment at the onset of the disease, the symptoms subside. The pain goes away, but the range of motion in the ankles decreases so much that walking becomes impossible. At this stage, the cartilage is almost completely destroyed, and the articular surfaces of the bones are fused to each other.

An x-ray shows partial or complete healing of the joint space. Treatment is the same as in the third stage.

Traditional and folk treatment

All treatment methods for this disease are aimed at:

  • suspension of the degenerative-dystrophic process in articular cartilage;
  • restoration of joint function;
  • eliminating symptoms that cause discomfort to the patient;
  • rehabilitation of disabled people and patients after surgical treatment.

Where to start?

If you suspect arthrosis of the ankle joint, do not delay visiting a doctor. Contact a therapist or a specialist - a rheumatologist. Ignoring the initial symptoms, and even more so self-medicating before making a diagnosis, is to follow the road that leads to disability. Remember that severe forms of arthrosis never occur suddenly. They are always preceded by stages when the pathological process can be stopped.

What will the doctor prescribe?

Treatment of ankle arthrosis is a set of measures that affect all parts of the pathological process.

  • To relieve pain and inflammation, patients are given short courses of therapy with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - indomethacin, ibuprofen, diclofenac, piroxicam, flurbiprofen. The drugs are prescribed in injections, tablets and ointments (gels). The choice of the optimal dosage form, dosage and course duration is made by the doctor.
  • To normalize the production of synovial fluid and improve the condition of cartilage tissue, chordoprotectors are prescribed: arthra, dona, structum, elbona, chondrolone. To achieve lasting improvement, the course of therapy is repeated 2-3 times a year. The optimal duration of one course is 90–150 days when taking the drug orally and 12–25 days when receiving it by injection. The introduction of chordroprotectors into the joint cavity has a good effect.
  • To quickly relieve symptoms of inflammation and relieve pain, intra-articular injections of corticosteroid hormones (drugs diprosan, hydrocorimzone, celeston, kenalog) are performed - on average, 3-5 injections into each joint once every 1-2 weeks.
  • To restore the mobility of the ankles, give the epiphyses of the bones the correct position and eliminate friction of the articular surfaces against each other, manual therapy and joint traction using devices like Ormed are effective.
  • Physiotherapy helps improve blood circulation in the affected limb and speed up the recovery process: laser irradiation, magnet, electrical stimulation, ultrasound.
  • To preserve the function of the ankle joints for as long as possible, physical therapy is very important. It needs to be dealt with constantly, excluding periods of exacerbation.
  • When arthrosis progresses to stages 3 and 4, surgical treatment is indicated - ankle replacement - replacement of the affected tissue with a metal prosthesis.


Perform this set of exercises daily, and within 1-2 weeks you will feel relief.

(if the table is not completely visible, scroll to the right)

Initial position Exercise Number of repetitions

With your legs straight and shoulder-width apart, slowly tilt your body forward, trying to touch the floor with your hands. Don't bend your knees. Maintain the pose for 10 seconds, then straighten up.

Place a chair in front of you and grab the back of it with your hands. Rise as high as possible on your toes, hold at the top for 2 seconds and slowly lower your heels to the floor.

Stand on your heels, trying to lift your toes as high as possible and feel the tension in your shin muscles. Maintain the pose for 1 minute, then lower your toes to the floor and rest.

Standing, holding the back of a chair with your hands

Place one foot on your toes. The second leg is straightened and the entire foot is on the floor. Slowly change the position of your legs, holding one position for 30 seconds.

Diet for overweight

The higher the body weight, the more severe the arthrosis of the ankle joint and the less treatable it is. Diet therapy for arthrosis of the legs is aimed at normalizing weight and metabolism.

Eliminate high-calorie foods from your diet, especially fatty meat, sausages and fast food. Instead, try to eat green vegetables, cereals, especially those with bran (oats, brown rice), chicken and quail eggs, poultry, sea fish, dairy products, baked potatoes.

Traditional medicine

From what traditional medicine offers for arthrosis of the ankle joint, the best effect is provided by compresses from canned bile and bischofite in courses from a week to a month.

How to make a compress: soak gauze, folded in 4 layers, with medicinal liquid, apply it to the joint, wrap it with a layer of cling film on top and secure with a bandage. Remove the bandage after 7–8 hours, rinse your foot with water and apply cream. Repeat until you feel relief.

Owner and responsible for the site and content: Afinogenov Alexey.

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A phenomenon such as a crunch in the ankle joint is often observed, usually heard during active physical activity, and sometimes at rest.

Sometimes the crunch is accompanied by pain and discomfort in the joint. Often the ankle joint cracks or clicks after an injury, bruise or bad fall.

But if the crunch persists for a long time, occurs more often even at rest, and the pain intensifies, you should consult a doctor - inflammation may be developing, requiring serious treatment.

Why does my ankle crunch?

Physiological causes of crunching are defects in the connective tissue of the joint. They can form for a variety of reasons.

  1. Age-related changes in the ankle joint. The tissues of the joint have simply worn out and can no longer fully cope with their functions.
  2. Injuries - with dislocations and sprains, the ligaments weaken, the ankle joint becomes pathologically mobile, and its structure is disrupted.
  3. Great physical activity - lifting heavy weights or active sports can provoke a crunch in the ankle joint.
  4. Sedentary lifestyle. In this case, the joint tissues are weakened and atrophied, so even when performing simple movements without load, the joint crunches.

Often the joint crunches and clicks with the development of articular pathologies of various natures.

What diseases cause crunching in the ankle joint?

Deforming osteoarthritis of the ankle joint is the most common disease in which atypical sounds are often heard in the ankle joint, both during movement and at rest.

Arthritis, arthrosis, bursitis, tendonitis - all these diseases can also be suspected, especially if unpleasant sounds are accompanied by pain and swelling, and impaired mobility of the limb.

Any joint pathology in the absence of timely treatment leads to numerous complications, the most dangerous of which is blockade of the joint, its complete stiffness and, as a consequence, the loss of the person’s ability to move independently.

Therefore, with such an alarming symptom as clicking and crunching in the ankle, you need to find time to visit a doctor.

Treatment methods

Crunching in itself is not a pathology - it is only its manifestation. Therefore, treatment cannot begin until an examination has been carried out and a diagnosis has been made. For this purpose, MRI or radiography is prescribed. Having received an accurate idea of ​​the condition of the joints, the doctor will determine further treatment tactics.

Joint diseases can be treated both conservatively and surgically.

  1. Conservative treatment methods. First of all, pain is eliminated with the help of internal medications. Various ointments with a warming, anti-inflammatory effect are used externally - for example, indomethacin. Chondroprotectors are definitely needed - medications that protect cartilage from destruction and accelerate the restoration of its tissues and functions. Preparations containing hyaluronic acid replenish the low amount of synovial fluid - it is located in the joint cavity and nourishes the cartilage. You should prepare for long-term treatment; such medications do not work immediately.
  2. Surgical treatment is required if the patient consults a doctor too late and the disease is already in a very severe stage. Or if conservative methods are ineffective and the pathology progresses. An operation to level its surface, which becomes rough and dry due to insufficient nutrition and pathological changes, will help restore the function of the joint. In some cases, on the contrary, you need to immobilize the joint forever - this operation is called arthrodesis. But more often arthroplasty and endoprosthetics are performed - replacing worn-out articular elements with new, artificial ones.

Preventive actions

In order to prevent the development of joint diseases, it will require much less financial and time expenditure than later on their treatment. If a person is involved in professional sports and cannot reduce the load, doctors recommend regularly taking nutritional supplements that help strengthen the ligaments and maintain their elasticity.

An excellent prevention is therapeutic joint exercises. It is recommended to perform the exercises every day, in the morning - this tones the muscles, improves blood circulation and develops joints that are often stiff after a night's rest.

A specialist should select a set of exercises taking into account the patient’s physical capabilities; they can also be performed at home.